Thursday, October 23, 2014


Rain on Monday
Elder Rigby and I

Elder Belani and I, Don't we look good? New Best friend!

Abandoned apartments

Window Decor

Both of our Pez's

I love momma's soap!

I love Dad's animal cookies!

Elder Gray and I


Weekly Email 10/13/2014-10/192014

Hey y'all,

This week was crazy! But it seems like it flew by!

Today ended with a huge rain storm!! We got soaked running out with our groceries and got stuck at the West Elder's apartment because it was so bad. I guess there was a hurricane on the coast? Elder Davis, Elder in my district at the MTC, said that he was in a wal-mart when the roof got ripped off!! That's so crazy! It's rained 3 times so far, guess I will need a rain coat after all

Today was Zone conference! I got to see Elder Boehme, Guiterrez, Row, Belani and tons of other people! It was great to see how their first week was. Elder Zuick from the Seventy came and pretty much said we sucked, but really did motivate us a lot! We also found out that within the next 60 days we will all be receiving iPad's! So that's pretty sweet. It was awesome to just spend the whole day with other missionaries, hear testimonies, be in the presents of a general authority and just feel the spirit the whole entire time. Definitely was motivating.

Today we didn't have much luck tracting.. until the last house. We met a guy named Benjamin who is a college student at USM. He had never heard of the Mormon's so that is pretty sweet. We also were able to give him a Book of Mormon and teach him a little bit about it. He said that he was really interested and wanted to learn more! I am excited to see how it goes!

Today we got fed twice! We went to Pastry Garden for the first time. Bro. Hinton, a guy in our ward, owns it and he feeds the missionaries every week. I got this huge sandwich with fries. It was so delicious and he was so funny to meet. He reminds me of my dad. He is tall and bigger guy and just so goofy. Always wants to have a good laugh. :) We also got fed by this older couple in our ward that night. They are the Brock's. He is the 2nd counselor on the bishopric and a convert to the church. It was great to get to know them and hear their conversion story. They made us this delicious chicken casserole, cheesy rice, green beans and rolls. I was full tonight, I slept great!

Today we taught Trikeshia again, she is really progressing and we taught her in depth the Plan of Salvation. She loved it and never had heard some of the things that we had taught. She grew up baptist and never understood this before. It was a really spiritual experience. I was definitely guided by the spirit in this lesson because I can't remember what I even said afterwards. Tonight we went to the Bishop's house. He has a huge mansion, private road and even has his own lake that you can fish out of! We helped him move his couch and piano. He couldn't believe how strong I was. I took 2 elder's on one side and me on the other, haha it was really funny! He fed us pizza and then we had a short spiritual thought that Elder Gray provided. Found out the Bishop is loaded because he is a general surgeon. He thought it was cool that I wanted to become an Anesthesiologist!

Today we had exchanges so I was with Elder Gray, we did a lot of tracting and I led a lot of it. He was really impressed that I had only been out a couple of weeks, I didn't think I did that great, but whatever. I'll take the compliment. We had tons of fun though, we went to the USM campus to try and meet people. We even went to these ghetto apartments that half of them looked like they were abandoned. We tried meeting with a few potentials and none of them were home. As we were leaving this black guy stopped us and said "You need to go teach some white people, us black people are all good. We know what's up..." Then he paused and then laughed and said "just messin with ya" and told us he likes what we do and appreciates it.

Today I had to talk in church. It went really well. I didn't really get to prepare but it didn't matter after I got up there I was just guided by the spirit. I talked on mission preparation and totally went off what I had planned. It's crazy to hear and see what you say as you are guided by the spirit. A lot of people said that I did pretty good, I could feel the holy spirit in that chapel, I bet everyone else could too. It was a great Sabbath Day, felt the spirit a ton and I am so motivated for these next weeks of working hard!

Mississippi is great. It's getting less humid and hot. It feels great. The people here love Jesus but it is hard for them to understand why our church is the true church. I am getting a lot more comfortable here and getting used to it. I am getting to know a lot more members in the ward and getting closer with them. Thank you  for the packages and the letter, they help me a lot and keep me motivated. Crazy to think how fast times flies each day! I am getting to know the gospel so much and I appreciate so much what I have at home. Well that's it for now, thanks for all the support. I love and miss you all!!

-Elder Mason Rankin

Monday, October 13, 2014

First week in Hattiesburg

Hey y'all!
When we arrived in Hattiesburg, I dropped of my stuff at the apartment and my bike and went to buffalo wild wings for dinner! It was my first time but it wasn't bad. I guess it's half off wings that night. We have Elder Gray, Burningham, Belani and Benson as our other Elders in our district. My comp is Elder Franklin from West Haven, UT. He is a week older then me and he throws javelin for track! After dinner I got groceries and we headed back to the apartment! I got unpacked and settled in mostly and was ready for bed!
Woke up early and went to this tiny gym in the apartment complex to work out in. Nothing like Gold's Gym back at home. Made a smoothie for breakfast with our sick blender and then got ready for the day. Today we had district meeting so we got together and discussed investigators and learned about faith. Then for lunch we went to this Chinese Buffet called Super King. The chef cooking the stir frys talked to me and I told him about mongos and how I used to be a grill master. We got his contact info and now Elder Gray and Burningham are going to teach him because he isn't in our area. Then I had my first tracting experience. The first door I knocked on some lady answered and said "not going to happen" and continued to slam the door in our faces. I later learned that usually doesn't happen. haha We met Gary, an investigator, and he seems really interested. After a long day of tracting and trying to find people to teach I was ready to sleep. The next day was even harder, little did I know.
Today is "thirsty thursday." Everyone in the mission has to walk or ride bikes and limit their car use. So all day we rode our bikes. It was super hawt and I was sweating like crazy. The best thing that happened today was that we met this lady Elaine that was cleaning her yard of tree clippings. We went up and she immediately said "I don't want to be a mormon." We then offered to help her and she began to soften her heart. After cleaning it up we taught her a lesson and found out she was baptist. We gave her our number and a Book of Mormon and she said she would read it and call us after we were done. She tried paying us but we refused and said it was service. Instead she gave us Mountain Dew haha! One thing that struck me was she said that we have a certain glow about us. Like a glow that christ would have. I also met an old investigator named Trikeshia! We invited her to church and she said yes and she has a baptism date set for Nov 15th! I hope she follow through and gets baptized. She is in her late 20's, lives in a small home and has 6 kids by herself!! I'm excited to teach her more. At the end of this day I was so tired!!
 Today I felt wrecked! So tired, we got a new investigator today named Sarah. Red-head from Tenesee and Elder Franklin thinks the only reason she was interested was because she thought I was cute! haha she wouldn't stop staring at and it was awkward! Hopefully she is really interested! We also met with a less active name Randy! It was great teaching him the restoration and he said he would come to church!
Met with Trikeshia again and she is loving the gospel! She progressing so much and she is for sure coming to church tomorrow!! The best parts of my day was teaching her and then teaching a Less active named Sis Davis. She has a husband that is missing and tons of problems in her life. Made me so thankful for what I have at home. We brought the spirit with us though and she agreed to come to church!
The entries keep getting shorter because of time. But Trikeshia came to church and so did Sis Davis! Trikeshia is bringing the whole family next week. The ward here is tiny, made me appreciate the one I have at home. haha the stake president was there and I met him. He look like carlton off of Fresh Prince. My favorite part of today was teaching a guy named Blue. He is a grandson of a less-active. He smokes and drinks but desires to change. We taught him and as the lesson went on it got even better. I was finally in tune with the spirit. I was pulling scriptures out of nowhere, quoting scripture and testifying with confidence. There was no way those were my words in that lesson. His younger brother was even interested and joined us! They are both awesome and we plan on teaching them on Friday this week.
Life is good here but it is hard. I have learned to appreciate so much what I have at home. The homes here look like they could fall but the spirit the people have inside them is amazing. I know now why my dad is always tired. Because he went on a mission. I will hopefully get over it eventually but the time flies when you are working so hard. The members faith here is strong. They have to be with all the opposition here. I am learning to love the people here more and more. I have come to one of the greatest missions ever. I am so excited to see what happens in these next week here. Maybe a baptism or two? We will have to see. I am safe and sound. I love and miss you all so much!
Elder Rankin

Friday, October 10, 2014

Handwritten Letter from Mason He made it to Hattiesburg.

Friday Oct. 10th we received an awesome handwritten letter from Mason.  We wanted to include some details from it for the family and friends.
  • His companion is Elder Franklin from West Haven, Utah. He is fairly new also and has been out there only 6 weeks.
  • The area they are in has been closed for a few months, so they have a clean slate with lots of work to do.
  • He went grocery shopping with his companion to get groceries for the first time and realized that your money doesn't go very far.  (we laughed a little at this, since some days it seemed he was eating us out of the house)
  • He had his first district meeting and his district has 4 sets of companions in it. 6 elders and 2 sisters.
  • He has had his first experience with knocking on doors tracting.  He said everyone seems really nice.
  • There are 4 wards in the area but there are a lot of inactive members.
Can't wait to hear more from his first week.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Pictures from Sister McDonough

Thursday Oct. 9th We received a wonderful email from Mason's Mission President's wife Sister McDonough.
It was great to hear from her and see the pictures she sent us of Mason and the 17 missionaries that arrived.
Here are the pictures she sent.

New Missionaries Arriving Oct. 6th

Mason made it there!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

He has arrived in Mississippi!

Mason with President and Sister McDonough
Hey y'all!
After two flights yesterday and a long day I am finally here! It feels so amazing!

Today we taught sunny and we got her to read the Book of Mormon and have a deeper meaning to it. I feel that it went really well and we are making progress. Today is Tuesday so we get a general authority who comes and speaks for a devotional. His name was Bro. Schwitzer. We learned a lot about the commandments and loving everyone. We can soften peoples heart if we show them love and show them how commandments can bless you!

Sis Smith taught a great lesson today about the Book of Mormon. She related the Book of Mormon to worldly things. Do we treat the Book of Mormon as if it we Mustard in the fridge or a Million Dollars? Something that we search for so diligently and seek to find. Today we had more gym time and Elder Boehme and Smith and I killed at volleyball! I love it! As zone leader we get to greet the new Elders and Sisters and it was so awesome to meet them! They are headed to Vancouver, Canada. Not Calgary Grandpa, haha. Then after we came back to the residency and had a zone prayer and Elder Robinson shared a story that brought the spirit so strong. When his dad was in college he was prompted to go look in the pool outside his apartment. He ignored it three times until the fourth time he finally went to go swimming. As he walked to the pool he saw splashing and he found that there was a 2 year old boy drowning in the pool, he immediately jumped in and saved the boy. We need to learn to recognize the spirit and listen to the spirit. Because we don't know what could happen if we don't

Today was such a long day!! We had 8 hours of in-field orientation where we learned to use members to get referrals and learn the importance of planning. Elder Boehme talk our new investigator Eric for the second time. The spirit was so strong as we taught, that it guided to say things we never thought we could and open scriptures I don't even remember learning. He was having some doubt in his life and I suddenly thought. Teach about when Peter doubted and fell into the water. He knew what we were saying is true. He committed to baptism and to pray and he even said he would try to watch general conference and I talked to him about how great it is to have a Prophet today on the earth. The savior is there to grab is immediately and help us up. We just need to have faith.

Today was our last day to teach all our investigators and have class. Sunny committed to baptism in a month and Eric is still wanting to meet our goals we set for him. He will have new missionaries next week to teach him. But our last lesson was great just getting to talk to him and hear how he feels and I know that he will get baptized. It's crazy to think how fast it's gone by and I've grown so much! I am excited to get our there.

Conference!! This was the first that I get to watch all the sessions live in a row! I was awake for the whole thing. Haha mom probably knows I am bad at this, but I almost lost my badge today. It fell off at lunch and I thought Elder Davis took it but later I found it. Dallin H Oaks gave a great talk and talked about loving one another. Utchdorf's talk was probably my favorite the whole day. "Where or treasure is, or hearts is also." I loved to hear him talk but tonight we started packing and it made me sad that I am leaving my zone.

Today was general conference all day again and a devotional that night by Brother S this Samoan
guy that played for BYU and Green bay and Philadelphi. I can't remember his name but he gave a great talk! I also loved Elder Bednar's talk and how he addressed the world and not just the members. Then after we got to watch the Character of Christ again and it was just as amazing as the first time. Just always remember to look outward, instead of inward more like Christ would. Tonight we finished packing late and the 3 that were leaving the next morning got blessings. I picked our district leader Elder Taylor to give mine. I thought maybe I should tell him some concerns that I have on my mind, but I forgot and he gave such an amazing blessing. Everything that I needed to hear was in the blessing. He even said a line from my patriarchal blessing and I just know that the Holy Ghost is true. The Holy spirit is here to bless all of us in guidance and direction if we are in tune with the spirit. Such a testimony builder.

Woke up at 3:30am for our early flight. My zone even woke up with Elder Boehme, Davis and I to help us with our luggage. I love them and certainly will miss them! We got to the airport at 6 and then finally got through the airport at 7. My bag was a little over 50 pounds and the lady didn't even make me pay extra! What a nice lady! My first time flying was  pretty good. Not too crazy! I met this other Elder that is from Fiji that is coming with us named Elder Nabulivula. He is one of the nicest guys ever and I also made friends with Elder Row from Cali and Elder Quiterez from South Jordan. Elder Beckstrom was also with us and we have been having fun together. We arrived and met Pres and Sis McCdonough. They are so awesome!! We had dinner and a devotional and introduction for us. Then we went to the mission home to stay for the night and played ping pong. Yes, I did beat everyone. haha it was fun to hangout with all the other Elder's and get some good sleep!

I am finally here and having such a great time! I can breathe so well and everything here is so green. Everyone is so friendly and I can't wait to serve. I will be serving in the Hattiesburg area with my trainer Elder Franklin. I heard he is pretty awesome! Well I got to go. But I'm safe, I'm doing well and I am loving it here. I miss you and love you.

Elder Mason Rankin
Mason with Elder Nabulivula
Flight to Mississippi

Early bus ride to the Airport

Monday, October 6, 2014