Just want to send and update. I am not going to go through the past 2 weeks just hit some highlights of the last 2 weeks.
So the week before Christmas we were really pushing "He is the Gift" and we have had some good success with more people being more accepting to that then other things. We went to the mall one night because it was raining and we tried to pass out as many cards as we could. I passed out like 10 cards and had good conversations with lots of people. I hope that all of you shared the gift with anyone that you could.
Christmas week was great! The ward was really giving and took us into each of their families :) On Christmas Eve we were at the Hinton's house. One of the greatest families ever! Bro Hinton is just like my dad, so of course we had a lot of good laughs with how goofy he is! We also got some sweet pajama's from them and a delicious dinner. After the Hinton's, we went caroling with a couple of the sister missionaries and dropped off different goodies, that the Hinton's gave us, to less-active people in the ward and even some complete strangers. It was a wonderful Christmas Eve, one I will never forget!
Christmas was super fun as well! We woke up and opened presents with the other Elder's, thanks for all the wonderful gifts and cards everyone sent! I made pancakes that morning and we just had a good relaxing morning. Then we went over to Bishop's house to skype. While waiting to skype, I shot my first potato gun. The Bishop made one a few weeks ago so we were having fun with that, eating all this good food he made and then air hockey. Skyping my family was so great, I loved seeing each of their faces. Made me miss them a lot, but I think I will be okay. I was happy to see them all wearing their shirts. Even if some of them were a little big :) Then that night we went to the Timothy's and had a great night with them and lots of good food! Tons of protein and they even had the little hot dogs that dad makes and the meat balls with the good sauce. Then we got to talk with them and they even gave us presents. They bought each of the Elder's new Gold Toe socks and the sisters got pj's because they didn't get any on Christmas eve. Such a wonderful day, I will never forget my first Christmas in the field.
Now it is almost New Years and I have set some goals for myself. I really believe I can meet them but they are going to make me stretch a little! haha So I am staying in Hattiesburg East again for another transfer with Elder Franklin. I think he will be leaving this next transfer though. Elder Gray is gone and I am sad, I am going to miss that guy! He was a great district leader and I will always look up to that kid. He heads home on my birthday this year so that will be fun for him! This next transfer should be a great one, I am ready to just work super hard and all of investigators are coming back into town so that should be good.
I hope y'all were able to come closer to our savior as much as I have. He is a blessing to all of, without him we would not be able to return to our father once again. His atonement is an amazing thing. When we need peace, we turn to our savior and we will find it. I also hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and have a great New Years. Better yourself, set those goals and see them through. May God bless y'all into this New Year. I hope y'all have a great day. I miss y'all and love y'all as well!! :)
Keep on smiling!
Elder Rankin