What a great week, hope y'all had a wonderful week as well!
I started the week with P-day and it was super fun because the sister's wanted to play tennis so I finally got to show off my tennis skills! Ha Ha everyone was surprised how good I was! I beat everyone, but we all had a good time.
Wednesday we headed up to the AP's to go on exchanges with them and also pick up my new son the next day. They are pretty sweet elder's, they really know how to missionary. That next morning we woke up early and went to get my son! I walked in and he just laughed for a good 2 minutes, I told him to say something, his first words to me were "My daddy big!" hahaha he so awesome, I love him! He is a rugby player and has a position on the All Black's junior team when he gets home from his mission. He has a broken nose from rugby and it causes him to snore so loud! Louder then dad :) I taught him how to make a grilled ham & cheese and he loved it! I also made BBQ chicken the other night and he loved it a lot. We were walking home and we passed a Wendy's, so obviously I had to take him in to get his first chocolate frosty ever! He loved it so much! I taught him how to say "holla", "legit" and he is teaching me fijian. I've got a little bit down, not much though! I would love to become fluent in it.
We have been tracting a lot trying to find people, but the other day while we were tracting I saw a wallet fall of the back of a car as it pulled around a corner so we went and picked it up and I found out where the owner lived. We went and returned it and they were so happy to see us! They were so happy to get their wallet back and we even got to share a short message with them. They happily took a Book of Mormon, committed to read and we will go back and check how they liked it. The Lord provides. Never would've met them if it wasn't for that wallet.
So one thing I have been working on is talking to everyone, so the other day in USM. I was able to teach a young man named Zac. He was sitting right behind Elder Lesuma and I and before we left we started talking and I was able to get his number, teach him a little and share a scripture with him and he even prayed with us in the middle of the library. Got some weird looks but, a great experience. Talking to everyone is going good, you never know who is looking for the gospel and just needs someone to tell them about it.
We found Lamar!!!!! He has been so busy the last forever but we finally caught him at his mother's house and he told us he wants to come back to church and also wants us to teach him again. I really hope we can get in contact with him this week! He realized we truly did love him and when he saw that we had been worried about him and thinking about him, he desired to come back.
Alright so all of yesterday was so good!! Sacrament meeting had some great talks, Sis Asay and Sis Huston (Boise girl) spoke in church and had some great talks. Sis Giddin's also sang, she killed it! She sounds like Gladys Knight and it always brings the spirit into any room. After that we had a great class where we learned about Our Heavenly Father. When we understand our Heavenly Father and who he is, we understand who we must become. Elder's Quorum was good as well because we talked about personal revelation. It was really good because a lot of the Elders in our ward are young married men and they talked about a lot of decisions they had to make in the past couple years where they need to ask god what to do. Decisions that I will have to make in the years to come. Then that night we went to a youth fireside that was about missionary work and it was wonderful. It rekindled my fire to work with all my heart, might, mind and strength. Seeing the youth, I remember when I was sitting in their seat, and looking how far I have come. I am so thankful I have come on a mission, I have grown so much because of it.
I had a wonderful week and a lot of good experiences. I am so excited to train Elder Lesuma, he is a great Elder and I look forward to all the experiences we will have in the future together. We are going to help so many people here in Hattiesburg and touch the lives of many. He told me I have to come visit him in Fiji after the mission! That would be so fun! I pray y'all have a good week this next week. I am doing great, I miss and love y'all. Have a blessed day!
Keep on smiling!
Elder Mason Rankin