Friday, February 26, 2016

I'm BACK!!

 Hey y'all,

I don't have much time today, but I just wanted to shoot y'all a quick email telling where I am and stuff from transfers.

I met up with the greenie's in Atlanta after my layover there. There were 9 sisters and 4 elders. They didn't understand why I wasn't coming from the MTC, it was funny. Guess who else I saw? Bro Hilton! He was traveling to Rhode Island and didn't recognize me at first when he saw me. It was funny. When I got there we had an early dinner with everyone and then I got to serve in Brandon with the Zone Leader, Elder Rigby. We had a fun time, taught a few lessons and laughed so hard. He came out from the MTC with me and it was good to catch up. The next day was transfer day and it was crazy to see everyone. Elder Ross, Elder Lesuma, Elder Beckstrom, Sis Mitchell, Sis Kelly, Elder Boehme, Elder Nuku.... I saw so many people! They were so happy I was back! After one long day of being on the T-van, I made it to..... Gulfport, MS! I am going to be serving in the Waveland area with an Elder Magleby. He's been out about 7 months and is from Lindon, UT. We already get along so great and are excited to work hard. Plus, Sis Uffens is serving in the same ward again. She was so excited to see me. Waveland is pretty awesome so far. It flooded our yard last night, from all the rain. Another part that is awesome is that we get to go fishing here on P-days! I'm going to try and catch a shark  or something. I don't know, but I am excited. Don't worry Mom, my knee is doing good, the flights went okay and I am all safe. You can breathe now :) Anyways, I better get going because we got a full day. Supposedly  this area hasn't been worked in a while because some stuff happened, so we are starting from scratch. We need to find some investigators. So pray we find some and have a great day. I love y'all and appreciate all the support. I wouldn't be here without y'all, I am always reminded how lucky I truly am. Thanks again, I love y'all so much!!!!

Elder Mason Rankin

Mason flew out on Monday the 22nd at 5:30am.
It was bitter sweet.... but we are excited he is back in the field.

After an all day flight he met up with the other missionaries in Atlanta.

Greenies at the Airport

Transfer day!