I got all settled in this last week and we started off strong. Thursday
we got a few new investigators. Stonewall is way nicer than East
Hattiesburg, so it felt kind of different but it was good. We tracted
into a few people and taught them a little bit about the Book of Mormon.
One lady specifically was an older lady name Brooks. She had a son that
died a few years ago and didn't know if she ever would see him again. I
shared my testimony about the Plan of Salvation and invited her to read
a pamphlet about the Plan. She promised to read it and we are gonna
follow-up with her and see how she feels about it. Later that night, we
went on splits with Bro Larsen. A nice, young guy from Utah. He is an
optometrist and is a super great guy. We went to see a few people on his
home teaching. Some of the people on his route hadn't been taught in
forever, so hopefully they hadn't moved. We came to one and yep, they
had moved. We offered to come in and share a message with them though,
and they accepted. They also accepted to read the Book of Mormon and
have us come back again, hopefully it goes well when we follow-up!
was interviews alll day! We didn't leave the Shreveport building until
after 9 that night. It was good to talk with President though. He does
so much for us and truly is a blessing. You can't find a better mission
president! He is great, I am going to be sad when he leaves in July :(
we taught our investigator with a baptismal date. He has a lot of
things to work through before he gets baptized but he has the desire to
get baptized still and knows that he can make it. We showed up and Elder
Meyer already knew that he had relapsed... Yep he fell back into his
old ways, but he remember the repentance process and was starting it
again. He truly understood what he did wrong and wanted to change. We
taught him about Plan of Salvation and recommitted him. I pray that he
can get over his struggles and work towards baptism. We also got to
teach our recent convert, Landon. Elder Meyer baptized him a few weeks
before I got here. Super nice guy, 15 and full of the spirit. We taught
him about the priesthood and helped him understand the breakdown of
priesthood leadership. It was a great lesson and great day!
to Sunday! What a fabulous day! We woke up early to head to Ward
council. We got picked up by Bro. Culpepper. He is a retired fireman and
super southern and funny! At ward council I met a few people. Bishop
Kabaland, he is a retired army guy and super motivated and willing to
help us in missionary work. Bro Adams, our Ward mission leader is on top
of it. He is a great guy and he even lived in Boise for a few years. He
loves it there and even has some Boise State stuff! Sis Bibbit, she is
like the grandma of the missionaries I guess! She was super nice, and
she even gave me this book that her brother wrote about Moroni and
Mormon. Pretty cool! Before Sacrament meeting I met a lot of people, I
can't remember all of them but they were all so nice to me and I made
sure to say hi to everyone :) I got up and bore my testimony and
introduced myself to everyone as well. It was a great testimony meeting,
full of the spirit.
After church we went over
to the Elliot's house for dinner. They are a super nice family, and
they seemed to like me. Bro Elliot and I were laughing and getting along
pretty well. They are both from around here and are sweet people. There
younger daughter, Sariah, loved my magic tricks. She is 6 years old and
she had to show me how she learned to ride her bike! Such a cute little
girl! And then they have a younger son that loves to run around and
have fun outside. Speaking of outside, it was super hot and tons of bugs
are coming out now. You should see the size of some of these bugs!
Last night we went over to help Bro
Glass move some things out of his house. The back of his house caught on
fire and they are rebuilding and painting everything. So we helped him
get some clothes out and other things. He is a middle aged guy and super
funny! We had some fun joking around with each other :)
am so excited to serve here in Stonewall, serve with Elder Meyer and I
am also excited for General Conference. The ward is so great already,
they made me so welcome and felt truly loved! Easter is also coming up, I
hope we are all preparing ourselves to be spiritually fed as we listen
to our Prophet and Apostles. It is a blessing to have them today and
have the fullness of the everlasting gospel. The church is true! Thanks
for all the support, prayers and love. I am truly blessed! Thanks y'all,
have a blessed day!
Elder Mason Rankin :)