Monday, March 2, 2015

Letter 3/2/2015

This was a shorter week because of interviews on Monday and stuff but honestly it was a good, hard-working one.

One thing that we have been working on is taking members out with us to see people and be apart of lessons. It has been pretty hard lately because everyone in our ward is really old and won't go out with us or they are young college couples that are too busy between work and school. So finally I found someone to come out with us. He is a youth in our ward that is preparing to serve a mission. He came out with us, we tracted with him and visited a lot of people. It helped a lot to have his extra testimony and help him fellowship people. We had one particular investigator that is his age, we are going to try and get them together and maybe they will hit it off. Hopefully this week!

Thursday was my favorite day by far. Tons of lesson and lots of people talked with us! My favorite lessons were 2 of our many. Gary Gordon was our first one. Gary is a man that has investigated the church before, will talk with missionaries and stuff but won't keep any commitments. They call him an "eternal investigator." Elder Franklin and I were never able to meet with him because of how busy he was but Elder Lesuma drove by his house and saw him out front. We went to see a potential that lives close to him but he didn't answer so we decided to walk over to Gary. On the way there, I get a call from Gary! Telling us to come over. We talked with him and got him to start reading the Book of Mormon again. Despite the 10 cats he had, luckily my allergies didn't kick in and it didn't seem to bother me too much. He promised me that he would come to church again before I leave Hattiesburg. Gary's wife committed suicide 3 years ago, we gave him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and told him that we would come back next time and talk about it. I think that the plan of salvation could really bless him and help him realize that he can be with his wife forever. At the end of the lesson, he asked me to give him a blessing. As soon as I began, the spirit took over. After the blessing, Gary got up and gave me a hug he said that he could feel it again. The same feeling that the missionaries brought before. The Holy Spirit is amazing!

That night we taught Britney Carr. She has been an investigator for a while and wants to be baptized but has had lots of things standing in the way. She has a divorce she is trying to finalize and she lives in a trailor with her boyfriends dad, a less- active in our ward. We taught her and the family, the Plan of Salvation. The spirit was instantly invited into that home. It testified to each of them personally. At the end of the lesson, we committed her to another baptismal date of April 25th. Hopefully by then, her divorce is finalized with her ex- husband. Just a great day! Full of the spirit and reaffirming my testimony that the church is true. 

The weekend started getting crazy that night. At about 4 am, I heard the lock on the apartment door unlock. The only other people with keys to our apartment is the West Hattiesburg Elder's, but why would they be at our apartment this early, plus we have the car? I got up and got ready to punch some one in the face. My bedroom door opened and I was about to tackle the figure when I realized it was Elder Corbin panting. He had ridden his bike 20 minutes to our pad in the freezing cold because Elder Burningham was reallly sick and had been throwing up since 11 the night before. We took him to the hospital and got him some medicine and things. He got let out around 10:30 that morning with a serious case of the flu. Kind of scary, he was in some serious pain. He feels way better now, glad I didn't get any of that.

Sunday was good as always with fast and testimony meeting. Britney came to church with her boyfriend Forest Shoemake and they brought the baby. It was great to have them there. I really hope that her divorce goes through and she can be baptized! That would be so great :)

Another week has flown by. Slow for some, fast for others. I learned a lot this week, and also had a great time working hard and following the direction of the spirit. I valued prayer a lot this week. Many times I found myself on my knees this week, praying with my whole heart. The power of prayer is amazing. It brings peace. I hope y'all had a good week and that this next one bring y'all lots of joy. Daily prayer bring blessings and the spirit into your life, I pray that each of you use prayer daily and see the blessings it can bring. Speaking openly and honestly with our Heavenly Father. The church is true, the atonement is real and the savior lives. Love and miss y'all! :)

Keep on smiling!
Elder Mason Rankin :)

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