taught Raj a couple times this week. We taught him all about the Plan
of Salvation. I love the Plan of Salvation. It makes me sad to think
that so many people in the world have no clue about it. We had to teach
it very simply because he has very little knowledge of the bible and
Jesus Christ. It went really well both times we taught. This last time
we taught him in the Turley's home after dinner and it was so great for
him to hear everyone's testimony of the Plan of Salvation. At the end
when I finished, I literally felt a swarm of the spirit just hit me. I
knew that Raj knew what I was saying is true. The Plan of Salvation is a
big part of my testimony so I got a little emotional. I pray that Raj
gets baptized in the future.
We also taught a
less active in our ward named Poppy Jimerson. He is in his 20s and is
working on becoming a famous rapper. He says he has music on youtube and
itunes, and it was cool to talk about his plans and things for the
future. We got to also discuss with him the importance of church because
he hasn't come in over a year. At the end of the lesson, we didn't even
need to invite him, he knew what he needed to do. He said that because
we came over and talked with him, he would come to church this next Sunday! It is so great when the spirit touches others and they know what they need to do to draw closer to him.
we went to Greenwood on exchanges. I went with Elder Kirk. We went to
their nicer part of town and did a ton of tracting because I wanted to
help them find some new investigators. For a couple of hours we
literally had no luck, then as we passed a house I saw a man sitting on
his porch. I immediately stopped and walked up to talk to him. Found out
his name was Cory and it was kind of funny because we taught him as we
walked up and down the road. We had great lesson talking about our faith
and the holy ghost. So, now the Greenwood Elder's have a new
investigator. It was a good exchange!
was Zone conference and it was a good time! We won the cleanest car
award, no shocker because Elder Nuku and I are the best! haha The Car
Fleet coordinator asked how I always win. I learned from the best, my
mom! :) I also got to see tons of friends at Zone conference. Elder
Beckstrom and I talked for a while. We both miss Idaho and he heard some
stuff about BSU. He keeps asking for my BSU tie because his family
won't send him one. It was really funny! Overall is was a good day, fed
spiritually and physically with some good food.
thing for this week, you are probably wondering why I wrote "I wear
your Grand Dad's clothes, I look incredible?." Well we visited a less
active named Bro Steivater. He is dying of cancer and was getting rid of
some old stuff for a yard sale the young women are doing. He was saying
"I had these nice suits and I don't want to put them in the yard sale,
plus I don't know if anyone would fit into them." He is a big man and as
he said the sizes I was like, "those are my sizes!" He went and got
them for me, you will have to check them out!
hope y'all had a good week and you know God love you... And so does
Elder Rankin :) Keep being awesome, say your prayers and smile :)
Sending my love from the MJM!
Elder Mason Rankin :)
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