Our first miracle of the week started Tuesday
night. We had gotten home late from visiting less-actives with Bro
Turley. We didn't have much success so we were kind of down. We started
to plan for the next day when Elder Davis realized he had left our phone
in the back seat of Bro Turley's car. How were we going to call him
without another phone? I told him "well you are going to have to go
knock on our neighbors door." So we started knocking. Surprisingly no
one was home until the last door on the opposite end of the hall. A nice
lady named Hope answered the door. Elder Davis was able to borrow her
phone and then call Bro Turley. I took this opportunity to start getting
to know her and maybe teach her a little bit about what we share. It
feels second nature, I just have to talk to people and get to know them.
I found out she was in her early 30's, had a 13 years old son named
Sebastian and works at the hospital here in Greenville. After some
discussion, we were able to give her a Book of Mormon and invited her to
read some of it. We hopefully will be able to meet with her this coming
week. She is a really nice person and considers herself spiritual. I
pray we can help her find the restored gospel. Maybe there was a reason
Elder Davis forgot the phone? Coincidence? I think not :)
in the week, we had some potential investigators fall through. Our
backup plan was tracting, we weren't to excited to go and knock on
doors. Before we began, a lady yelled from across the busy road "hey!
can I have one of those mormon bibles?" She came over to us and we met
her and her husband. Sabrina and Sam. They are sweet people. We were
able to share a short Restoration lesson with them right before they
headed home. They were walking home from the store and we happened to
catch them in passing. The Lord provided, he allowed us to meet them,
share our testimonies and bring more truth to their lives. Another mercy
from our father in heaven. Right when we were down and discouraged, the
Lord lifted us and gave us a great opportunity. We pray that we can
continue to teach them and help their young marriage.
weekend was of course General Conference. I hope you all enjoyed the
wonderful talks and messages that were shared. I don't know if I can pin
point anything that was the general things but I did find they shared a
lot of the same truths. The Plan of Salvation, the Atonement of Christ,
keeping the sabbath day holy, LOVE, following the commandments and many
others were shared. I successfully stayed awake for all the sessions,
y'all should be proud of me. I almost fell asleep in the last session,
but I held it together to finish off strong. The spirit was strong. Some
of the things they shared felt like they knew what I was feeling and
what I needed to hear. How exciting to have 3 new apostles also! I am
sad not to see Packer, Scott and Perry on the stand. But they continue
their service on the other side. They were great men! I don't know if I
had one favorite talk, I loved all of them. I really reflected upon the
Atonement and offering our whole souls to Christ, throughout the
weekend. Like Elder Durrant shared, I will be "ponderizing" the verse of
Omni 1:26
this week. The Atonement enables us to become better, feel relief from
the past and find peace on our lives. I know this to be true and I know
that as we offer our whole souls to Christ, as it says in this verse,
the Lord will bless us and we will find that eternal joy that cannot be
found anywhere else. I invite you to "ponderize" as well and offer your
soul to him. It will bring the joy and light to your life, that no other
person or substance or thing can bring. The Lord knows you and loves
you.... and so does Elder Rankin! :) Have a great week y'all! Keep on
Elder Mason Rankin :)
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