Monday, November 2, 2015

Letter 11/02/2015- Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?... Because he had no guts!

This week was another good one. The rain was off and on but it didn't stop us here in Greenville. We continued to work and we had some good success this past week.

I'll start with our awesome day we had on Thursday. We had tons of success finding and teaching our investigators. Last Sunday we tracted into this lady and she told us to come back a different day. After a few reschedules, we finally got in Thursday to teach her and her fiance. They have a few kids and are just a great couple. We started off introducing ourselves and our purpose as missionaries. We got into the lesson a little bit, but the wife had to leave early to go get her kids so we continued to teach her fiance, Will. He was really understanding, he asked good questions and the spirit was there backing up and giving us the words to say. It all made sense to him, we even recapped at the end and he practically told me the Restoration lesson by himself only hearing it once. He wants to read it all as fast as he can and wants to know more about it. We invited him to pray and discussed the Holy Ghost. I think Will and his wife could get baptized here in the next months, they are awesome and were prepared to hear our message. Another thing that was cool, I had prayed specifically to find a young family to teach and we found them within days. I pray our upcoming lessons go well. 

Later that day we went to visit some less-actives, the Davis family. As we taught and discussed with them about their conversion, the spirit told me to ask them to come to our next lesson with this young family. They would be perfect! They both are young, they both have young kids and I could see them getting along great. I asked them and they happily agreed to join us this next week at their lesson. I can't wait! I really pray that it all goes well! 

Of course, this last weekend was Halloween! We had a trunk or treat at the church and it went great. We had a few non members there, lots of candy, games and fun! We were in charge of the donut on the string game. It was funny to watch all the little kids try to eat a donut without their hands. There was some rain on Halloween but we still had a good day. We went to Greenwood so we could go on an exchange with the Elders. It was fun! Elder Meyer showed us some places where the movie "The Help was filmed" and took us around the small town. We finished off the day at the Turley's for some chili and games! It was fun! :)

Last thing, we have this awesome investigator name Melissa we have been teaching for a little bit. She is very spiritual, has studied a lot of different religions and has a great relationship with God. She believes that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith saw what he saw and that she needs to be baptized by the Priesthood. She knows this because she prayed and asked got and he told her through the spirit! We are shooting for her to get baptized at the end of this month! I pray that it goes through and it continues to go well as we teach her the rest of the lessons and more about the gospel. She came to church yesterday and liked it a lot. She was so interested in the sacrament, she loved it. After church she asked Elder Davis and I, "can you baptize me?" I really have high hopes and faith that she can make it! I hope we continue to have success with her.

Something that stood out to me in my studies this week is this quote by Elder Ballard, "True conversion comes through the power of the spirit.... experiences with the Spirit follow naturally when a person is willing to experiment upon the word." I know this to be true. I have seen as the spirit has worked with me and others to bring about conversion. For instance, we have this member in our ward named Eric Motton. When I first got here, he was barely coming to church. After working with him some, he is now blessing the sacrament every week, going out with us to see people and is always early to church. As he shared his testimony, the other day in a lesson, I was overcome with joy at how far he had come! The Spirit changes lives. Pray for it, seek it and enjoy it. True happiness comes through this Gospel! Have a great week y'all, continue to be awesome! I love and miss y'all! Keep on smiling! :)

Elder Mason Rankin  #Gameon

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