Monday, June 27, 2016

Has it really been 18 months?.... Hello from Waveland :)

This past week was a good week, I seem to look back and can't remember anything that has happened. I'll do my best to remember it all though.

I started the week in Slidell with Elder Dobosz. He is an awesome guy, he can quote the whole kung fu panda movie from memory so I was pretty impressed with that! Haha We did have some good success together. We were able to set one of their investigators with a baptismal date and also go out with a member to see another one of their investigators. It was pretty fun, especially since Elder Dobosz knows Spanish and we saw a lot of spanish people. I could barely understand them with my little bit of High School Spanish that I took, but it still went good. While tracting, we also came in contact with this HUGE pig that lives in this one neighborhood. It was really funny because it came out of nowhere, I guess it's too fast and it's just a wild pig that the cops can't catch. So those were some of the fun highlights of our exchange. :)

"The Sqaud", or better known as B______, K_____ and A____, are all doing so well. They are definitely getting baptized at the end of this month. We wrapped up the commandments with them, talking about tithing and fasting. My favorite lesson by far was probably the one yesterday where we talking about temples. I didn't realize how much I missed the temple till I started thinking about it and talking about it with them. They want to go there someday, it was a spirit-filled lesson. I find great strength and comfort in knowing my family can be together forever. It saddens me to know others don't know this, but I am here in Miss'ippi telling families they can be together forever. They loved Stake conference as well. They are just amazing, no words can describe how happy I am to be their friends, teaching them the Gospel and helping them come closer to our Father in Heaven.

J____ is the bomb, he is such a funny guy. He got interviewed this past week for baptism, he is going to get baptized this coming Saturday, so that is pretty exciting! He is really happy to finally be ready for baptism. I am happy for him too, it's been a long journey and a lot sacrifice but he is finally there! He enjoyed Stake Conference as well, he told us that he saw Halo's and light coming from the speakers and the choir. He is so great, I can't wait for his baptism! :)

We are currently working on finding more investigators to be baptized in the coming months, we want to keep the train ah'rollin. I am praying we do this next week, I know we can find them. Elder Crisp and I are really doing well together and it's so great to see all the success we are having. A funny story from this past week was when this older lady was getting baptized. It was the Sister's investigator and I had interviewed her previously this past week. When we went to her baptism on Saturday, she called us over to her to see her. Being way shorter than us, she pulled us down to her height and kissed us both on the cheek. Everyone was laughing so hard, it was so funny. Probably the only time on my mission I will get a kiss, haha :)

Zone Conference and Stake conference was good this past week. We learned a lot about the Holy Ghost and Faith. Elder Crisp and I got to sing in the choir for stake conference so that was awesome! Both were great meeting and made the week even better!

I hope y'all have a great week! The font is being filled this weekend, what more could I ask for? Nothing, I am so happy! Waveland is the best and y'all are the best! I love and miss all y'all, keep on smiling. :) Just another day in Paradise....

Elder Mason Rankin :)


Monday, June 20, 2016

Baptisms Approaching and Dolphins

Here goes another blessed week, the train is a rollin' here in Waveland!

Monday evening this past week we got to finally meet up with our investigator D____ in the Register's home. They had been busy, out of town and one vacation so it's been hard to meet up the past couple of weeks. We got to finally finish the Plan of Salvation with him though. It was a great lesson and I love their family. They invited me to come to their beach house in Panama City after the mission, so add that to the bucket list. Davy is slowly progressing, the faith is coming. He is great!

Tuesday I had exchanges with Elder Rasmussen, serving over in Slidell. He is a great guy from Maryland. We were able to accomplish a lot together and see some success that day. The best lesson we had was with B_____, K____ and A____. We also finished the Plan of Salvation with them. It's so great to see them continue to progress! Plus, I enjoy getting to know other missionaries on exchanges. We had some good laughs together.

Thursday was another exchange with the Zone leaders in Gulfport. Elder Jensen and I spent 2 hours tracting an apartment complex trying to find their investigator. We didn't have much luck finding him, but we did get to teach one man the Restoration. Lots of sun, but it was lots of fun talking and laughing while doing it. That afternoon, Elder Smith and I planted a garden with a family and then taught some of their prime investigators. Gulfport is a sweet area, I wouldn't mine serving there. But, I love Waveland though, I still have some work to wrap up here.

J_____ is set for baptism on July 2nd! Fill the font! haha We are excited for him and I am really happy to see how far he has come. Lately I have just noticed how much more faith he has, focus and desire to be baptized. We went through the Baptismal interview questions with him this past week and he is ready. We only had a few more things to cover and remind him of but he is progressing towards baptism. He should be having the interview this next week and then baptism that next Saturday. Blessings on blessings! :)

Saturday we had a fish fry with our favorite S_____ Family. The dad caught some speckled trout so of course he invited us over to enjoy some together. It was way fun catching up with them and studying some of the scriptures with them. They aren't really progressing right now, maybe one day they will decided to make the commitment to be baptized.

B_____, K____ and A____ are all progressing towards baptism too. They are so awesome and amazing! God truly answered our prayers with them. We taught them a lot this past week and everything is going well. A____ got 100% support from her mom to get baptized, B____ asked if I would baptize her and make sure I didn't drop her. It was so funny, I love them. They are working towards baptism on July 30th together. Baptism and Birthday, what more could you ask for? haha :) Needless to say, July is going to be a great month.

Yesterday was Father's Day and a great Sunday here in Waveland. Everyone came to church and the members were great at fellowshipping each of our investigators in. It's been such a blessing to see, I am truly thankful. I am also thankful for my Father here on earth and in heaven. I would be nothing without them. One highlight of church came from our Elder's Quorum lesson. We were talking about greatness and how the small and simple things help make someone great. It doesn't just happen over night. While I was half asleep in the lesson, Bro Sones asked me to stand up and said "Now look here at Elder Rankin, one does not get this good-looking over night. It has taken 20 years of his life to become as good-looking as he is." Of course, I felt embarrassed but it brought a few laughs and a smile to my face. So thanks Dad, that is a compliment to you too! :) Happy Father's Day!

I hope y'all are doing those small things that help amount to the great things. You may not realize it now, but they can amount to something great in your life our someone else's. Waveland is great and Elder Crisp and I are being blessed. We work well together and I am grateful to have him as my companion. I am happy and can't wait for July. Birthday month here we come! Have a blessed week and remember to keep on smiling. Just another day in Paradise... :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

PS, We totally saw Dolphins this morning while fishing, it was sweet! They probably were eating all the fish, that's why we didn't have much luck...


Monday, June 13, 2016

The fruit of our labors

This past week was awesome, there were a lot of highlights and a lot of miracles. We saw a lot of fruit to our labors this past week, it all seems to be falling into place. Here are some highlights:

I started the week going on exchanges with Elder Davis (my old comp). It was a blast to teach together again, we had some good laughs. I had a good workout Monday morning and while kneeling in prayer that night together, I started to cramp so bad. So he went to the fridge and grabbed the huge pickle jar that has been in there for who knows how long. I then drank half of it... It was so gross but it honestly helped it. Reminded me of Jay Ajayi (if that's how you spell it, haha) We did have some good teaching opportunities together. One of our members, Bro Naylor, just took us to see all his non-member friends Tuesday night and had us teach a few of them. It was actually really sweet because we were able to teach a few of them. It was a stellar exchange!

J_____ is doing well again, he met with us a couple times this week. We are going back through the lessons with him because he forgot some of what we taught him but he is still preparing to be baptized in July. Plus he came to church and this is his main focus right now, it is awesome. Just one of the fruits of our labors.

Wednesday we were asked to teach part of Zone training meeting. It was crazy trying to put together a lesson in 15 minutes the morning of because Elder Crisp was still over in Slidell on exchanges. We ended up doing really well though, the whole meeting was great. We focused a lot on the spirit. I think the main thing I learned is that we cannot push the spirit into the hearts of the people we teach, we can only bring it "unto their hearts."

At the soup kitchen on Thursday, a couple of catholic high schools served with us. They were visiting from Tennessee. It was funny to talk with them while eating lunch. They had tons of questions, so we got to clear up some concerns they had about our church and stuff. It was really funny because at the end they told us, "y'all are actually really cool, I don't know why I ever thought mormon's were weird." I just replied with, "Being LDS is the best."

Probably the biggest success we had this week was with the Harvey Family. B______ and C______ were the investigators we found a couple weeks ago and we got to teach them a couple times this week. So far we have taught them the Restoration, half of the Plan and the importance of prayer and reading scriptures each day. Each times, the lessons get better. This last time we were over, we watched part of the bible video where Christ suffers in Gethsemane. After watching that, we discussed how we felt and then sang "I am a Child of God" with them. They didn't know the words so it was left to Elder Crisp and I to lead it all. It brought such a sweet spirit there. After we said the closing prayer, they told us how grateful they are we come, how great they feel when we come and how they can't wait for us to come back. I almost began to cry, God had answered my prayers in finding them. C______ read the whole Book of Mormon stories book already, they even invited their cousin over so she can learn and they all came to church yesterday! It was such a great church service having everyone there together, the ward has just taken them into their arms. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve here and meet them. They are preparing to be baptized at the end of July. Birthday baptism. :) We love seeing the fruit of our labors!

The last highlight of the week was this morning. We walked out of our apartment to go email and the sisters came out of nowhere and soaked us with water guns. Elder Crisp ran inside to fill a bucket full of water while I stole one of their guns and started soaking them. We got them so bad with the bucket and me spraying them. We all got wet though, it was funny.

Well y'all, I hope y'all had a good week like me. I continue to see more of God's blessing each week. I am truly blessed in being here. I am happy and I love it. Keep on smiling y'all and have a blessed week. Y'all are awesome! God loves you and so do I! :)

Elder Mason Rankin

PS: Shout out to Mom for having a birthday! I love you, thanks for teaching me what is right! I couldn't do any of this good without you. :)

Great day at church!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Lord Provides in the Promised land...

So this past week was fast, crazy, up and down. Tracting wasn't successful at all this past week but we do it in faith. The Lord did provide in other ways though and we ended up having a good first full week together. Elder Crisp and I are doing great, I love this guy.

Some highlights from this past week began with service for some of our potential investigators. V____ and B____ are moving to Slidell so we had to help them pack up their apartment. Being a missionary, I have learned "how to move" and "how not to move." Without describing the chaos between 1 pitbull, 1 cat, 3 hamsters, 1 ferret, 2 crying kids, boxes everywhere, terrible smells and boxes everywhere... let's just say we had a lot of work to do. Elder Crisp and I got a lot done before we had to leave, but it's always fun doing service. You think of others before yourself. :)

We also had success with Bro C________ this last week, I have been working with him since I have gotten here. He is finally getting active back in church but we are currently helping him with his testimony and helping him to stop smoking. He told us this last week that he is committed to stop smoking so we asked him to throw away everything that has to do with smoking. He grabs everything with his trashcan and throws it all away. He then proceeds to grab his ashtray and break it in half! It was so awesome, I am proud of him. I pray we can help him get over this habit for good.

We had an awesome member referral this last week. We helped a lady named M_____ with some yard work. After we finished, she fed us this big lunch and we were so grateful because it was hot and we were all sweaty. Humidity is no fun when doing that kind of work. She is an older lady and just super sweet. We ended our visit by sharing the Book of Mormon with her, we plan to go by this next week and see how her reading went. I am super stoked for her, I hope we can continue to teach her.

I think the biggest highlight of this week was probably yesterday. Fast Sunday is always a great day and it is made even better when 2 of your investigators show up to church! B_____ and C_____ came all by themselves. We had tried all week to get in contact with them but didn't have any luck at all. They are the 2 we found through the Dad who is a less-active member. Such a blessing from Heavenly Father. C______ was so happy to be there and she even told us how she had read so much out of the Book of Mormon. We gave her the pictures version so she could understand it better and she is already into Mosiah, it is awesome! They loved church and we were happy, it was just great. We have a lesson planned for tonight so let's hope all works out! :) The Lord provides.

We have a good week planned this week, the Slidell Elders are coming down for p-day so that should be fun. Plus, I get to go on exchanges with my old comp... Elder Davis! So it will be a good couple of days. We have an awesome District here, I love it.

Well I hope y'all have a blessed week, keep on smiling. Find opportunities to serve everywhere, even the little things. They make such a difference. Love and miss y'all! Just another week in Paradise.. :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)
P-day with the District

Mystery Machine


Friday, June 3, 2016

Waveland Warriors

So this last week flew by once again, transfers, District Leader Conference and a new comp! My new comps name is Elder Crisp. He is from Apache Junction, AZ. He is pretty awesome and we get along pretty well. He likes to skateboard, listen to punk rock and have fun. I think we will do well together and I am excited for all that we will accomplish while together in Waveland. We also have a new set of sisters in our District. They will be serving in the Slidell ward. Sis Golder and Larsen. They are really nice. We now have one of the biggest Districts in the mission, I am pretty excited to see all that we accomplish we are going to kill it together. Elder Davis (my old comp) is also in my District! It is so awesome to be next to him again. He will be serving with Elder Dobosz in the Spanish area, I hope he has the gift of tongues. :)

After getting transfer day out of the way, we had one full day to work before I headed to Jackson for District Leader Conference. Lets just say it was the best day and a full day. Elder Crisp was like, "Is everyday in Waveland like this? It's so awesome!" Definitely a miracle day! District meeting was first off that day. We had a very spiritual discussion about representing Jesus Christ and how we serve him. 1 Timothy 4:12 hits it perfectly, 'be thou an example of the believers." With such a big group, it was great to hear all the different thoughts on how we can better our purpose as we fully understand that we represent him. After a quick lunch, we headed over to B_____'s for a lesson. It went really well! We read 3 Nephi 11 with her and really hit home about the Priesthood and revelation. Her 10 year old daughter even sat in, listened and gave a few comments. They are awesome and are planning to come to church next week. I hope and pray we can continue to help them learn the fulness of the Gospel.

We then headed to A____ A____ and then Sister L____. They both were happy to see us and we had a great power visit with them. Bro A_____ is doing so well, his house is coming all together and he is really becoming better and better. It makes me so happy to see just one soul come back to church and activity.

Our dinner was at V_____'s house with Sis F____. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and how it applies to our life. It was cool to answer questions for V_____ through the scriptures and showing her that there is more than a heaven and a hell. I know in my life I have truly been blessed by it's knowledge. Elder Crisp and I taught well together and testified of it's truthfulness. We plan to go back next week to teach her more about what she has to do within this life to return to live with God.

Correlation meeting was up next, we had an awesome meeting together with everyone. Elder Crisp was like, "I think that is the best correlation meeting I've been to on my mission." That is how we do it here in Waveland. After Correlation, Nate took us to see a less-active and his non-member wife. He ended up not being there, but his wife was there. Her name is B______ and she is now our new investigator. We taught her about why we are called mormons and left her with a chapter to read from the Book of Mormon. It was a very spiritual lesson and we are excited to teach and reactivate them. I pray we have success this week with them. So after that full day, we were both very tired and we finally got a chance to breathe.

Thursday and Friday was District Leader Conference, it was the best! I was so happy that is for sure. The spirit there was so strong and I left with a great fire. I know now how to better my District and myself so I can lead them better. I am pumped about this new district we have, we are going to kill it together!

Sunday was good and so was Memorial Day weekend. We didn't have much success knocking on doors but we at least tried our best. J_____ came back to church! That was pretty sweet! He is also working towards baptism on July 16th, I really know he can make that date. I am excited for him. Sis Uffens also visited because one of the member was going through the temple, so she came back to go through with her. It was great to see her, we had some good laughs.

This next week should be fun! Elder Crisp and I are a good combo for Waveland, I really do think we can help this area out a lot. I am excited for all the adventures we are going to have together. Keep on smiling y'all and try to represent Jesus Christ in all that you do. You are an example. Have a blessed week!

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Elder Crisp and I


Gonna miss this guy!

Elder Nelson and I

Elder Hainsworth and I

Elder Vinson (from down under!)  and I

Elder Hunt and I

Elder Stokes and I
Elder Scleip and Elder Streadbeck.

President and I

Elder Beckstrom

Sister Uffens

First Day!