Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Lord Provides in the Promised land...

So this past week was fast, crazy, up and down. Tracting wasn't successful at all this past week but we do it in faith. The Lord did provide in other ways though and we ended up having a good first full week together. Elder Crisp and I are doing great, I love this guy.

Some highlights from this past week began with service for some of our potential investigators. V____ and B____ are moving to Slidell so we had to help them pack up their apartment. Being a missionary, I have learned "how to move" and "how not to move." Without describing the chaos between 1 pitbull, 1 cat, 3 hamsters, 1 ferret, 2 crying kids, boxes everywhere, terrible smells and boxes everywhere... let's just say we had a lot of work to do. Elder Crisp and I got a lot done before we had to leave, but it's always fun doing service. You think of others before yourself. :)

We also had success with Bro C________ this last week, I have been working with him since I have gotten here. He is finally getting active back in church but we are currently helping him with his testimony and helping him to stop smoking. He told us this last week that he is committed to stop smoking so we asked him to throw away everything that has to do with smoking. He grabs everything with his trashcan and throws it all away. He then proceeds to grab his ashtray and break it in half! It was so awesome, I am proud of him. I pray we can help him get over this habit for good.

We had an awesome member referral this last week. We helped a lady named M_____ with some yard work. After we finished, she fed us this big lunch and we were so grateful because it was hot and we were all sweaty. Humidity is no fun when doing that kind of work. She is an older lady and just super sweet. We ended our visit by sharing the Book of Mormon with her, we plan to go by this next week and see how her reading went. I am super stoked for her, I hope we can continue to teach her.

I think the biggest highlight of this week was probably yesterday. Fast Sunday is always a great day and it is made even better when 2 of your investigators show up to church! B_____ and C_____ came all by themselves. We had tried all week to get in contact with them but didn't have any luck at all. They are the 2 we found through the Dad who is a less-active member. Such a blessing from Heavenly Father. C______ was so happy to be there and she even told us how she had read so much out of the Book of Mormon. We gave her the pictures version so she could understand it better and she is already into Mosiah, it is awesome! They loved church and we were happy, it was just great. We have a lesson planned for tonight so let's hope all works out! :) The Lord provides.

We have a good week planned this week, the Slidell Elders are coming down for p-day so that should be fun. Plus, I get to go on exchanges with my old comp... Elder Davis! So it will be a good couple of days. We have an awesome District here, I love it.

Well I hope y'all have a blessed week, keep on smiling. Find opportunities to serve everywhere, even the little things. They make such a difference. Love and miss y'all! Just another week in Paradise.. :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)
P-day with the District

Mystery Machine


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