Towards of the beginning
of the week I got to go on exchanges with Elder Vinson again. He is from
Australia. It was awesome to teach with him again and spend sometime
together learning from one another. He's a good mate, I like him. My
favorite lesson of the day was probably with K____. He is 17 years old
and one of the smartest guys I have taught. We talked about the Path of
Righteousness with him and the authority to baptize this last week. The
spirit could be felt with both visit and what I love is how sincere he
is. He want to know, he is yielding his heart to God. I pray his answer
to his prayers come soon to know that what we have shared is true!
in the week we had an exchange with the AP's so I got to go with good
ole Elder Vestosterone. It was a blast to teach together again! My
favorite visit from that night was with a less-active family. We showed
up, everything was going crazy, baby's screaming, Dad just showed up,
Mom has a toothache... just everything was was all over the place. Within 30 minutes,
we were down reading from the scriptures, praying and you could feel
the spirit within that home. It was peaceful, the parents were
listening, the children were quiet and we all left in peace. I loved it.
I know that as we take those short moments within the day as a family,
we can bring peace together even in the craziness of our lives.
came to church y'all!!!!!! It's been a long time coming, but it was
awesome! We didn't believe it was real to we walked out the front doors
to see her there with Ty. We just started shouting and dancing for joy.
She came!! We have had some awesome visits with her lately and she came
to the Halloween party on Wednesday. That was a blast, there were a ton
of people there. You can tell a difference in M____ though, she looks
so happy and is glowing. Why? Because she is applying the gospel into
her life and praying each day. We met with her yesterday and we set a
date for her to get baptized on Dec 10th as well! Answers to prayers and miracles all week, it just makes me smile. I know she can make it! :)
Last thing for this week. I studied in Helaman this last week and came to Helaman 3:35.
The whole verse is great, but I kept on focusing on the end this last
week where it says.. "yielding their hearts unto God." The blessing it
states are numerous. From purifying, to firmer faith and joy. We all
want joy. I have noticed throughout my life and this short time I have
been on my mission, that as we "yield our hearts" to God we receive many
blessings and God changes us into better people. I think to the
beginning of the mission where I was scared and didn't yield my heart to
God. I wanted to hold on to my old self at home and not give it up.
Slowly the Lord worked with me through my studies and others.. now I
have truly "yielded my heart to God." I can tell such a difference with
who I am and what I have become. Even this morning, we were walking
through Wal-mart and I was looking for someone we could teach the Gospel
too. As we were looking at the fruit, I went up to young lady named K___. She is a student at ULM and wants to meet with us hopefully this
weekend after her finals this week. At the beginning of my mission, I
would have been terrified to walk up to a random stranger and talk about
the Gospel with them. Why was it so easy? Because I yielded my heart to
God, put my desires and comfort aside, and just went and talked to her.
Just one little miracle I had today. I pray that each of us try to
"yield our hearts to God." He will mold you, as he has done with me,
into a better person.
Well... their are the highlights of my week! I hope y'all have a God bless! I love ya and miss ya!
See ya later!
With much love,
Elder Mason Rankin :)
Only in the south! on Halloween even! |
Ward Halloween party! |
handing out candy and church pamphlets during halloween at the zoo! |
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