Saturday, November 29, 2014

pictures 11/18-11/23/2014

week 11/18 - 11/23/2014

Hey y'all!

Today we had a great district meeting. We accomplished a lot! We have a new member of our district because Elder Belani left to Shreveport.. I was sad. But his replacement, Elder Jones, is pretty cool. He is really hard working and should help their area! That night we had dinner at Bro Mim's house. He is an older gentleman in our ward and needed help moving a recliner.  He said that he saw that I looked strong on Sunday so he gave us a call! hahaha

Today was the best day of the week probably!! We worked so hard and got so much done!! We taught a ton of lessons, got 2 solid new investigators and a baptismal date. Our first new investigator is John. John was a marine, divorced, young, dad, that works for the state and believes in Christ. We taught him the Resto and he committed to baptism and reading the Book of Mormon. He is really solid, and it was an even better lesson because I was able to connect with him really well. Teach him in a way that I understand, because he seemed to learn it better and understand it way more! Our second new investigator is Valeri. Valeri is a young college girl that is an intern at this rehab place and loves to run. If this name sounds familiar, it is because it was the same girl we taught a few weeks ago, the door I felt prompted to go to. The lesson was guided so much by the spirit. It wasn't about hitting points, it was all about helping her understand. Such a wonderful day, I felt so accomplished!!!

Today we met this young guy named Samuel, he reminds me a lot of my cousin cooper. He sort of looks like him too, only if Cooper was black.. hahaha He answered the door and immediately said yes to having us teach him a lesson. He was even wearing a Call of Duty shirt!! It was great to teach him and ask him a lot of questions to get to know him better. He really opened up and even committed to reading the Book of Mormon. He said that he doesn't go to church too often, or read from the Bible but he said that he would give this a chance and pray about it! All we ask is that, invite people to come unto Christ. Then we had dinner at Sis. Law's house. She broke down crying when we showed up and said, she was so glad we came. She is going through a rough time and we were able to chat with her and uplift her spirit. What a fabulous lady! She said that the next time we come over that she will make us some real southern food because she didn't have time to that night! Can't wait!

Today kind of stunk, we tracted for hours and no one answered. I was super depressed. But we got to do some service so it made my day a little better. We had to help the Bishop move some stuff around and he even let me go fish in his lake after we were done. I almost caught something! Yes that is right, my Bishop is so rich that he has his own lake. It is pretty sick! Then we went over to one of the Sister's investigators house and painted his ceiling. It was great to chat with him and teach him a lesson. He is progressing right along and can't wait to be baptized!

Today was a good day of church. It was missionary based so almost all the missionaries had a part in the program. Elder Gray and I had just spoken so we didn't speak but everyone else did. It was a rally could meeting for the members and also investigators. We also had Stake choir practice today which was awesome. It is really fun, I can't wait to perform at our concert. It is so funny to watch our chorister get into it. He throws his arms around and his whole body with the music. It's so funny! The only thing that stunk about today was that I felt kind of sick. My head was pounding and my nose was running, hopefully I feel better soon!

Overall, it was an alright week. I woke up this morning and realized that it was Monday already and it was my 2 month mark! It's crazy to think how fast the time has gone. Weeks just keep flying by. The work and ward her in Hattiesburg is growing stronger and hopefully by next month we will have a baptism. We have a few really good investigators. 2 investigators I need help with are Jordan and Erin. We meet with them tonight, they still let us teach them but it is really hard to get them to come to our church and they still haven't committed to baptism. Keep them in your prayers! Thank you for all your support, I know I am in the right place, I know that I am doing the right thing and I know that I am a child of God. I miss and love y'all!

Elder Mason Rankin

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week 11/10-11/17/2014

Hey y'all!

Today was another fast p-day. We had zone p-day and it was super fun to see some of the people I don't get to everyday. We played ultimate frisbee, sand volleyball and kick ball. My team of course won ultimate and volleyball, we didn't do as well at kickball. That is alright though. Both our appointments fell through tonight. The one I was looking forward to was Jordan and Erin, but Erin got sick so we just planned for next Monday. I really hope we can progress this young family!

We taught a less active tonight named Randy. We were able to talk to him about our favorite conference talks from this last conference. I was inspired to share Dieter F. Utchdorf's talk on testimony and light. He has a testimony but he doesn't live it and we were able to really get that across to him tonight. He has some struggles with smoking and other things but I know he has a kind heart and wants to change.

Today was Zone Development Meeting, it was really motivating and help us make sure we had our focus, Elder Franklin committed ourselves to work really hard the rest of the week, so that we can take that into the next transfer. Tonight we went to Dinner with the Holm's to Topher's so that was awesome because I got to see Benjamin! We also were able to talk to one of our waitresses and she seemed interested in who we are and what we are doing. So, we might teach her soon. Her name is Kara and we are pretty sure she only talked to us because she was checking me out the whole time we were there. What can I say? Missionaries look good everyday! :) Then we went to practice in the stake choir we are in now. We are doing a nativity thing in November. Still don't know how we got picked for it, but that's alright!

Today we worked so hard in the freezing cold because we were on bikes! I was so cold, the wind and cold here is so much different then Idaho! I seriously just got wrecked. We met with Charles Jordan and had a very spiritual lesson with him. I set him with a baptismal date and then gave him a blessing to help him keep his commitments and that life gets better for him because he has been struggling a lot. Then we tracted into a lady named Shirley, taught her a short lesson and then planned to come back when her husband was home next Saturday. When we were saying the prayer she kept mumbling "thank you" and "Mmm." Probably one of the funniest experiences of my life. I am doing that from now on. Then Sis Woodard brought us dinner because she couldn't get anyone to come over to her house that night. She brought us Dickey's BBQ. It was funny because she doesn't feed any of the other missionaries anymore. She likes me so much now that she only feeds us I am pretty sure. I gave her a loaf of pumpkin chocolate chip bread for giving me the BSU tie, she loved it!

Today was the best day ever! Went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I got to be with Elder Paul, older missionary from North Salt Lake. We had a great time tracting and were able to talk to a lot of people and teach a couple lessons! After that I felt prompted to go over to an investigators house named Lamar. As he answered the door, he looked so surprised. He said " I have been trying to get a hold of you, I must have the wrong number, but now you are here!" It was so awesome. Then we taught him a Resto lesson with his Sister who is a member. Probably one of the best lessons ever. I learned so much from Elder Paul throughout the whole day. At the end of the lesson we committed him to baptism and he said yes! So excited to see him progress. Then we went and taught an active member named Sis Clark and in the middle of her lesson she broke down and she told us this personal story of some trials she was going through. I was able to then give her a blessing at the end. The spirit swarmed the room as I began to speak, I wouldn't have been able to give the blessing without the guidance of the Holy Ghost. So thankful for the priesthood!

Today we tracted into an older lady named Margaret. She has alzheimer's and smokes. We taught her the restoration and committed her to read the Book of Mormon. She wants to quit smoking, she wants us to come teach her grandson and she loved our message. She even said she wanted to come to our church. It was so awesome. We plan on visiting her sometime next week. Then we went to Dinner with Britt family, afterwards we got to go home teaching with Bro Britt and see a less active named Sis. Reedy. She expressed to us that she wanted to come to church. Bro Britt planned on giving her a ride and this will be the first time she has come to church in a long time! So excited for her!

What a great Sunday! We had two investigators in sacrament, Sis Reedy was there and the spirit was so strong there. Charles and Debra were the two that came to church! It was so great to see all the ward members come together and just loves these people that we brought. The ward members expressed to us that they love the work that we are doing. We are changing this ward for the better. I guess they used to have missionaries that never worked, so they love the change! 

Today we deep cleaned the apartment and then went to clean the church for service. The apartment looked so much better. It was kind of looking pretty bad towards the end of that transfer. Later we got picked up by the Brock's and we went to Cici's pizza for dinner. They are such a great other couple and so funny to chat with! Afterwards, Bro Brock asked if we had any appointments and we said yes with Jordan and Erin, some of our investigators. He then offered to come with us and had such a wonderful lesson. The spirit was there and Bro Brock's testimony really helped them a lot. He even straight up asked them to come to church without us asking and I really think they will come this next week. It has been hard to get them to come because they are active in the Baptist church and Erin loves to sing in the choir. I pray that they come this next week, I know that they will love it and finally they will see what they have been missing their whole lives. I really hope this goes well!!

What another fabulous and fast week. I find these weeks flying by scary fast. I am spending another Transfer here in Hattiesburg East area. I will be leading the area this transfer so we will see how that goes. We have a lot of strong investigators and a ton of potential's. I can really see us getting a baptism this transfer. The church is true and I know that the Lord provides. He put people in our path that only we can connect with. I found that I am able to really connect and really able to teach the people now, not lessons. He provided me with great people like Lamar that are ready to hear the gospel. If we have open hearts we will receive a greater portion of the word and our light will grow. Show your light of Christ everywhere you go. Light will always overcome the darkness. I love and miss you all! Keep on smiling!

Elder Mason Rankin

#foreverstrong #dontstopscoring

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pictures 11/3-11/9

Exchanges with District Leader

Thanks McGraths!

Found a friend doing service.

Week 11/3- 11/9/2014

Hey y'all,

Today we ended a great P-day. We went over to the Wipple home for dinner. She made us baked potatoes with taco soup and rolls. We then were about to teach them a lesson about the family mission plan. Helping them become more involved with missionary work. Then we went over to Jordan & Erin's(investigators) house and taught one of the greatest lessons ever. We re-taught the restoration to both of them and at the the end we cleared up and questions they had and just testified. The spirit was so strong there and at the end Erin expressed to us that even though they go to the Baptist church, they don't believe in everything they teach. They consider themselves christian but want to state and Denomination!! I know they felt the spirit, we asked them to be baptized and they said they needed to pray about it. Can't wait to see them progress!

Today was exchanges. Elder Gray and Franklin were in the West Elder's area and Elder Burningham and I were in my area. It was kind of fun but stressful to lead my area for the first time. I was confident though in where to go and we got some good work done. That night we went over to the Hinton's again for dinner. What an awesome family, they are so fun, loving and accepting of everyone. We laughed for a while, had some delicious dinner and then were able to end with a lesson on Christlike attributes. I did my portion on becoming humble. Since week one I told myself that I needed to work on this since I have such a big head and I think I am better then everyone else. In the past weeks, I let my trainer train me, I allowed myself to be teachable and I learned so much more. Was also able to recognize and teach through the spirit.

Today I was super depressed. One of our investigators declined baptism and pretty much said he won't ever become Mormon no matter what we teach him. After that lesson, I just prayed to myself to have strength and make the most of the rest of the day. My prayers were answered! I got a package from the McGrath family and was so excited to find white cheddar popcorn inside! Elder Gray loves it and would've eaten the whole bag if I let him. Then we went tracting and I was just really down still... until we knocked on this one house. I felt prompted to knock on this house that wasn't on the street we were tracting and young college girl named Valeri answered. We found out one of her co-workers was talking to her about the Book of Mormon and she is in our ward. We taught her the Restoration, gave her a Book of Mormon and she invited us back. Such a simple lesson to her, but the spirit was there. I was sweating as we walked away from the door, full of the spirit and so full of joy. I was jumping around the street so happy. Franklin thought I was crazy! haha A member gave us gift cards to Cracker Barrel so we went and I got Breakfast for dinner. I got these huge pancakes topped with fresh blackberries. Sooo good!

Today we tried to get in contact with Trikeshia but she bailed on us again. I think it is because of her new job and she doesn't fully know her schedule yet. Hopefully we can catch her next week. That night we taught a potential investigator named Nadeen. She studies culture and religion and was really interested in the history of the Book of Mormon. It was a great lesson and we invited he to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know it is true. She is also going to teach a religion class next semester and asked if we would come teach a lecture. We will see if that happens.

Today we did a ton of service for Sis Murphy again. We cleaned up her jungle of a yard. It took forever! Mowing, clipping and tons of trimming. I was so tired! I found this turtle though in her yard and that was pretty sweet! Then we went over to Sister Pilgrim's house and had a real southern dinner. We had red beans, sausage, rice and "southern' cornbread. The "southern" cornbread isn't sweet at all like some cornbreads and it actually was a pretty good dinner. She was said to hear that we haven't had a ton of southern dinners so she plans on having us over again soon!

Today we met a lot of uplifting people. The first guy we met was a preacher for a baptist church. We were so scared he was going to bible bash with us but he actually was really nice and told us to come back to teach him more. He talked about God and related him to someone sitting in an airplane. Out of an 8 inch window you can see 3 train engine, 26 cable cars and a caboose. As we go throughout our lives we may think we are going through really hard trials. God is there to help you because he know what is coming in our lives and is ready to bless you. He is looking over all of us. Then we met another really receptive guy. He wasn't even on the street we were tracting, but I saw him down the road a little ways trying to start his car. So I thought I should go try to help him. Found out he was a mechanic and said he didn't need our help. We were able to chat with him for a while. He appreciates what we do and just went off on how Jesus has blessed his life. He said he has even seen an angel catch his pregnant wife one time in his home. Awesome stories, meeting some great people!

Today we taught the whole young men's. That may seem like a lot until you hear they only have 6 young men total in the ward. We taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ and it went really well. The awesome part of today was going over to James' house (sister's investigator) and giving him a blessing. He is going through a lot of trials and he is trying to prepare himself for baptism. It was such a great opportunity to feel that spirit, I am glad that I have the priesthood and have the ability to use it to help people. He is progressing so much and it was great to get to know him better. Over-all, it was an alright week!

This week went by so fast. It was kind of scary to think I am already at P-day again. I am growing, I am learning so much and I know this church is true. This next week I won't be emailing until Tuesday because it is transfer day. I think I am staying in Hattiesburg for a while so I should be fine. Loving the work, I love my family. I miss you all so much. Keep writing me and letting me know how life is going. I love to hear from y'all. Have a great week and keep on smiling, God loves you. I love and miss you all!!! :)

Work Hard, Play Hard.
-Elder Mason Rankin

Friday, November 7, 2014


Ward Halloween party

Bottled Root Beer

week 10/27-11/2/2014

Hey y'all!

Today was a great P-day! Had a great day of playing sports with everyone in the zone! Yes of course our team won the volleyball tournament! Besides that, we went and taught Jordan and Erin that night. I don't know if I have talked about them. They are a young couple that go to a baptist church, we had taught him once before but met her tonight. They had a young baby girl as well. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even though Erin was in and out with the baby, Jordan learned a ton and is really understanding what we are teaching him. Let's see if we can get him to church!

Today we got to watch Meet the Mormons with the mission president! Such a great movie, I loved getting the opportunity to see it. All the stories in there were amazing. I started to cry at the end though when the mom lets her first boy go on a mission. I remember saying good bye to my mom. My mom is such a great cook and she sent me her Chicken Fajita recipe and made some awesome fajitas this night. Not as good as momma's though :)

Today we met Dave. Dave is an older gentleman that lives by himself, divorced and has a son in college. When we go to the door of people, we ask if we can go inside and teach them but most times people will talk to us, we have to sit on the porch or they aren't interested. Dave was the first person that I got to teach inside his home. Never have I been invited in. We taught him the restoration, understood it, gave him a Book of Mormon and we have a return appointment for this next Wednesday. I can't wait to see him progress!

 Today was great because I got 2 packages and tons of letters! So much motivation and happiness, I love receiving stuff in the mail. I got lots of treats, can't eat it all at once though! :) Besides the packages we got to teach this younger guy named Dustin. We originally met his fiance and then we came back to meet with her and we met him. Found out that she left him so we talked to him about trials and building your foundation on Christ. We taught him a brief lesson on the Restoration and understood it. He has committed to reading and praying to know if it is true. He also invited us back in 2 weeks. I want to teach him the Plan of Salvation because he just had a grandmother die, so that could totally help him out!

Such a great Halloween! I found some cheap new ties that I bought, got a haircut, and had a great time at the Ward Party. They had 2 huge jumping things for all the kids. We showed up early so Elder Gray and I could jump in the bounce house before the kids got there! :) For the party we had to do a skit, so we performed the echo skit using mic's and the performed a veggie tales song called "God is Bigger Than the Boogie Man." I had never heard of it, but it went really well and everyone loved it! Tons of candy and after we helped clean up, we got bottled root beer! So good!

Start of a new month! Crazy how time flies! Today we met this girl tracting named Elizabeth. Found out she had a friend that went on a mission and she was interested in learning more about the gospel. She is a young student at USM and is busy so it will be hard to catch her. But, we won't give up! It was a good thing we knocked on her house. It looked like this huge abandoned mansion. We then found out she has a bunch of roommates, so more people we can teach!

Today was a success! Such a good testimony meeting! The spirit was there the whole time, I had to get up and bear my testimony. After sacrament, Sis Woodard came up to me and said "find me after church, I have something for you." After church, she gave me a brand new BSU tie just like the one that I have that I spilt on when I ate dinner at her house! I was so happy because I couldn't get the whole stain out of the other tie! Such a nice lady! Then we finally got to meet with Trikeshia, she has been busy with a grandmother that just had surgery and her new job. We talked to her about the importance of not going to 2 churches because she would go to our church then go to her Baptist church. She now plans on only coming to the LDS church with her family! Then we got to have dinner with the Foote family! It was so good! Chicken, rice, green beans, and rolls. She makes rolls as good as daddy does! They are a young family with 2 young cute daughters. He works at USM as an Administrator for the football team, over fundraising. He might take us to a football game, we will see what happens!

This week seemed to fly by! I felt like only yesterday that I was getting off the plane. The weather here is getting colder. Everyone is pulling out their jackets and I am still walking around in my short sleeves. They all think I am crazy, 'till they hear I am from Idaho. The ward I am in continues to grow and progress. Since the first week I was here, I can see it changing. I can't wait to continue to grow the ward and strengthen their faith. One thing that I learned from this week is that your testimony isn't something you just say, it is something you live. I strive to live as example of Christ, I hope y'all do too. Thanks for all the continual support! I miss you and I love you so much!

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pictures from 10/20-10/26/2014

Representing BSU

My Mom BOO'd us so we BOO'd the other Elders.

A day of Service

New Roofing

Nothing like a good day of Service

Almost done.

I know how to frost the best.

My Mom taught me how to frost cupcakes.

Awesome package thanks for the BOO!

Week 10/20/2014-10/26/2014

Hey y'all!

Today we got fed for lunch!  A guy in our ward named Benny took us to pizza. He is a recent convert and is planning on going through the temple for the first time this weekend! He is such an awesome guy and is always happy. Today was also exchanges so Elder Belani was with us all day. It was fun to hangout with him, we have become really good friends! He is from Arizona, recent convert as of last year I believe and he is even good at ping pong!

Today we had inspection. I used some of the tricks mom taught me and cleaned our apartment like crazy. We got the best apartment out of the whole zone. The only thing I forgot was to dust the fans, next month we will get perfection! Then we had dinner with the Hinton Family, they are this awesome family in the ward. The dad is just like my dad, goofy and funny! haha it was great to teach them and get to know them better. We had tacos for dinner! After we went to the institute building and Belani and I had to play some ping pong. He barely won but I know next time I won't let him win!!

Today we worked our butts off!! Tracted like crazy and even got 3 new investigators! The first 2 are a young couple named Dustin and Aline. They haven't ever heard of mormons and they are really interested, we only got to talk with them but we have an appointment next week to teach them. Can't wait to see how it goes! Then we met Frank! Frank is a young guy that's just working right now. He graduated in 2012 from High School and kind of wants to find his purpose in life. We taught him the restoration, invited him to church and even talked about baptism. He is really interested and I can't wait to see this guy progress.

Today we worked hard tracting but didn't have a ton of luck till we went to see a potential investigator named Jordan. We taught him the Restoration and he is really interested in the Book of Mormon and really wants to read it. He loves to read old books and really loved to hear the restoration. We are teaching him next Monday and his wife. I am praying that this continues to go well.

Today I got an awesome package from my mom!!! I loved the 2 ties I left. I was so happy to see them! I also loved the treats and the fajita seasoning. I plan on making them next week! Today was also a successful day. The second house we knocked on we met a lady named Debra. She let us teach her on her porch for and hour and a half! It was such a great lesson and I felt the spirit and I know she did as well. She started to break down into tears. I was really able to relate with her. She is just like my mother. Cares about everyone else's needs before she cares about her own. She loved her family so much and was so selfless, just as Christ was. She was going through these trials and I shared with her Helaman 5:12 and she loved it. That is when she began to cry. She plans on coming to church and we invited her to baptism. She wants to learn more before she says yes. We also had dinner with this young family named the Donovan's and this older lady named Sis Woodard. I instantly loved Sis Woodard. She reminds me of my grandma, just so loving, was an awesome cook and she made some amazing dessert! It felt so good to eat a home cooked meal!

 Today was the stake day of service. We worked for 10 hours on a house that needed a new roof. No we didn't get on the roof, we just gave them all the material they needed, cleaned up the old stuff and cut wood to redo the roof! I was so tired. But after we went over to the west elder apartment and played phase 10 and made pumpkin cupcakes. Of course I had to frost them because my mom showed me how to frost them properly :)

Today was a good day of tracting. We first met axel, young guy that has never been to church in his life. I gave him a Book of Mormon and he actually was really happy to receive it and promised us he would read it. We also invited him to church and he said maybe and would have to think about it. Very good potential, we will see where that goes. Then the awesome one was Madison. Madison is a young mother that is going to USM and has studied the bible a ton. We taught her the Restoration and she really understood it. We committed her to read it and she also plans on coming to church in 2 Sundays when she gets back in town. It was a great lesson and was definitely guided by the spirit. She doesn't believe fully in Jesus Christ but through the Book of Mormon she will be able to see it is another testament of Christ.

Definitely this whole week was a hard-working week. We found all together 6 new teaching investigators and a bunch of potentials. I find that when I am focused, and ready to work with all my heart, we are so much more successful. A great finding week. Loving everyday of the work, but of course I am missing all of you. Can't believe it's already another week that has gone by. I love the gospel, I learn more everyday and I can't wait to continue to learn and teach. I love you and miss you!!

Elder Rankin