Saturday, November 15, 2014

Week 11/3- 11/9/2014

Hey y'all,

Today we ended a great P-day. We went over to the Wipple home for dinner. She made us baked potatoes with taco soup and rolls. We then were about to teach them a lesson about the family mission plan. Helping them become more involved with missionary work. Then we went over to Jordan & Erin's(investigators) house and taught one of the greatest lessons ever. We re-taught the restoration to both of them and at the the end we cleared up and questions they had and just testified. The spirit was so strong there and at the end Erin expressed to us that even though they go to the Baptist church, they don't believe in everything they teach. They consider themselves christian but want to state and Denomination!! I know they felt the spirit, we asked them to be baptized and they said they needed to pray about it. Can't wait to see them progress!

Today was exchanges. Elder Gray and Franklin were in the West Elder's area and Elder Burningham and I were in my area. It was kind of fun but stressful to lead my area for the first time. I was confident though in where to go and we got some good work done. That night we went over to the Hinton's again for dinner. What an awesome family, they are so fun, loving and accepting of everyone. We laughed for a while, had some delicious dinner and then were able to end with a lesson on Christlike attributes. I did my portion on becoming humble. Since week one I told myself that I needed to work on this since I have such a big head and I think I am better then everyone else. In the past weeks, I let my trainer train me, I allowed myself to be teachable and I learned so much more. Was also able to recognize and teach through the spirit.

Today I was super depressed. One of our investigators declined baptism and pretty much said he won't ever become Mormon no matter what we teach him. After that lesson, I just prayed to myself to have strength and make the most of the rest of the day. My prayers were answered! I got a package from the McGrath family and was so excited to find white cheddar popcorn inside! Elder Gray loves it and would've eaten the whole bag if I let him. Then we went tracting and I was just really down still... until we knocked on this one house. I felt prompted to knock on this house that wasn't on the street we were tracting and young college girl named Valeri answered. We found out one of her co-workers was talking to her about the Book of Mormon and she is in our ward. We taught her the Restoration, gave her a Book of Mormon and she invited us back. Such a simple lesson to her, but the spirit was there. I was sweating as we walked away from the door, full of the spirit and so full of joy. I was jumping around the street so happy. Franklin thought I was crazy! haha A member gave us gift cards to Cracker Barrel so we went and I got Breakfast for dinner. I got these huge pancakes topped with fresh blackberries. Sooo good!

Today we tried to get in contact with Trikeshia but she bailed on us again. I think it is because of her new job and she doesn't fully know her schedule yet. Hopefully we can catch her next week. That night we taught a potential investigator named Nadeen. She studies culture and religion and was really interested in the history of the Book of Mormon. It was a great lesson and we invited he to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know it is true. She is also going to teach a religion class next semester and asked if we would come teach a lecture. We will see if that happens.

Today we did a ton of service for Sis Murphy again. We cleaned up her jungle of a yard. It took forever! Mowing, clipping and tons of trimming. I was so tired! I found this turtle though in her yard and that was pretty sweet! Then we went over to Sister Pilgrim's house and had a real southern dinner. We had red beans, sausage, rice and "southern' cornbread. The "southern" cornbread isn't sweet at all like some cornbreads and it actually was a pretty good dinner. She was said to hear that we haven't had a ton of southern dinners so she plans on having us over again soon!

Today we met a lot of uplifting people. The first guy we met was a preacher for a baptist church. We were so scared he was going to bible bash with us but he actually was really nice and told us to come back to teach him more. He talked about God and related him to someone sitting in an airplane. Out of an 8 inch window you can see 3 train engine, 26 cable cars and a caboose. As we go throughout our lives we may think we are going through really hard trials. God is there to help you because he know what is coming in our lives and is ready to bless you. He is looking over all of us. Then we met another really receptive guy. He wasn't even on the street we were tracting, but I saw him down the road a little ways trying to start his car. So I thought I should go try to help him. Found out he was a mechanic and said he didn't need our help. We were able to chat with him for a while. He appreciates what we do and just went off on how Jesus has blessed his life. He said he has even seen an angel catch his pregnant wife one time in his home. Awesome stories, meeting some great people!

Today we taught the whole young men's. That may seem like a lot until you hear they only have 6 young men total in the ward. We taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ and it went really well. The awesome part of today was going over to James' house (sister's investigator) and giving him a blessing. He is going through a lot of trials and he is trying to prepare himself for baptism. It was such a great opportunity to feel that spirit, I am glad that I have the priesthood and have the ability to use it to help people. He is progressing so much and it was great to get to know him better. Over-all, it was an alright week!

This week went by so fast. It was kind of scary to think I am already at P-day again. I am growing, I am learning so much and I know this church is true. This next week I won't be emailing until Tuesday because it is transfer day. I think I am staying in Hattiesburg for a while so I should be fine. Loving the work, I love my family. I miss you all so much. Keep writing me and letting me know how life is going. I love to hear from y'all. Have a great week and keep on smiling, God loves you. I love and miss you all!!! :)

Work Hard, Play Hard.
-Elder Mason Rankin

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