Today was another fast p-day. We had zone p-day and it was super fun to see some of the people I don't get to everyday. We played ultimate frisbee, sand volleyball and kick ball. My team of course won ultimate and volleyball, we didn't do as well at kickball. That is alright though. Both our appointments fell through tonight. The one I was looking forward to was Jordan and Erin, but Erin got sick so we just planned for next Monday. I really hope we can progress this young family!
We taught a less active tonight named Randy. We were able to talk to him about our favorite conference talks from this last conference. I was inspired to share Dieter F. Utchdorf's talk on testimony and light. He has a testimony but he doesn't live it and we were able to really get that across to him tonight. He has some struggles with smoking and other things but I know he has a kind heart and wants to change.
Today was Zone Development Meeting, it was really motivating and help us make sure we had our focus, Elder Franklin committed ourselves to work really hard the rest of the week, so that we can take that into the next transfer. Tonight we went to Dinner with the Holm's to Topher's so that was awesome because I got to see Benjamin! We also were able to talk to one of our waitresses and she seemed interested in who we are and what we are doing. So, we might teach her soon. Her name is Kara and we are pretty sure she only talked to us because she was checking me out the whole time we were there. What can I say? Missionaries look good everyday! :) Then we went to practice in the stake choir we are in now. We are doing a nativity thing in November. Still don't know how we got picked for it, but that's alright!
Today we worked so hard in the freezing cold because we were on bikes! I was so cold, the wind and cold here is so much different then Idaho! I seriously just got wrecked. We met with Charles Jordan and had a very spiritual lesson with him. I set him with a baptismal date and then gave him a blessing to help him keep his commitments and that life gets better for him because he has been struggling a lot. Then we tracted into a lady named Shirley, taught her a short lesson and then planned to come back when her husband was home next Saturday. When we were saying the prayer she kept mumbling "thank you" and "Mmm." Probably one of the funniest experiences of my life. I am doing that from now on. Then Sis Woodard brought us dinner because she couldn't get anyone to come over to her house that night. She brought us Dickey's BBQ. It was funny because she doesn't feed any of the other missionaries anymore. She likes me so much now that she only feeds us I am pretty sure. I gave her a loaf of pumpkin chocolate chip bread for giving me the BSU tie, she loved it!
Today was the best day ever! Went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I got to be with Elder Paul, older missionary from North Salt Lake. We had a great time tracting and were able to talk to a lot of people and teach a couple lessons! After that I felt prompted to go over to an investigators house named Lamar. As he answered the door, he looked so surprised. He said " I have been trying to get a hold of you, I must have the wrong number, but now you are here!" It was so awesome. Then we taught him a Resto lesson with his Sister who is a member. Probably one of the best lessons ever. I learned so much from Elder Paul throughout the whole day. At the end of the lesson we committed him to baptism and he said yes! So excited to see him progress. Then we went and taught an active member named Sis Clark and in the middle of her lesson she broke down and she told us this personal story of some trials she was going through. I was able to then give her a blessing at the end. The spirit swarmed the room as I began to speak, I wouldn't have been able to give the blessing without the guidance of the Holy Ghost. So thankful for the priesthood!
Today we tracted into an older lady named Margaret. She has alzheimer's and smokes. We taught her the restoration and committed her to read the Book of Mormon. She wants to quit smoking, she wants us to come teach her grandson and she loved our message. She even said she wanted to come to our church. It was so awesome. We plan on visiting her sometime next week. Then we went to Dinner with Britt family, afterwards we got to go home teaching with Bro Britt and see a less active named Sis. Reedy. She expressed to us that she wanted to come to church. Bro Britt planned on giving her a ride and this will be the first time she has come to church in a long time! So excited for her!
What a great Sunday! We had two investigators in sacrament, Sis Reedy was there and the spirit was so strong there. Charles and Debra were the two that came to church! It was so great to see all the ward members come together and just loves these people that we brought. The ward members expressed to us that they love the work that we are doing. We are changing this ward for the better. I guess they used to have missionaries that never worked, so they love the change!
Today we deep cleaned the apartment and then went to clean the church for service. The apartment looked so much better. It was kind of looking pretty bad towards the end of that transfer. Later we got picked up by the Brock's and we went to Cici's pizza for dinner. They are such a great other couple and so funny to chat with! Afterwards, Bro Brock asked if we had any appointments and we said yes with Jordan and Erin, some of our investigators. He then offered to come with us and had such a wonderful lesson. The spirit was there and Bro Brock's testimony really helped them a lot. He even straight up asked them to come to church without us asking and I really think they will come this next week. It has been hard to get them to come because they are active in the Baptist church and Erin loves to sing in the choir. I pray that they come this next week, I know that they will love it and finally they will see what they have been missing their whole lives. I really hope this goes well!!
What another fabulous and fast week. I find these weeks flying by scary fast. I am spending another Transfer here in Hattiesburg East area. I will be leading the area this transfer so we will see how that goes. We have a lot of strong investigators and a ton of potential's. I can really see us getting a baptism this transfer. The church is true and I know that the Lord provides. He put people in our path that only we can connect with. I found that I am able to really connect and really able to teach the people now, not lessons. He provided me with great people like Lamar that are ready to hear the gospel. If we have open hearts we will receive a greater portion of the word and our light will grow. Show your light of Christ everywhere you go. Light will always overcome the darkness. I love and miss you all! Keep on smiling!
Elder Mason Rankin
#foreverstrong #dontstopscoring
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