Monday, February 16, 2015

Letter 2/16/2015

What a great week! Throughout this whole week I felt the spirit and really recognized god's hand in this work!

Starting with last T-day, we picked up Elder Burningham's new comp. His name is Elder Corbin, from Newport Beach California, loves to surf and joke around with me. We have a good time and became instant friends! He even plays basketball, so we will have fun today when we ball it up!

This last Wednesday we had ZDM, so the whole zone got together and discussed things, practiced teaching and grew spiritually. After the ZDM, we went on a mini exchange with the Wiggins elders while they were down here. I went with Elder Jones and had a great time. We went and visited a potential investigator. Her name is Jeanette Lawton, graduated in '04, has 2 younger kids and has been engaged for 6 years. Elder Jones and I taught the Restoration in depth, invited her to church, she said yes and then we invited her to be baptized! She said YES!!! Oh my, I felt the spirit, she felt the spirit and I know she knew what we were saying is true. Blessing of exchanges. 

That same night we went over to the Whipple's for dinner. Wes was so excited to see me! I love going over to their house and feeling the spirit they bring there. They are a blessing to have in the ward, such great people.

Friday was a busy day for us. We taught a ton of people all day, went and saw a few less-actives and then had a baptism that night. My favorite person to see was our investigator, Samuel. He always loves to see us and is such a nice guy. The baptism that night was one of the sister's investigator. His name is Mike Starr. His whole family is active in the church and supposedly he has been investigating the church for over 10 years and just has had a problem with the Word of Wisdom. Finally he decided that it is ruining his life and finally decided to get baptized. The whole ward was there to see him get baptized and he had a warm welcome.

Saturday was Valentine's day! That morning the Hinton's invited us to breakfast at Pastry Garden. It was super good and I just feel so loved by the Hinton's. They take such good care of us and they really like Lesuma and I. Bro Hinton even told us that he was planning on taking us to a USM baseball game. That should be fun! Then that afternoon we had the McCiniss wedding. It was a full house in the church and they looked so happy together! Lots of good food, great people and a good valentine's day.

Sunday is always so great! Jeanette came to church and even stayed for all 3 hours. I learned a lot more about her. Her fiance is 6'9" and she is going to try and bring him to church. She actually knew a few people there too! She also has been pregnant for 7 months and the baby is already 33 inches long! She loved church though and we couldn't of had better speakers. Bro and Sis Mero from the High Council came and spoke. The ward welcomed her right in and she told us that she plans on coming again and really enjoyed all of church! I had a lot of doubt starting from that morning, thinking she wouldn't come. I knelt down and prayed that morning and felt so much better knowing that it would be alright. The Lord provided us with a great day and helped get her to church so she could feel the spirit. I even got worried that she might get scared away or confused but it all went great!

Truly a blessed week, full of the spirit and love from my Heavenly Father. He knows each of us personally and when we are obedient, he is ready to bless us. I hope y'all had a great week like I did. Thank you for all the support, couldn't do it without y'all. I am blessed. Miss and love y'all!

Keep on smiling!
Elder Mason Rankin :)

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