What a wonderful week and great fast Sunday, I hope y'all liked watching the super bowl, all I heard was the final score from a member in our ward. Hopefully it was a good game!
Elder Lesuma and I had our first p-day together! We played volleyball with most of the zone which was super fun! Whatever team I was on, they won! It was seriously so much fun and Lesuma was getting so mad at his team because he kept telling them to do "bump, set, spike" and they wouldn't listen!
Our week was full of meeting lots of new people, trying to find some new people to teach because everyone was dropping off! One of the first people we met was this younger black woman named Hope. She is working 2 jobs, one at a hotel and another at a breakfast place. Besides that she was really nice and actually had met some of our missionaries out in Petal. She was really open to us teaching her more and wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Just when you think that your day is not going to be good, you find Hope ;) hahaha what is funny is we almost didn't knock on her house because no one looked home and it looked really run down. Then out came this wonderful lady, ready and prepared for us!
On Thursday we had Specialized training, it was the first one I had ever been too. They have all the new missionaries and their trainers come and learn how to become better trainers and let the new missionaries talk to President. I was supposed to have one first transfer but we had a Zone conference with Elder Zwick instead. It went really well and one thing I committed to myself is to try and talk to everyone, whether it be on the street or just in Wal-mart. I am going to talk to everyone that comes in my path. I actually had an experience with this, that very same day! After correlation, we took Lesuma to go get his first Sonic shake. While we were there, the manager came out and asked us how our shakes were and stuff. Before long, I had him sitting down with us, a Book of Mormon in his hand and he was learning about Faith and the Holy Ghost. We taught him a simple lesson and answered any questions he had, but he committed to read and to come to church in 2 weeks with his Wife and baby daughter. Talk to EVERYONE, you never know who could use the gospel in their life or need to hear your testimony and have the spirit touch their heart.
I don't know if y'all have ever heard of this place called mugshots, but we went there after specialized training and it was really good!!! They make some pretty good burgers, not as good as Red Robin but it still was pretty good.
Friday night we finally got in contact with Lamar and got to teach him a lesson!!!!! He stills wants to get baptized, he still believes the church is true, he is just having a hard time right now. He is kind of nervous, he wants to get baptized with his mom he doesn't want to come to church and he is just really busy. But we discussed his concerns, got him feeling better and taught him for about and hour and a half! Such a spiritual treat, I walked in there nervous that he was done or something and then walked out having no doubt that he will get baptized soon. It may not be next week but it will be soon. I can feel it. We talked about the priesthood, service and missionary work. He loved all of it, he already does tons of service and tries to be a missionary. Just a great night, thankful that I know he is okay and we are back in contact with him!
Saturday we got free subway as always, but this time instead of saving half our sandwiches. Lesuma and I went and gave it to the homeless man that was sitting outside. He was super thankful for it and we actually got to teach him a little bit and tell him more about the church. Elder Lesuma really wants to teach the hobo's, he keeps telling me that they are children of god too. We will see how that goes, so far it hasn't been too bad of an experience. Talk to everyone.
This fast Sunday was a good one, definitely feasted spiritually all through church and the whole Sunday. Elder Lesuma and I got the opportunity to teach the young men about the Plan of Salvation. It went super well, very good transitions, the young men were participating and the spirit was testifying right along with each of our testimonies. My testimony of the Plan of Salvation has grown a lot since I was a young man. I look back at a time when I wasn't sure whether or not I would see my dear friend again. I know now, without a doubt, I will see him again. That will be a great reunion, along with others that have passed away before me.
What a great week, met tons of new people, taught a bunch of lessons and felt great at the end of each day. No matter the outcome, knowing that you put your whole heart into that day, I feel that I accomplished something. Elder Lesuma and I are getting along so well, we love to pick on each other but at the end of the day we love each other. I am thankful that he is here, he has come a long way to be here. I hope y'all had a great week as well, I love to hear how y'all are doing as well. I hope that the lord continues to bless each of your lives everyday, I know he has blessed mine in so many ways. Life is good, the church is true and people are crazy. I miss and love y'all so much!! Sending hugs from Mississippi!
Keep on smiling! :)
Elder Mason Rankin
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