Monday, June 22, 2015

Letter 6/22/2015 9 months....but who's counting?

This week was a pretty normal one. It had it's ups and downs. We tracted, we met people, we got rejected and we tried to have some fun while doing it! We didn't have tons and tons of success, but we have been doing really well with our investigator named Dee. She is reading, she continues to meet with us and pray about what is true. She almost dropped us earlier this week but we were able to resolve her concerns, and help her know why she needs to be baptized by someone holding the proper authority of God. Some of the lessons get really emotional and spiritual, she almost cried the other day when we were teaching her. She knows what she needs to do, just needs to talk to her Mom about it. She has committed to church this next week and we plan on continuing to meet with her this week. She is really awesome, she desires to know more and hopefully we can continue to "help her receive."

We had one other experience that I want to talk about. A few times I have run into people that don't like the Mormons. They just want to argue and are very rude. I wasn't having a super great day the other day and I wasn't going to have any of it. We were walking out of the post office and a man stopped us. He said things like "we don't believe in the same Jesus", "y'all are part of a cult", "we are only saved by faith" and "there is no way you can be an Elder." The spirit worked readily through me and I was so bold with this man. I don't know if I have ever been like this with anyone on my mission. I corrected what he said, every scripture he said, I explained what it really meant and even had other scriptures to back up what I was saying to him. It honestly felt great, the spirit continued to testify to me that what I was saying is true and he was allowing me to say exactly what this man needed to hear. Although his hard heart wouldn't let it in, we left on a good note, I felt better. Elder Ross and I were really happy with how it went. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Restored to the Earth in it's fullness and I won't allow anyone to walk on my testimony.

This weekend the Bishop's son got baptized, so we had to go and attend that. It was a wonderful baptism. Reminded me of my own and my siblings and others I have been blessed to witness. So happy to see so many young kids make good steps toward coming closer to their Heavenly Father. Saturday night we got invited over to the Campbell's to celebrate Sis Campbell's birthday! They are such a great family and I love spending time with them. Elder Ross and I got this really awesome "childish" card.. she loved it! :)

Yesterday was Father's day as we all know. We had lunch at the Elliot's and dinner at the Glass', we are blessed to have such awesome families. I really reflected on my own father and Our Heavenly Father as I sat in church yesterday. Being away from my Dad makes me sad, but makes me even more grateful for all that he has done for me. He takes care of me, he loves me, he set an example for me and he does so much for me! I wouldn't be the person I am today, I wouldn't be on my mission if it wasn't for my loving Dad :) I also know that we each have a Father in Heaven that loves each of us and knows us each personally. I am excited for the day I can give him a hug and thank him for all that he has done for me. God isn't just some spirit that is above us all, he has a body just like us. I hope each of us thanked our Father's, including our Father in Heaven for all that they do for each of us. What a blessing they are in our lives. Happy Father's Day Dad!

Thanks for all the love and support! Almost to 9 months, kind of crazy to think. Stonewall is great, we continue to work hard and pray that we will find all those that are being prepared. May we all help in this great work. Have a great week, keep on smiling :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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