Monday, June 1, 2015

Letter 6/1/2015

Where do I even begin? Sit down before you begin reading, just a warning :)

I'll start with earlier this week. I went on exchanges with Elder Nelson (zone leader) and we had a blast. I went up to Bossier City with him and Elder Ross stayed with Elder Scaife. We did a lot of tracting and the people were actually really nice. We handed out a few copies of the Book of Mormon, taught a few lessons and just had a great time. I like Elder Nelson, he is a good friend of mine.

The exchanges gave me a little bit more of a determination to go out and find some people to teach. Elder Ross and I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday finding, but at the end of the day we didn't have too much luck. No one was home, no one wanted to listen and it was very rainy. After lots of prayers, we finally found some success the next day!

Friday was a normal day. Studies, lunch and getting ready for work. The Sander's wanted us to come over and teach Will and also meet one of their neighbors before they moved. They are headed to Indiana on June 7th. So we come over early in the afternoon, and have a great lesson with Will. We teach him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. William has been coming to church for the last 2 months, so he knows a lot about the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and what we believe. We had an amazing lesson, Elder Ross and I taught simply, testified and really invited the spirit. We invited him to baptism... he accepted! Sis Ray (Sander's grandchild) began to cry and William did too and they hugged. An amazing moment, that is for sure! We then discussed a baptism date, he wanted to be baptized before the Sander's left. So we call the Zone leader's, they rush over to interview him and see if he is even ready for next weekend. We reviewed the questions with him and got him ready, he knew everything so well. The interview happened and he passed! This was only our 2nd lesson with him and it was crazy to think all of this was happening so fast!!! Elder Ross was so excited he kept running around and calling people, I had to tell him to calm down :) Inside I am jumping for joy!! Will wants me to baptize him and Elder Ross to confirm him. The plan right now, is to have it on June 6th at 7 pm!!!! We are both very excited and so surprised!! Never thought a miracle like this would just fall into our hands. Will is prepared and and elect individual :) Miracles really do happen!!!!

The next day we met with Clay Walker again. We hadn't gotten in contact with him in awhile, so I was happy to finally see him again. He said sorry about not getting in contact, he was moving and getting his job and health all situated. We had a great lesson with him though and set him with a new baptism date of June 20th. He has some thing he needs to overcome but I know that through the Savior's Atonement and His Gospel, anyone can get through anything! :) I'll let you know how that continues to go!

After teaching Clay, we met Will at baptismal service that was happening up in Bossier. His father even joined us and watched as the Osburn family entered the waters of baptism. Will really enjoyed the service and was excited for his own baptism! After the service, we had a great lesson with him about the Plan of Salvation. He already knew generally what it was, but we went in depth and answered any question he has about it. He is nervous, but continues to tell me he is excited!

Sunday was funny and great! The ward feels so much like a family! Like a family that knows a little too much about each other :) haha! We announced Will's baptism and everyone was excited! He is doing really well and we have another lesson planned for tonight. Our ward has a lot of interesting people, they are just good southern people. They like their crawfish, it's not coming over for dinner, it's "supper" and they announce people being pregnant in ward announcements.... What a love I have for this ward! Always a good laugh and a good time :)

Well y'all, our first baptism is on our way and we are so excited!!! I am just so excited to see someone make this step towards salvation. Thank you so much for all y'all's prayers and love. I couldn't do it without them. Continue to pray everything goes well with the baptism. I am nervous, excited and stressed all in one! But it will be so great! :) Keep on smiling and I hope y'all enjoy this summer, I know I will be sweating a lot in this wonderful humidity! Have a great week, y'all are the best! :)

Elder May May Rankin :)

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