Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Letter 5/26/2015 - 8 months!

Holy Ghost! I have been out for 8 months now, is that crazy or what?! Seems like yesterday I was stepping off the plane. It has been a fun and crazy adventure. I can't wait what else the Lord has in store for me.

We started the week with an exchange with Coushatta. I went with Elder Chase up here in Stonewall and it was pretty good. We started out Monday by going out with Bro Terry to see some less-actives. We found one man that was... kind of a cross dresser... He came out wearing fish-net tights, pink fingernail polish, woman's clothes, lipstick and I could see the lines where his wig used to be. Bro Terry didn't know what to say so I had to carry the conversation. It was pretty funny to see both Elder Chase and Bro Terry's faces when this man came out! Hahaha, another story for the books...

Elder Ross and I went over Wednesday to teach Dennis and we got some bad news... he doesn't want to be taught anymore. He went and chatted with his baptist preacher and has decided to stay there. It kind of stuck a lot but we are still doing alright. Seems like we are back to square one with investigators. Just lots of potentials! We did find a young boy we might be able to teach though. The Sander's in our ward, had their grandkids over while we were helping them move and they brought a friend that was really interested in our church. His name is Will and it 13 years old. I'll let you know how that goes, hopefully we can teach him more in the future!

We did have some little success though this week. I was totally down after Dennis dropped us but I continued to work and tract. We went to go visit some of the former investigators in the area book. We came to one man's house and he wasn't there, so we decided to tract a little bit. 2 doors down, we met Cherrie and her family! She has 4 kids and she is a single mother. We taught her a little bit about the BoM and talked to her about her faith. We have a return appointment for this week, so hopefully it goes well :)

As we were walking back to the car, a couple of teenage boys were taunting us and asking us to come play basketball with them. So Elder Ross and I challenged them and gave them a run for their money :) They didn't think we were any good at all and we ended up stomping on them! It was only a 9.5 foot hoop but we did pretty good for being in full proselyting clothes. Our winning point was a reverse dunk alley-oop to me! It was so sweet! Definitely made the day better to play a little basketball. :)

This past Saturday was "service Saturday." We started at 7:30 am at Sis Fedatov's house to help her move. Then we had to go to the other house in Northern Shreveport to unload it. After finishing at her house, we went over to the Sander's to move some of their heavier boxes and furniture out into the moving POD. After that, the Glass' took us out to Subway for lunch and then had us come help them move new furniture into their house. We didn't get back to the apartment till late that night and we were all tired out from moving boxes to couches to beds! Lots and lots of service :)

Sunday was great! The ward really loves us a lot and I can feel their love. Everyone continues to sign up to feed us and come to their houses! Hopefully we can turn these meal appointments into some referrals :) For 3rd hour, the Primary asked us to come in a teach a little bit. The kids asked us all sorts of questions and we got to answer them. We were then going to leave back to our class and all the kids asked for us to stay and having singing time with them! It was so fun to sing and do all the actions :) Brought me back to my Primary days! Love it!

Yesterday was Memorial Day! What a fabulous day! Elder Ross and I had a great time. We started at the Ward craw fish boil and I had a whole ton of craw fish. It was a good experience, plus they are funky looking but pretty good :) After we played softball, ultimate frisbee and basketball with all the kids and adults. It was fun! I got a little sun so I look tan today, but Elder Ross and I bought some sweet shirts and everyone like them. You'll have to check out the pictures. Then last night we had a tornado warning so we had to go to the Adams house and all jam into the center of the house with pillow and blankets. Luckily it didn't hit close to us, and we even got some homemade vanilla ice cream afterwards. Overall a great day! :) Thanks to all those who serve! Land of the free, because of the Brave :)

Thanks y'all for all the support and love. I hope your week was as good as mine. Definitely had my ups and downs, but wouldn't have the good without the bad. Have a great day y'all and keep on smiling :)! I miss and love y'all!

Elder Mason Rankin

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