Monday, May 11, 2015

Letter 5/11/2015

So this past week we had a lot of changes in Stonewall! As I talked about before, I became the District leader and I also got to train again! :) Tuesday night my boy showed up on the T-van and I finally got to meet him! I was worried all day that I got some terrible kid, or someone I would never get along with, but actually I got blessed with an awesome companion! His name is Elder Ross. Elder Ross is from Tuscan, AZ. He is #6 of 10 kids, he loves sports like football, track, basketball and even ultimate Frisbee. He loves music, he can play the guitar really well and he also can sing really well. He did choir all through high school and he loves to hangout with friends. He is a great guy and I am excited for what this transfer brings us! He also loves to laugh, so we get along great :)

This past week, we spent a lot of our time tracting. We need to find some new investigators. We had some good experiences with people that were just open to talk about Jesus, others were kind of crazy and they invited us in to listen to a sermon that their preacher gave. It was an interesting sermon, I don't know how you can feel the spirit when they preach like that but I guess everyone is different!

We had one experience with tracting that I would like to share. Elder Ross and I came up to a door, knocked once and a young boy opened the door. We asked if his parents were home and he went to grab his Mom. His Mom came to the door, just woken up from a nap, so I was afraid she might have been cranky. She actually was really nice and understanding. Her name is Dionne and we scheduled to come back when she was feeling better! So we come back the next couple of days. We are walking down the road and we see her pull into her garage. She just literally saw us and now we know she is home and she knows we are coming. We give her a minute to get inside and then we knock. And knock... And knock... No answer at all... So we leave and continue to tract a couple streets over. Then a couple hours later we come by her house to go back to the car and we find her outside talking to some guy. So we wait on the corner until they are done and then walk over to her house. Her young boy is outside playing, Jordan, and we ask him to go get his Mom. She comes out and we talk to her. At first it seemed like she didn't want to talk to us, but it ended up being a great lesson. We taught her to Restoration and she really understood what we were saying. At the end we introduced the Book of Mormon to her and she loved it! I am still amazed at people's faith in young missionaries like us handing her a book that they have never heard of and are willing to pray and read about it. I love people like that! She accepted to read and pray about it and we have a return appt later this week :) Pray it goes well!

I already told y'all about Dennis, he didn't come to church yesterday because he was with family all day, but we still have a return appt tomorrow! I am excited :) Pray that it goes well and that he understands the Plan of Salvation!

Well the best part of this past week was Mother's Day!! I got the blessing of speaking in sacrament meeting. I always enjoy talking about my Momma so it wasn't to hard to write a talk. I talked about the importance of a mother. She is first our friend, our example, she teaches us everything including spritually, she provides for us, sacrifices for us and finally she loves us! A mother's love for her child, is the closest we will ever get to the Savior's love for us. They love us so much!! I loved talking about my mom, from giving me matchbox cars to always giving her the biggest hugs :) My Mother is truly amazing, I know each of ours are special to us. Not to brag, but I have one of the best mother's ever ;) I loved skyping with my family and see each of their faces! It was fun to have some laughs, it makes missionary work better to have those tender mercies :) We spent time at the Campbell's and then we went to the Glass' house and spent some time with them as well! I loved spending time with their families, playing games and talking. My families away from home :) I hope y'all show you mom love not only yesterday, but everyday!! They deserve it :) Give her a hug and always say "I love you Mom!" 

Hope y'all have a great week! Thanks for all the support and love! Keep pushing forward with faith and smiling :) The church is absolutely true y'all, find out for yourself! I miss and love y'all so much!! Talk to y'all next week!

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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