Monday, May 18, 2015

Letter 5/18/2015 - Interviews, new faces, rain and even more rain...

This week was a good one, we worked hard, saw some blessings and had some more rain...

Elder Ross and I have been getting up and playing tennis in the mornings when there is no rain! It has been way fun. It reminds me from back when I used to play. We are getting better, I still can play alright. I have to work on my serve a little bit though... :)

Tuesday we had interviews with President McDonough and it was great to see that man. Probably one of the most Christ-like men I will ever know. My District was taught by the Zone Leaders about the Doctrine of Christ. Reflecting upon each point of it and why we teach it. It all starts with faith. President and I had a great interview. I was just happy. I didn't have anything bad to say, or really too many questions like before. I just kept telling him how happy I was. My companion and I are getting along great, my district is amazing and I was just so happy with how everything around me was. I saw no problems with anyone in my district and I just knew this transfer would be a good one! After my interview, I had to ask President one last question :) I asked him "if you could have any condiment come out of your belly button the rest of your life, what would it be?" He looked at me, chuckled a little and was just so surprised by the question. After he finished laughing, he told me that it would be ketchup. We have a ketchup man :)

Later on in the week, we went to tract in a new area. We found an awesome middle-class neighborhood with lots of people in it! We were guided by the spirit as we tracted and were able to find someone to teach. As we came up to this door, we had no luck so far so we were a little down. We knocked once and a big black lady came to the door. She opened the door and just smiled! Her first words were, "Wow, y'all are looking fly!" We laughed and instantly made a friend. Her name is Monet. She said she was in a spiritually open time in her life so she would listen to what we had to say. We answered all of her many questions, gave her a Book of Mormon and she committed to read a chapter of it before we came back and checked on her. She was so happy that we gave her one, she treated it like it was a million bucks! What a great lady! Hopefully it continues to go well with her. :)

Just an update on Dennis! We met with him Tuesday and had a great lesson on the Plan of Salvation with him. He really seemed to understand it and grasp the idea of knowing where he came from, what he is doing here and where he is going. When I asked him where he thought he was going after this life, he responded with "I hopefully will go to a kingdom where God is." I was so shocked that this man really believed it was a Kingdom, most just say heaven but he didn't. So it was great when we got to teach him about each of the kingdoms. Dennis was invited to church but I guess he was busy so hopefully this next week we can get him to join us, that would be great! Plus next Monday we are having a crawfish boil at the church, so hopefully he can make it to that as well.

This last Sunday was another good one. Elder Ross spoke on the Priesthood and he did a great job. Bro Campbell taught a great Gospel Doctrine class and we were studying in Luke about the parable of the lost sheep. Some people may think that the 'lost sheep' are only the people that haven't been baptized, but really we have lots of lost sheep all around us. Many member become inactive or less-active and they are our 'lost sheep' that we need to go help come back, just as Jesus would. for the value of one is great in the sight of our Heavenly Father. Elder Ross and I taught the High Priests about the Book of Mormon. They were investigators and we role played for a little bit. Some of the member thought it would be funny and try to ask really hard questions but each time we came back with a great answer and were very bold with them. I think they were a little shocked by it. Most of them served missionaries, "way back when", so they were used to memorized discussions not the lessons that we have today. It's crazy to see how much it has changed with Preach My Gospel.

My last highlight of the week was going over to the Elliot's for dinner. Sariah, their daughter, has decided that I am her 4th favorite missionary of all time! Elder Ross kept asking her if he was one of her favorites. She already had 3 top favorites she said, and then she told him "Elder Rankin is my 4th favorite, but I am going to have to think about you..." hahaha I was laughing pretty hard, seeing Elder Ross get shot down a little :) She is a funny little girl, definitely loves her frozen stuff. The Elliot's are always so nice to us and we had a great little lesson with them about member missionary work.

I hope y'all always are trying and looking for missionary opportunities because there are a lot of "lost sheep" out there and we need to help them. After all is said and done, one of the most important things we need to do, is to preach his Gospel. You may be nervous, it may be awkward, or even a little scary. Don't worry, the Holy Ghost will help you know what to say as long as you have faith and your just open your mouth. Think about your favorite aspect of the church or His gospel. How much joy does that give you to know that? or know the truth of it? Now since it gives us that joy, don't we desire to share it with everyone? so they can have that joy as well? Yes! As members of the church, we are truly blessed to have the fullness of the everlasting gospel. May we always seek missionary opportunities and live so that the Holy Ghost can work through us to bless those lost sheep. Thanks y'all for the love and support! Have a great week, and know Heavenly Father loves you! :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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