Monday, July 13, 2015

Letter 7/13/2015- Flat tire, Andrew's Birthday and Dee came to church!!!

This week was a great one! Lots of highlights, success and fun :)

We have a sand volleyball pit not too far from our apartment. Last P-day we were driving by and saw some college kids playing, so we decided to stop and see if we could join. It ended up being way fun and they all thought I was 22-21. They were shocked when they heard 18. It was fun explaining my name to a bunch of baptist college kids. "What's your name?.... Elder Rankin... Elder? What kind of first name is that? Wait do you both have the same first name?"... Anyways, we made some friends, had a ball and even got to teach them a little bit about what we believe.

Wednesday after ZDM, we were driving home from a Zone meeting and a piece of metal flew out of a truck that was driving in front of me. We were in construction on the freeway so I either had to hit the barrier or run over the metal. So we ran it over and got a flat tire. Luckily we found a place not too far ahead where we could turn off and change the tire. So in the middle of construction, on a hot summer day, in full proselyting clothes... I got to change a flat tire. The Lord blesses you with "faith building" situations :)

Saturday was Andrew's 18th Birthday! We played football with him early that morning, then came back for dinner and games. I really love the Campbell family. Make me feel like I am back at home and are so loving. His parent gave him the same camera I have for his mission, so I was teaching him how to use it. We had pizza, ate cake, played some uno, talked and ended with a game of monopoly! Overall, such a great night!

So Dee had some progression this week. On Tuesday, we took Andrew to a lesson and talked about being obedient to God's commandments. Thursday, we brought Kaye Storrs (an RM) to a lesson and talked about Dee's reading assignment of King Benjamin's speech. We also discussed the Water's of Mormon and Abinadi. Kaye invited her to church and.... Dee accepted!!! Finally!!!
Dee came to church and it was so great. I got almost every member to come introduce themselves and she just loved it. She thought everyone was so nice and it went really well. She hopefully will get off work next week to come to Andrew's farewell talk, but overall it was fantastic. Everything went great. She didn't have too many questions, everyone was nice and I really think she felt the spirit it brings. Elder Ross and Nelson are meeting with her tomorrow because of exchanges with the ZL's. So, I will be in Bossier for the day I pray it goes well and we can continue to help her. She is reading, praying and doing well. Keep her in your prayer's y'all. We need all the help we can get! :)

What a great week y'all! What a blessing it is to live, have the gospel in my life and know that Christ truly lives. We are blessed to have this knowledge. Many don't know, or die without the knowledge of knowing. Do all you can to spread the Gospel and allow others to feel the Holy Spirit. We should always be looking for missionary experiences. Whether we are at work, in school or even shopping at the grocery store. 

17 more days till my Birthday! Ain't that crazy y'all? 19 here I come. Thanks for the love, the support and the prayers. Have a great week y'all. I think and pray for you often. Keep on smiling, life is better that way :) 

Elder Mason Rankin

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