Monday, July 6, 2015

Letter July 6th

This last week was a hot one and a low one. Not too many people wanted to talk to us but we did have some little successes this week.

On Tuesday, we did more Flood Relief service and it ended up being a really good day. We helped out for a couple of hours and actually ended up being a trio for a day with Elder Hatch in the Shreveport Ward. We even got interviewed by the news and there is video of us helping with the service. After service, we had a great lesson with Dee and discussed more about Joseph Smith, the Priesthood, Restoration, etc. Then another little miracle happened. Elder Ross needed to return some shoes at Hibbett Sports, so we ran over there to drop them off and Elder Hatch and I taught one of the workers in there. Her name is Ellen. She came over and talked to us because she said we looked good and had a light about us. (side note: She also said my blonde hair, blue eyes and smile... look good) She accepted a Book of Mormon and we are going to meet with her this week. I pray it goes well, she seemed to really understand what we taught her and she even committed to come to church with us.

On Wednesday, we did more service at the Elliot's house. We were painting the outside of their house and it was really hot outside. I was up on the ladder painting and a red wasp came out of the gutter and stung me! I jumped off the ladder and spilled the paint everywhere, but the pain in my hand was terrible! It swelled up pretty bad, but they gave me some stuff and it went down. It didn't last too long, but it did hurt for a couple of days. Gotta love those summer bugs!

We finally met with Will this past week to have a full lesson. He is doing really well and he going out of town again. He just got back from his Aunt's and now is going to his Mom's house for a couple of weeks. He continues to read and actually has lots of missionary opportunities being a new member. His Dad has actually been coming to church each week with him and supporting him. He may be taught in the future, but right now he said he is good. Will is also a newly ordained Deacon which is way awesome. He gets to pass the sacrament now. I have been so happy to seem him progress and see him grow. Will has been such a blessing and has even helped my testimony as I see the restored gospel work in this young man's life.

This last Saturday, we started our 4th of July at a mini zone conference with President Olson and his wife. We finally got to meet him and we were excited to see him. He is a great man and I can't wait to get to know him more. He still looks a little nervous, but he will get it as he continues on. He is a lot shorter than me so when I gave him a hug I kind of bear hugged him. It was pretty funny. Him and his wife gave us some good words and then he was off to his next zone conference.

We spent that night at the Campbell's house. They are such a great family and it is always so nice to be with them. Andrew is getting ready for his mission and he is really excited and nervous. We had burgers for dinner and then the show began. Here in Louisiana, all firework are legal so mortars were going off all around us and fireworks would run through trees but it was too wet so they couldn't catch on fire. It seemed so different from home. We had a good show and after played a short game of Monopoly before we had to go home. Overall, a wonderful day. Fireworks, family, fun and good food. What more could you ask for?

I hope y'all had a great 4th of July weekend. What a blessing it is to live in the USA. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Anyways, the gospel is still true and I am still doing good. The humidity still kills us but we are fighting through it. I have a feeling this next week will be a good one for finding people to teach. We are really struggling finding new investigators. We did just meet this lady as we were emailing though. We taught her the Resto, gave her a Book of Mormon and we have a return appointment for this Wednesday. I pray it goes well! Thanks for all the love and support y'all, keep on smiling. Life is better that way. Till next time...

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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