Thursday, May 26, 2016

The end of Rankin and Magleby :(

This week is transfers. Pretty sad, Elder Magleby will be leaving me this transfer. We have had a good run here in Waveland and really set a good foundation together. I look forward to building more upon it, but I'll miss Elder Magleby. Brothers for life, that is for sure. We don't know where he will be heading, we will find out tomorrow morning and I will find out my new companion tomorrow afternoon. They are doing transfers a little different now, all we get to hear is if we are leaving or not. So I will let you know all about my new companion next week.

This past week was awesome! We literally had every hour full of appointments until this last Friday Evening. We had exchanges Tuesday and Thursday and lots of people to visit through the other times. We did have some cancel and stuff but it was a really great week. Exchanges were pretty good. I went on Tuesday with Elder Dobosz, he is a Spanish Elder. It was pretty fun to teach a Spanish investigator. I just sat there and smiled while he taught. It was a rainy day but besides that it was awesome. We got to teach this one lady that was really awesome. We taught her about the Restoration, at the end of the lesson she pointed at me and said "you are good at what you do, I bet they pay you a lot." I chuckled some and told her, "We don't get paid for being out here. In fact, I even paid to come out here and do this." She was amazed when I told her all of that!

Thursday was another good exchange with Elder Houldridge. He came out the same time as me in September 2014, so it was cool to see how much we have both grown. He is from Las Vegas, so he told me a little bit about there and we had a good chat together. We got to teach a few people together as well. We got to teach this one lady named, Cheryl. She was really nice and receptive. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and left her with a copy. After the lesson, Elder Houldridge expressed to me that he had tried her house so many times but could never get in. Something told him to go visit her and so we did. Now they are planning to go back and hopefully she will progress. Daily blessings, I love it.

The weekend ended really well. Elder Magleby was pretty sure he was going to leave, so we made sure to see a lot of members before he left. It is amazing to see the trust we have gained with the members. When I first got here, I felt like there wasn't any. Now it is almost night and day how different it is. We have taken time to go into the members homes and do these "power visits." Share a short lesson, invite the spirit and ask them for referrals. If they don't have any, we invite them to pray for a name or a missionary experience. So far we have received only a handful of referrals, but most of them are now investigators. It is awesome.

I would like to share with y'all just 2 experiences we had from this past week. The first one is with a man named J_____. He is an inactive member of the church that grew up going to church with his family. We went into his humble home and began to talk with him. He began to share with us the story of his life and all the hardships he has gone through. After hearing them, I can't even imagine having to go through a lot of it. We then wanted to read the scriptures with him and he asked me to say the opening prayer. As I prayed that day, I felt such sincere love for J____ and the words just came to my mouth. When I finished, I looked up and found tears in his eyes. He had felt the spirit, something he probably hadn't felt in along time. We then read together about prayer and the Gospel. Helping him know that the Savior and his teachings can really help deal with any problems or challenges he is facing in his life. Like it does in ours. Before we left, we offered another prayer together. This time, when we finished, I saw tear run down his face. I was taught that day the power of sincere prayer and the impact it can have on just one persons life. Pray always.

The last one is short. Elder Magleby and I were praying together that this week we would have an investigator in sacrament meeting. As the meeting began, none of our investigators showed up. We were pretty bummed. After the passing of the sacrament, the doors opened to allow anyone into the chapel. To our surprise, our investigator B______ came running into the chapel! She sat next to us and enjoyed the rest of the meeting with us. When the meeting finished, she told us how happy she was that she came and that she was going to come again. We were pretty happy, another awesome Sunday.

This next week should be a fun and fast one, once again. Thursday and Friday I will be going up to Jackson for a District Leader Council. We will discuss our Districts and be trained by President. It should be awesome, I am so excited! Well I better get going, we still have lots of cleaning and packing to do before Elder Magleby has to head out. I hope y'all have a great week, and keep on smiling! Just another day in Paradise. :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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