Monday, May 2, 2016

"And the rains came down and the Elders held firm"

Yes, there was a lot of rain this past week. It didn't stop the work though, we had a full and fun week!

This last Monday we were able to experience exactly what you want when being a missionary. A member invited us over to her house to have dinner and also invited her non-member friends. It was perfect. We were able to meet V____ and A____. They moved down here after Katrina to help build it back up and have been here ever since. We had a great meal with them and then shared a simple message about the Restoration. We left V_____ with Alma 32 to read. She is a nice lady, has a kind heart and could benefit a lot from hearing the Gospel. A_____ is spanish and I can't understand him very well. (I've been praying for the gift of interpretation of tongues since I can't remember much from High school spanish, haha) We plan to follow-up with them again tomorrow over dinner. Exactly how missionary work should be, it was powerful to be there and teach them. I look forward to teaching them more in the future.

Tuesday we got a call from some members telling us that they need help moving some stuff from a storage unit into a U-haul for a non-member friend. They told us it would only take an hour and a half.. when the truck was finally filled it had all together been 4 and a half hours... Lots of service for us! We loved it though, it was a great experience to talk with this lady we were helping move about the Gospel and why we do so much service. We are in the service of our God.

District meeting was spiritual this last week. We discussed together about "Living what we learn" and how important it is to bear our testimonies while teaching. Our testimonies grow and become strong when we live the principles of the Gospel. That is something I share with everyone. I can read and pray about all of this all day but true conversion comes when we apply what we learn and experience this eternal joy that comes. I can say that God is my Heavenly Father because I have felt his love through obeying the commandments He has given us. I know the Restored Gospel is here because I live it. :)

What experience I would like to share comes from this past Friday. We went to see some in active members in hopes that we could find out why they haven't been coming in awhile. We had a great discussion with them, the spirit was there and I know they did as well. We read from the Book of Mormon about how the small and simple things become great things. As we prayed together before we left, the Brother invited me to pray. As I began, the spirit seemed to light up the whole room and warm us up. We finished and there were tears in his eyes. I felt sincere love for this couple and knew how they felt, God is truly there. Our hopes are to reactivate them in the months to come. I know we can with Gods help.

To finish I just wanted to say yesterday was amazing. We fasted together in hopes that we will find a family/individuals that we can baptize in June and July. Sacrament meeting was full of the Holy Ghost and it continued throughout the rest of our meetings. Even after church, it went with us through out the whole fast Sunday. We didn't get in until late last night because we were so busy. My favorite lesson yesterday was one with the H____ family. We read the story of Enos with them and asked them what they learned from it. They shared with us some ideas and then we set together plans for us to come back each week to have family home evening together and help them build their faith. After we left we received a text from them telling us how glad they were we came by and the spirit they felt when we came. It warmed my heart and reminded me of how happy I am to be here. I am truly thankful for my Heavenly Father and his son  Jesus Christ. Without them, I would be nothing. I pray y'all have a great week full of many blessing and miracles. Keep on smiling and Choose the Right. Love y'all! :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)


my district

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