Tuesday, April 26, 2016

No Worries be Happy!

This last week definitely had it's low points, but we ended with it high. We started Tuesday over in Gulfport for exchanges. There are a quite a few members over there, so it was fun to meet some new people and be companions with some new people for the day. I started with Elder Smith, he is pretty much the best! He is from Calgary, Canada and wait, there's more. He used to be the announcer or sports caster guy for the Calgary flames! What are the chances right? I talked to him about my family up there and how I liked the Flames too! The highlight of the exchanges was teaching this younger part member family. The Dad isn't a member, he has been taught before but he is being taught again. We talked to them a lot about how the Gospel blesses families because they have 4 little kiddos. I shared the experiences I have had with my family and the Gospel. I wouldn't be where I am today without it in my home. Love at home.

After District meeting on Wednesday, I went on another exchange with Elder Davis from Slidell. He was in the MTC with me so it was awesome to teach together again and see how far we have come. We taught some less-actives together and a couple active members. We are hoping to teach a members granddaughter and boyfriend in the near future. We will see what happens. That next morning all 4 of us when to serve a member in our ward. They are the Brown's, I love them. We dug up some stuff, took out some plants and put in a new drain so that his front porch doesn't flood anymore. These palm bushes we took out, took forever. They had some crazy root system and they were hard to cut. We had to grab a pick axe to pull it out. I was sweatin real good and I got a lot of sun. Bro Brown is a big fisherman so he talked to us a lot about fishing. He invited me back after the mission to go out on his boat and catch some big fish with him! Such a great family!

Update on J____... He got a new job!!! But we didn't get to meet with him at all this week because he was busy and we were busy so hopefully we can meet up here soon. Now that he has this new job he can come to church on Sunday

The lows for this past week were probably the lack of finding new investigators and everyone being busy. Saturday we went over to this area called Bay Side Park and worked there all day. 5 hours of tracting later... we were able to teach 2 people and give out 1 Book of Mormon. Lots of doors slammed in our face and angry dogs. It's all good though, we are really praying to find someone awesome this next week. I have faith that we will.

Update on H____ and B____... H____ came to church! We were so happy when we found out she was going to come to church since she couldn't meet all week. I hope we can find a time this week to meet up to teach them both. B______ was over in Louisiana working all week so that stunk. He should be coming back this week though. We keep praying he will find a job over here in the Bay.

Our cool experience for the week was on Saturday when we were in Bay Side Park. I had seen this guy walk by us while we were on a door step and he kept looking at us. But couldn't find him after we turned around to go to the next house. Later when we were done for the day, we were driving back and I saw him walking on the side of the road. At first I was like "should I pull over and run him down", but then decided to just wave and pass by. As we began to pass by, the spirit stopped me and we began to talk through the car window. He was actually a really nice guy, so we pulled over, hopped out and taught him on the side of the road next to our car. His name is D____, younger guy and has attended many churches throughout his life. We didn't get to teach him long before we had to go, but we shared with him a simple message and left him with a Book of Mormon to read. We offered a prayer with him and plan to follow-up this next week. Heavenly Father continues to teach me, listen to his promptings.

The District is coming down for P-day so we should have a good day! Lunch on the beach, maybe some games, I am not sure but it should be fun! Have a great week and make sure to keep on smiling! Heavenly Father loves you and so do I! Just another day in Paradise...

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Doing Service

W. Rankin street

fried up the catch

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