Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chocolate Pancakes

This week flew by, our planners just fill up with appointments and things to do. Everyday it feels great to finish knowing you worked hard that whole day and did all that you could. The spirit is truly amazing as learn to listen and recognize it.

So H____ and B_____ progressed a ton this last week. We set them both with a potential baptism date of May 7th. They feel great about everything we have taught them and know the truth is here. The spirit continues to work with them and help them know what they need to change in their lives. We went over to Nate Hughes' house for dinner and he needed some milk for the pancakes so we ran to the store for him. While there we ran into B_____ and H____, they were so happy to see us. B_____ began to bring up something but H_____ was in a rush so she left to check out. B____ stayed and explained to us how excited he was to get baptized. He had been discussing with H____ earlier about how they needed to live the law of chastity. Elder Magleby and I were scared to bring it up because they weren't married, but the spirit works wonders and taught them for us. H____ told B_____ that they would get married then and they agreed because they want to get baptized and be obedient to God's commandments. They already were engaged but were waiting, so now we might be planning a wedding this month! They even watched all the sessions of General Conference and loved it. They know there is something better for them and they want it in their lives. The Lord truly provides.

J____ continues to do awesome, he is gaining so much confidence in himself. His self-worth continues to grow and he is understanding that he truly is a child of God. Just like what Elder Halstrom talked about in conference, knowing we are a child of God gives us strength and power. J____ was set to get baptized this coming weekend, but he isn't all the way ready yet. So we set him for a date later this month. His biggest hang up is that his job makes him work on Sunday's. We are praying that he can find a new job or that he will be able to get his schedule moved around so he can come to church. J_____ face is brighter, his spirit is stronger and it brings me happiness to see what the Gospel has brought to his life. 

This last Tuesday we went to Slidell for exchanges. My highlight from exchanges was going to Bro Pete's house. He is an old Vietnam vet that lives on the water and fishes a lot. We showed us and he told us to come help him get the crabs. I was like "get the crabs, what?" Elder Holbrook told me that he likes to feed them crab. So we went and cleared the crab trap, boiled them up with some potatoes and we had ourselves some delicious supper. Bro Pete was having fun teaching me how to get all the crab meat out. I think I might starve if I always had to eat crab. :)

Wednesday Elder Magleby and I taught District meeting. It went wonderful We taught about How to recognize and listen to the promptings of the spirit and how important it is in our work. It has been a mission long struggle but as I continue to work at it, the better I get at listening to what he has to say. Very spirit filled discussion. After the meeting, we decided to go get some crawfish. You could say I got my fill of sea food for the week. I had like 4 pounds of crawfish, it was great. My lips were all puffed up from how hot they were, it was funny to see!

Finally, our exciting conference weekend. I enjoyed a lot of it. I loved the quote by Elder Holland, "You can have what you want, or you can have something better." It is so true to see that when we live the Gospel and are obedient to God's commandments, we experience joy that nothing on this earth can bring. Elder Utchdorf said it perfectly we he taught us that obedience isn't bending, twisting or even breaking us into something we aren't. It instead shows us more of who we truly are and how strong we are. The testimony and truth that we are Children of a loving Heavenly Father rang strong in my head through out the conference. We are each his Children, He loves us individually, He loves us as a Heavenly Parent who was wants the best for us. The best is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been once again restored to this earth. I know this to be true because I have experienced this and understand that He is there. He makes us better than we ever could be as work hand in hand. We simply have to put forth our best effort. He is there, I know He is.

Thanks again for all the love and support. I challenge each of you to strengthen your faith and relationship with your Father in Heaven. If you don't have faith, start with hope. Have a blessed week, you are each in my prayers. Keep on smiling! :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

PS. I caught this sweet Redfish, pretty much the happiest moment ever and the hardest fish I've ever reeled in!
Early Morning P-day sunrise

38 inches long, 25 lbs. Biggest catch I have ever had.
P-day was awesome!
Shout out to Brooklyn!

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