on H____ and B_____. We taught them a couple times this week, they are
getting better and they enjoy learning more. We talked about obedience
at the beginning of the week and blessings that come from it, because we
are starting to teach them the commandments. Thursday
evening, H____ started the stop smoking program. So far she has
successfully been smoke free for 4 days! We are so proud of her! They
are really coming along, I love them! :)
also had dinner with the R______ that evening. They are literally my
favorite family ever. We couldn't find their house because it is in the
middle of nowhere, but it is paradise at their home. They live on 23
acres and have a beautiful home with a lot of land. They fed us some
good food and had a great discussion with them. They took us in like
family, I loved it. We are going to keep seeing them and helping them.
They are awesome.
evening we had dinner with some former investigators, the S______
Family. I don't know if I talked much about them, but they used to be
taught by missionaries, they have been taught every lesson, been
involved in church, fellowshipped and still haven't joined. So we went
there with the goal of finding out why they weren't. We had a spiritual
lesson with Sis S______ and found out she can't get baptized because she
is deathly afraid of water. So afraid she can barely take showers. I had
never heard something like this before, but immediately the spirit
guided us. We had a spiritual lesson with her, talked about Peter
walking on water and having the faith to follow him in everything. We
came to the conclusion we would all fast together on Sunday
for her to have the strength to overcome her fear. I hope she can, I
pray we can continue to help them. Oh yeah! And they fed us delicious
crawfish. I ate so much, it was crazy hot and really good. It was the
J_____ came to church yesterday!!!! And he
has an interview this next week for a new job!!! I believe things are
falling in place for him. He is great and he loved church. He told us
afterwards how happy he was that he came and how good he felt. He
recognized the spirit and love here. Everyone was really nice to him and
the ward members are realizing that Elder Magleby and I are really
working hard. The trust is being earned and the help is coming. We got
signed up to be fed 5 times this week, that is a new record for us. The
Waveland ward is awesome!
Last but not least...
Transfers are here! Elder Magleby and I are staying together for
another transfer! I am so excited, we are going to kill it here another
transfer. He is definitely one of my favorite companions and a brother
in my eyes. We get along so well, laugh all the time and work well
together. I can't wait to see what the new transfer brings. Fill the
font, we are coming! :)
This morning in my
studies I read about Alma and Amulek and how they were bound with strong
cords, thrown in jail and they were delivered from bondage. In verse 13
of chapter 14 in Alma, Alma tells us that he is willing to follow the
will of the Lord, even if that means he will be thrown into the fire
with the other believers.Then later in 26, he rises up and calls unto
the Lord for strength according to their faith. Key words, "according to
our faith which is in Christ,.." Blessings, strength, peace, the
spirit, deliverance, etc... all come according to our faith. I ask
myself,Is my faith as Alma and Amulek's? Am I willing to follow his
will? Do I have the faith to find those being prepared? Do I have faith
he will deliver and provide for us? Our faith gives us more hope. Our
attitude begins to change as we have more faith. We become as Alma and
Amulek: humble, faithful, diligent, obedient and we trust in the Lord.
My faith has grown so much as I have looked to these examples, I know
yours can too. I know this because mine has grown so much in the last
year of my life. I am grateful to be here and I am grateful for y'all.
Have a great week and always remember to smile! God loves you and so do
I!!! :)
Elder Mason Rankin :)
crawfish boil |
flying kites at the beach on P-day! |
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