Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Shark Bait... oo ha ha

Man.. this past week just flew by. The Waveland warriors are doing great, it's been a little stressful trying to take over the whole ward but I think we will have fun with it! Plus the new members of the District are awesome. We are going to be solid this transfer. We had a few highlights from this past week.

We got to teach L____ and D____ on Thursday. They are awesome, D___ wants to get baptized but he isn't willing to make the full commitment yet to prepare for it. We spent time talking about how the "milk comes before the meat" (1 Cor. 3:2) We each have to do the simple things before we get to the great things so our foundation doesn't crumble or not make sense to us. They are just so sweet though, it was powerful to just read the scriptures with them and feel the Holy Ghost together. They were out of town this weekend but plan to come next week to church!

The WBSquad aka B____ and A_____ are doing so good. We got to meet with them earlier on in the week and talk about Nephi and his family. Tuesday evening we actually had them teach us the Restoration, to help them review. They did really well, they are so awesome! Wednesday we went over Lehi's Dream and drew it out together. It really helped them understand the deeper meaning behind it, we each need to hold to the rod.. the iron rod. A____ also went to youth conference up in Jackson this weekend, she loved it! The spirit continues to work with them and prepare them for baptism. They will be ready on the 30th for sure!

Saturday was interviews with President and we also met up with J____. J____ is preparing to pass the sacrament, he is going to pass it with us next week. We got him a white shirt and tie and everything. He continues to tell us how grateful he was to get baptized and the difference it has made in his life. He finds himself happier and more patient with everyone, it's so great to hear. J____ is the best! Interviews were also really good, I left very uplifted. It's just good to talk with him and get to know him better. I was just happy the whole time, telling him of all the success we are having, how great it is to serve with Elder Crisp and the happiness I get from serving the Lord! President is awesome, Waveland is awesome and life is awesome.

Yesterday was a good Sunday. I had to give a surprise talk that I found out about a couple days before. Since our days have just been jam packed, I had to prepare it the night before and the morning of. The Holy Ghost really helped me though, it turned out really good. I felt like everyone was actually listening, for the most part the kids were quiet and the spirit was being brought unto their hearts. One of the sisters in our ward came up afterwards and said, "I heard a future general authority speak today." I just laughed and said, "that wasn't me, that was just the Holy Ghost helping me. " :) After church, we decided to venture over to Pass Christian and work over there for the day. We met some nice people and had a great lesson with a less-active member. She was so happy we came and brought the spirit into her home. We were able to clear up a lot of her concerns and doubts. After a hot and sweaty day out in the humidity, we ended the night at the Naylor's. It was so great, they are the best family! They help us out a lot and it feels like being with family, we love them. :)

Lots more happened, we have been busy but those are some of our highlights. July continues to be awesome, birthday and baptisms! Elder Crisp and I are doing great, the work is moving forward here in Waveland. We are really trying to find someone to baptize in August, want to keep the train rolling! I hope y'all have a blessed week and continue to pray always... with the Lord, y'all can do ALL things! Keep on smiling! I love y'all so much! Another week in Paradise...

Elder Mason Rankin :)

PS.. Totally caught a shark this morning... in fact I caught 2!! 


white trout

yep! that's right.... a shark #1!

shark #2

ouch don't try to bite me!

33 inches

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