Saturday, July 23, 2016

".. then is my soul filled with joy.."

Are we really half way through July?... wow... half way through birthday and baptism month.

To start the week off, Elder Stokes and I got to go on exchanges here in Waveland. Elder Stokes and I used to serve around each other in Hattiesburg so it was awesome to join back up and remember all the good times back in the Burg. He is an awesome guy from New Jersey. With me now returning home in December, we both go home together, so we will have a party in the mission home together! One of the biggest highlights was being able to help a family that was moving. A member in the ward called asking for us to go help, luckily we had a spare couple of hours, so we went and helped. The family had recently experienced a death in the family and the house was all over the place, but they were so happy when we showed up. The kept calling us "blessings from God." It is always so great to see peoples face light up when we show up to help them.

A new family just moved into our ward recently. The Fife family, and they are awesome! They live way out in the Kiln, but they still had us over for dinner. The most exciting part of the whole dinner though, was when their dog almost threw up all over my shoe.... It had already thrown up twice before I realized what had happened. So that was pretty gross and exciting. But on a happier note, Bro Fife did the stop smoking workshop with us and he is so far 4 days without smoking! So that is awesome! We are praying he can make the week!

We also met another family up in Diamondhead, a less active family. It is the T____ family and they are some of the coolest people I have met. Diamondhead is a little nicer area, so if you can imagine this big cabin in the middle of tons of green trees, that's what their house looks like. They both work for the Navy, Bro T_____ is retired though so he is usually working around the house most of the time. The first time we knocked, he invited us right in and fed us dinner. It was so awesome, plus they are hilarious! They are like this treasure in Diamonhead for us, no wonder the sisters didn't talk about them much.. they wanted them all to themselves! haha

B_____, A____ and K____ are all doing awesome. K_____ is finally back from Florida so she was able to join us this past week. We discussed "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" one night with them and also had them teach us the Plan of Salvation. They did so good, it was awesome! They continue to bring me happiness when we teach them, they are so prepared. Only 2 weeks left and they'll be members of the church!

One cool tracting story from this past week.... So Elder Crisp and I embarked with no clue where to go. I just drove and turned a few times and then I saw a good place to park and something in my head said "park there." So I did. Then we started knocking doors and the first door we came to, we met T____! T____ and her family used to be taught by missionaries in the past but eventually they got to busy and stopped meeting. She couldn't remember much of what they taught because she was younger, so we shared with her a brief lesson and left with her a Book of Mormon to read a chapter from. We went back the next day and she had actually read! We are hoping we can teach her and her family again and maybe help them progress this time. The funny thing was, we walked away from that home wondering, "was it a coincidence that was the first house." I believe Heavenly Father guided us there. The second thought was, "we may have 2 more hours of tracting left and we may find no one, but finding them makes it all worth it."

My last thought for this week comes from my studies last week. I was reading in Alma 29 of the Book of Mormon and came across some things I really liked. Alma first starts by telling us his desires and then he begins to share with us how much joy he has. As I reflect upon the last months of being able to return to the field, I felt as if Alma explains it perfectly. "I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy."(v9) "then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extends towards me."(v10) Then later he even describes that his joy is so full that his soul separates from his body, as it were. It truly makes me happy and I know that God has heard my many prayers. I know that He does love me.

Well I hope y'all are doing well. My birthday is only 2 weeks away and missionaries love to receive stuff on their birthday... just sayin'... haha :) July has been awesome and I am happy. Are y'all happy? I hope so. Keep on praying and smiling, there is nothing better than the Gospel.

Just another day in paradise... #Wavelandwarriors

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Waveland Forever!

Us with Jacob
4th of July glasses.... thanks Mom!

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