Monday, August 29, 2016

Good day Mate, cheers...

This past week was awesome, literally not a single hour to slow down. We seem to always have someone to see or something to do, it is such a blessing. We have been really praying and the blessings are so great. Missionary work is the BEST.

You are probably wondering what the caption is all about.. this last week I went on exchanges with Elder Vinson in Ruston. He is from Australia and one of the coolest Elders in the mission. It was a blast teaching together and laughing together. We just kept on laughing and found some sweet people. They are just starting up there in Ruston so they are starting from nothing, so it's been tough but he's going to do great up there. There was this one moment where were talking to one lady on her front porch introducing the Book of Mormon and suddenly her neighbor walked up and yelled, "send 'em over here after you're done with 'em." We ended up going back and teaching this lady and family the Restoration. It was a solid first exchange as a ZL, so "good day mate, cheers!"

One of our many miracles this week was finding M____. She is in her 20's and is seeking the Gospel. We were able to teach her 4 times this week and she has already grown so much. We were able to give her a church tour in hopes that she would feel more comfortable coming to church because she is really shy. She didn't end up coming but she is praying about getting baptized on Oct. 1st. I can see it happening, the Lord has really blessed us in finding her. Her prayers are so sincere, she wants to learn more and always thanks us for visiting with here. We are praying she can make it to church next week.

We met with V_____ again and 2 of her friends. It was really awesome, we taught them about the after life, talked about our own journeys of coming on a mission and we brought a member that shared her conversion story. It was perfect. V____ is sincerely seeking, that's what I love about teaching her. We are praying that in the future she can also come to church to help her experience the spirit that can be felt there. We won't be able to meet with her this week because of her busy schedule and she is going to Utah for the weekend to see her friend. They have planned to go see temple square and give her the "Mormon experience." We hope it all goes well, she is just another one of the miracle individuals seeking to really find the truth.

We prayed this last Saturday to have 2 individuals in church out of the many we invited. We stopped everyone inviting them to church, if all of them came we probably would have 20 in church but sometimes the devil gets in the way. Anyways, we prayed about it that night and guess what happened?! Our investigator D____ came and so did a less-active member named C____! It was awesome. C____ said he hadn't been to church in years so that was awesome and D____ loved the service. Elder Vest and I taught gospel principles as well (among the whole crazy schedule). We taught on progression, using some weights from our house, we showed how we couldn't progress if it weren't for Adam and Eve. Their fall allows each of us to be here, to experience happiness and sadness, as well as reaching the potential we each have in this life. We are each Children of our Heavenly Father and he wants us to succeed.

This morning I read in Alma 37 about how the scriptures are our guide within this life. Just like the Liahona was a guide in the Wilderness to Nephi and his family, the scriptures guides us to eternal life. If you remember the story, the only way the Liahona worked is if they were faithful and diligent. We have to be the same with our scripture reading. I testified many times this last week of how it can bless your life. No matter what you are going through, the words and spirit that comes from reading, will help you. You may wonder, "how?" Consider the blessed state of those that keep the commandments.. Mosiah 2:41. It can bless you and help you gain eternal life, I know it can.

Thanks for those prayers, I can feel them each day as we wake up early and go through the busy days. Just when I think I don't have any energy left in me, it seems to all go away as I feel the spirit. I hope y'all have a great week and know that God loves you... and so does Elder Rankin!

Elder Mason Rankin :)


Monday, August 22, 2016

Be the light in dark places.

Oh my goodness, has this week been busy. I better just start...

I got my new companion Tuesday, I found out I will be serving in the Monroe Ward. My new companion is Elder Vest from Taylorsville, UT. He is a stud and we get along so well. Just imagine 2 goof balls sharing the gospel, it's just a load of fun. We are always laughing and I love it. I am excited to serve with him, he is already a brother and close friend.

So after getting in Tuesday, I found out that we were moving so I didn't get to unpack till Thursday since we were getting a new apartment. This new apartment is sweet, but we spent most of Thursday getting all the old furniture out and cleaning. It feels good to have a new clean apartment, I'll send pictures after we get everything situated.

Wednesday as we were driving to correlation at the church. There was a car next to the church that had ran out of gas. So Elder Vest and I pushed the car into the parking lot of the church and got to talk with them. It was actually pretty funny looking, the ladies couldn't believe we were pushing their car in church clothes. After getting them into the parking lot, we got their information and was able to share with them a little bit of what we do. We found out they lived in another Elder's area, so we referred them over but it was just fun to meet them and be there to help them. 

On Saturday, we got to teach the most amazing lady. Her name is V____, she goes to ULM and is in nursing school. ULM is in our area so we get the opportunity to teach a lot of kids our age. V_____ was a referral from a member in Texas, that just got off her mission. We called her up, met her at the church and had a member meet us there. We were able to tour the church with her and share the Restoration with her and how it would bless her life. She was happy, the spirit was there and I knew we could all feel it. She is a Catholic, but wants to learn more. We meet with her later this week, so we are hoping we can see more progression with her.

Elder Vest and I, I don't know how to put it into words. We are just a fire power companionship, just seeking to be tools in the Lord's hand. In trying to be so, we talk to literally everyone. I found myself rolling down the window inviting people to church, stopping people on the side of the road and at one point we were both talking to 2 different people in different trucks in a parking lot. It is just awesome. Sometimes it's awkward, but it's fun to me. I like to meet new people. Yesterday, we spent sometime in an apartment complex trying to find someone but had no luck. We had to leave to try some other people but there were a lot of people outside and didn't want to lose this opportunity. A thought popped into my head, "just sing." So we just began to sing "I am a Child of God" as loud as we could as we walked through the complex. Just imagine this now.... Everyone stared at us, but it was so perfect. We got to be a light in a dark place. We each can be that light to others within their lives. The Savior is described as "the light and life of the world..." ( Mosiah 16:9) He give us each "a life" and is a "light" in a world that seems to have ever increasing darkness.

With my new responsibilities, area and companion, at times I get nervous and scared. Heavenly Father helps me out every time. I couldn't do any of this without him. We have lots of other people we are working with and had tons of fun this week, but I don't have time to share them all. I hope y'all have a great week and continue to be "lights." There is power in singing. Have a great week and keep on smiling! I am happy. :)

Love y'all,
Elder Mason Rankin :)
Transfer day


Saturday, August 20, 2016

The end of the Waveland Warriors

Well y'all, it's sad to say... but Elder Rankin is leaving Waveland, leaving Paradise. I am really going to miss this place. I am getting sad just thinking about it and thinking back on all the good times I have had here. It was tough saying good-bye'... They have become like family and close friends. I have been so blessed being able to serve here, I can't even begin to tell y'all the joy I have had. I am going to miss them all, it'll be hard to leave tomorrow morning. Elder Crisp and I have had a good run together, he will be staying here to keep the train rolling. I have faith he will, we are brothers and Waveland Warriors for life.

I got the call last night, I'll be serving as a Zone Leader somewhere up north. I don't know yet, we will find out in the morning exactly where I'll be going. Either Monroe or Jackson probably. It should be fun, I am excited to see what these last 4 months bring. We gotta finish strong.

This past week was great, I'll have to be short today because I got to pack and such, but we had some good success. We ended pretty strong, Elder Crisp is one of my favorite companions. I am going to miss him and all the good times we have had. All the members, new converts, etc

Thanks for all y'all's love and support, I'll report back next week on how the new area goes. It should be fun! I'm praying it all goes well, I know it will because I have trust in Him. Have a great week y'all!

Last Day in Paradise.....

Elder Mason Rankin

Please pray for the flood victims... My yard is nothing compared to the problems here.

Waveland Warriors!
Last goodbye of the Pier!

Monday, August 8, 2016

"Night and Day"

Another week has come and gone.. I guess that's why you don't blink..

We met with J____ and H_____ again this past week. We spent some time reviewing the Restoration with them and then actually watched the video of the First Vision. It ended up going really well. They understood it all, they just need to read the chapters we leave with them and they will progress a lot better. They have some busy lives, so hopefully we can help them find time to scripture read together because they want to do those kind of things together as a young family. They love the idea of family dinners and home evenings. I bore my testimony to them of all the things we shared because I know life can get busy and we forget to nourish our faith each day, but now that I have seen what a change it make in my life. I can truly say it makes such a big difference.

We found this less-active family, the M____ family, this last week. We knocked on their door and let us right in. We had a good discussion with Bro M____ about coming to church and how the Gospel blesses families. He has 5 kids at home and knows it is important to have them in church, but he has some personal struggles he says he is dealing with. His conversion story was amazing to listen to, he has seen a lot in his life. We hope and pray that we can help them come back to church because I know that the Gospel blesses families, even if you aren't perfect.

Nate is back! I don't know if I told y'all that last week. Nate got back on Sunday night really late, so he was able to go out with us all week. He is awesome and such a blessing to have. While he was gone last month, a pretty bad storm came through and caused the power in his house to go out. Of course he wasn't there and no one was watching his house, but his refrigerator stopped working and everything inside was so nasty! Bugs, stench, rotten food... We helped him move it out of his house though because the stench was so unbearable. Glad we got that fixed for him.

Yesterday we were able to teach G____ and his wife again. G____ has been progressing good this last week. He read Alma 40 and loved the detail that it has on the resurrection. We finished the Plan of Salvation and oh man.. you should have seen his face. You could tell he loved it and his mind was just blown at seeing how we broke down everything for him. It was awesome to see and everything made sense to him he said. It's been really happy to see, maybe he will get baptized sooner than he thinks. The Gospel brings so much joy and cause people to change and desire to bring their lives in closer harmony with Christ's teachings.

So probably the highlight of the whole, aside from all the other wonderful members and investigators we were able to teach, was when Angel got up and bore her testimony!! I felt like going up to bear my testimony in sacrament meeting, so I leaned over to Angel and told her "If I go bear my testimony, you have to go bear your testimony." She shook her head and totally didn't want to, but guess what!? She did it and it was amazing! The whole ward just smiled as they watched the newest member of their family get up and bear their testimony. It was a sweet sight to see and just warmed my heart knowing I was able to experience that. Waveland is amazing and I have been so blessed.

Some members heard transfers are coming up and they are figuring that I am leaving because I have been here so long. I can't believe it's already been almost 6 months. They all want to have me over this next week so we are getting fed a lot.... I wouldn't be surprised if I gain 10 pounds before I leave here. I really have loved serving here and I thank God everyday for this opportunity. Who knows where I will go next, I'll make the best of wherever it is. Waveland will always be Paradise and home though. The difference in the area is night and day. No investigators, no member trust to now we have seen some precious souls get baptized, a teaching pool and strong member trust. The Lord had his hand here in the work, I was just the instrument using his faith.

Y'all.. I hope you know you are loved and that God is there. Have a great week this week and pray always. Rely on Heavenly Father and his Spirit, He will guide you in his way. We are going to make the best of this last week in the transfer, it's going to be a power week. Thanks for all the love and support, I can feel it every day. 

Just another day in Paradise....

Elder Mason Rankin :)