met with J____ and H_____ again this past week. We spent some time
reviewing the Restoration with them and then actually watched the video
of the First Vision. It ended up going really well. They understood it
all, they just need to read the chapters we leave with them and they
will progress a lot better. They have some busy lives, so hopefully we
can help them find time to scripture read together because they want to
do those kind of things together as a young family. They love the idea
of family dinners and home evenings. I bore my testimony to them of all
the things we shared because I know life can get busy and we forget to
nourish our faith each day, but now that I have seen what a change it
make in my life. I can truly say it makes such a big difference.
found this less-active family, the M____ family, this last week. We
knocked on their door and let us right in. We had a good discussion with
Bro M____ about coming to church and how the Gospel blesses families.
He has 5 kids at home and knows it is important to have them in church,
but he has some personal struggles he says he is dealing with. His
conversion story was amazing to listen to, he has seen a lot in his
life. We hope and pray that we can help them come back to church because
I know that the Gospel blesses families, even if you aren't perfect.
Nate is back! I don't know if I told y'all that last week. Nate got back on Sunday
night really late, so he was able to go out with us all week. He is
awesome and such a blessing to have. While he was gone last month, a
pretty bad storm came through and caused the power in his house to go
out. Of course he wasn't there and no one was watching his house, but
his refrigerator stopped working and everything inside was so nasty!
Bugs, stench, rotten food... We helped him move it out of his house
though because the stench was so unbearable. Glad we got that fixed for
Yesterday we were able to teach G____ and
his wife again. G____ has been progressing good this last week. He read
Alma 40 and loved the detail that it has on the resurrection. We
finished the Plan of Salvation and oh man.. you should have seen his
face. You could tell he loved it and his mind was just blown at seeing
how we broke down everything for him. It was awesome to see and
everything made sense to him he said. It's been really happy to see,
maybe he will get baptized sooner than he thinks. The Gospel brings so
much joy and cause people to change and desire to bring their lives in
closer harmony with Christ's teachings.
probably the highlight of the whole, aside from all the other wonderful
members and investigators we were able to teach, was when Angel got up
and bore her testimony!! I felt like going up to bear my testimony in
sacrament meeting, so I leaned over to Angel and told her "If I go bear
my testimony, you have to go bear your testimony." She shook her head
and totally didn't want to, but guess what!? She did it and it was
amazing! The whole ward just smiled as they watched the newest member of
their family get up and bear their testimony. It was a sweet sight to
see and just warmed my heart knowing I was able to experience that.
Waveland is amazing and I have been so blessed.
members heard transfers are coming up and they are figuring that I am
leaving because I have been here so long. I can't believe it's already
been almost 6 months. They all want to have me over this next week so we
are getting fed a lot.... I wouldn't be surprised if I gain 10 pounds
before I leave here. I really have loved serving here and I thank God
everyday for this opportunity. Who knows where I will go next, I'll make
the best of wherever it is. Waveland will always be Paradise and home
though. The difference in the area is night and day. No investigators,
no member trust to now we have seen some precious souls get baptized, a
teaching pool and strong member trust. The Lord had his hand here in the
work, I was just the instrument using his faith.
I hope you know you are loved and that God is there. Have a great week
this week and pray always. Rely on Heavenly Father and his Spirit, He
will guide you in his way. We are going to make the best of this last
week in the transfer, it's going to be a power week. Thanks for all the
love and support, I can feel it every day.
Just another day in Paradise....
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