Saturday, August 20, 2016

The end of the Waveland Warriors

Well y'all, it's sad to say... but Elder Rankin is leaving Waveland, leaving Paradise. I am really going to miss this place. I am getting sad just thinking about it and thinking back on all the good times I have had here. It was tough saying good-bye'... They have become like family and close friends. I have been so blessed being able to serve here, I can't even begin to tell y'all the joy I have had. I am going to miss them all, it'll be hard to leave tomorrow morning. Elder Crisp and I have had a good run together, he will be staying here to keep the train rolling. I have faith he will, we are brothers and Waveland Warriors for life.

I got the call last night, I'll be serving as a Zone Leader somewhere up north. I don't know yet, we will find out in the morning exactly where I'll be going. Either Monroe or Jackson probably. It should be fun, I am excited to see what these last 4 months bring. We gotta finish strong.

This past week was great, I'll have to be short today because I got to pack and such, but we had some good success. We ended pretty strong, Elder Crisp is one of my favorite companions. I am going to miss him and all the good times we have had. All the members, new converts, etc

Thanks for all y'all's love and support, I'll report back next week on how the new area goes. It should be fun! I'm praying it all goes well, I know it will because I have trust in Him. Have a great week y'all!

Last Day in Paradise.....

Elder Mason Rankin

Please pray for the flood victims... My yard is nothing compared to the problems here.

Waveland Warriors!
Last goodbye of the Pier!

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