Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Alma and Amulek Life

This last week was a blast, not enough hours in the days we feel like. So many people to see, so much to do and not enough time to do it. We keep pushing through, hitting it hard here.

This last week we had a Zone Conference, it was awesome. It was my first time having to really teach and conduct one so I was kind of nervous but it ended up turning out "purrtty gooouudd." We talked about what motivates us and our investigators. Are we motivated by FEAR? Like when our parents would take away our toys or when King Lamoni's Father was about to be slain by Ammon. Are we motivated by REWARD? Like when someone bribes us with candy or the Children of Israel being promised freedom but then falling back in there old ways. Or are we motivated SOCIALLY? We just should come on a mission because my friends are, or I should join the church because of the people. These are all good starting motives but we need to have "Ice Cream Morals!" Why do we eat Ice Cream? Because we want to, no one is forcing us or bribing us to. We do it because we WANT to do it. How do we get to that point with our daily lives and living the gospel? How do we place that upon others? The key is the spirit. Once we feel the spirit we become like Alma, we "labor without ceasing." Like Matt 5:6, we "hunger and thirst" after it. I have come to that point where I am here on my mission, I labor each day and work hard because I want to. I may have had different motives in my life before, but I now want to live the Gospel because I need it and there is no other greater joy.

We had some "miracles in the minutes" this last week. A member in our ward that goes to ULM pulled up next to us right before we were about to contact some people. So we pulled her out of the car and asked her to knock a few doors with us. Luckily she had some plans cancel so she could help us, but she was a little nervous at first. We prayed really hard to have a powerful experience with her and we did! It wasn't the five doors in front of us, or even the door down the road a little bit, it was a man on the street over that had just recently had a nephew die an hour before and was taking it hard. With the short time we had, we invited the spirit there and were able to help him feel of God's love. He said "I needed this... I know God sent you here." Just a little miracle in our day. She pulled up right at that time, plans cancelled, had to go on the street over but we found where God needed us. Awesome experience for all of us to see the "miracles in the minutes."

M____ is doing well. We met with her a few times this last week. She continues to face opposition going up and then down again. She was able to come to the ward party though and that was awesome experience there. We are praying hard for her each day, I know God will help her.

Another miracle was finding the R____ family. We had received a referral down the road but he wasn't home so we headed down the road. We didn't knock on every door, just those that we felt prompted to. We met a guy that had been through a heart attack, another guy that was higher than a kite, but finally we found the R_____ family. They invited us right in and Elder Vest and I walked in there confident in the spirit. Like the caption, we felt like Alma and Amulek as we taught them together. We were only there a short time, but the spirit was so strong. We testified not only of what they said but also of each other. Telling them that I knew what he said was true because "I've seen him live it, I've seen him pray and I felt the spirit as he spoke." As we have come together as tools in the Lord's hands, we have been able to experience teaching like Alma and Amulek. Hence, the "Alma and Amulek Life."

Last highlight of the week was probably having our investigator C____ come to church! It was so awesome to see her. Church can make an impact on people's lives. We may not realize it as we get into the habit of going but I have come to need the sacrament each week being out here.

Well y'all, keep on smiling and have a great week. "Kick up your knickers sally! See ya later little fellar. Have a God blessed week!"

With love and big hugs,
Elder Mason Rankin :)
Zone conference

Ward Party

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