Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Remember who you are

This last week just flew by, have I really been in Monroe for 3 weeks already?

At the beginning of the week, Elder Vest was really sick so I got to clean the whole house and help him feel better. I was lucky and didn't get sick, but I felt bad for the guy. He didn't feel good at all. Monday night we had to cancel a few things because he was so sick, but we got a member in the ward to come over and help me give him a blessing. The member started the blessing and then said, "in the name of Jesus Christ I command the sickness to leave your body." Right as he said that, Elder Vest hurled out of the chair and threw up all over the floor. The member then looked at me and said, "I didn't expect it to leave in that way." He felt a lot better after, so it was a good story for the books. I cleaned up the mess and after Elder Vest said, "ya know Elder Rankin, I am helping you be a good husband one day. You're going to be a good husband." I am glad he is feeling better now though.

On Tuesday we met a "prophetess." She was this crazy lady and she flipped on Elder Vest and I. We told her that in order to join the church you needed to stop smoking and she got so mad. It was kind of funny because she went from screaming to nice again really fast. So we asked her to take a picture with us with her Book of Mormon. Funny moments in the work...

Wednesday we were in Jonesboro, I got to go on exchanges with Elder Godfrey. He is from Eastern Idaho and is a hoot. We laughed and had a good time together. Jonesboro is tiny, I felt like I was back in Greenville being out in the middle of nowhere. We had a good lesson with this one young mom though. Helped her see that real joy comes from living the gospel, not like temporary joy that comes from substance. Plus, biking around Jonesboro was fun. It felt good for my leg, yes mom... I was being careful. :)

This past weekend Elder Vest and I got to go to MLC, Mission Leadership Council. It was a blast! We all met together, talked about out zones, were taught by president and had a good time together. Thursday evening, when we showed up, Elder Vest and I got to go to downtown Jackson and try to contact some people. We chased an old lady down to her car, taught a lady that was lost and met a man visiting from Meridian, MS. We were learning how to "always invite." No matter the circumstance, we can always invite someone to hear about the Gospel. Walking around the mall, downtown, in Wal-mart.. you name it, we can invite.

M____ is doing so well. We taught her a bunch this last week. Ty has been helping us teach as well and the spirit is felt at each lesson. The last couple times we talked about repentance, baptism, Joseph Smith, The Restoration and then yesterday about the Word of Wisdom. She is going to try and live it for a week to see how it goes. It's like with anything in the gospel. I can tell you and teach you about anything, but it isn't until you pray about it and live it that you can experience it's truth. We are praying for her constantly, she is awesome and working toward baptism. We don't know when yet, but it will come.

One last highlight... We found this couple named T____ and B_____. T_____ has had a rough life, seen a lot of things and now has 4 kids and wants to be a good father. We have been sharing with them about the restored gospel and how it can bless their family and marriage. Tonight we are going to tour them through the church and teach them how this gospel can bless their family specifically. When we first met with them, they shared with us that they have been looking for a church. All the other ones they have gone to are focused on money and worldly status. We shared with them how no one is paid in our church and that we are each there trying to be better people and it doesn't matter what your background is. We are hoping we can see them progress in the future, they are awesome!

Elder Vest and I are doing well, we laugh all the time. It is the best! Monroe="Monlove", we are making every moment count here. Hitting it hard before we have to go home. I hope y'all have a great week, "remember who you are and what God expects you to become".

With love and hugs,
Elder Mason Rankin :)

matching ties.... I made!

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

Fish I caught the last day in Waveland. Elder Crisp sent me the picture.

miss this guy!

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