beginning of the week was spent in El Dorado. We went up for P-day and
had some fun with them. It's always a blast to reunite with Elder Ross
again. Tuesday
morning the Smith's (a family in El Dorado) had us over for breakfast.
Fried french toast! Yep, the fry everything down here. It turned out
really awesome though because one of the less-actives and his non-member
cousin came. The Elders have been working with them and have had a lot
of success. We had a little testimony meeting all together and there was
such a sweet spirit there. As I listened and then even bore a bit of my
testimony, it helped me feel uplifted.
was a blast. We baked 100+ cookies and went and handed them out to
families, investigators, less-actives, random people on the street,
etc.. It was pretty fun! We also got fed pretty well and enjoyed some
good company at the Smith's house. (A family in Monroe, not El Dorado)
They made us some good "dressing", it's like the southern version of
stuffing. I liked it a lot! I had a lot of reason to give thanks that
day, I am truly blessed. I hope y'all had an awesome Thanksgiving too.
Friday-Saturday we were up in Jonesboro with Elder Godfrey and Nuku. I love those guys so much. We had a blast together. Friday
night we made a cake for Nuku and celebrated his birthday together
because it is this week. Of course we sang to him and brought out the
candles. Elder Nuku is a brother, I stinkin love him! On Saturday,
there was a winter festival in this small town and they had a booth in
it. So it was fun going around and talking to people about the church.
Probably some of the weirdest experiences just walking up to random
people, stopping people and so on. But, I love it and I will miss it.
Luckily I can keep doing missionary work even after I get home. It was a
blast in Jonesboro though and like 2,000 people were there so it turned
out great.
Last highlights and updates. M____
is doing good, still is praying about Joseph Smith and the Restoration.
We really have faith in her and know she will have the faith to change
and be a pioneer for her and her family. E____ is also doing awesome!
Yesterday we started into some commandments and it was blast to see the
Jones boys do a lot of the teaching. These young kids are so smart, it
is awesome. Other than them, we are really trying to find a lot. The
Holidays get people busy and they say "we don't have time." This is the
time we should be thinking about him most. I love this time of the year.
the weeks wind down, a familiar verse is brought to mind. "..let us lay
aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let
us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)
There ain't no rest for the Righteous, so we continue to finish strong
here. I hope y'all have a great week, thank you for all the support.
Like really.. the letters mean a lot. See y'all soon.
With lots of love and thanks,
Elder Mason Rankin :)
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