Transfers finished and we hit this first week hard. On Thursday
we got to go to MLC in Jackson. It was an awesome meeting, we talked
about how we can help the mission improve their teaching, culture,
finding, etc.. The spirit was definitely there. The best part/hardest
part was probably getting called on to bear my testimony at the end. I
am the only one going home from the council so it felt weird to look
around and realize how young most of these missionaries are. 2 years of
feelings just hit me, needless to say, there were a few tears. I recited
1 Cor 15:10 for part of my testimony, I can truly say I am who I am today because of Jesus Christ.
on M____.. she is doing awesome. She didn't come to church yesterday
which kind of stunk but we met up with her and we read some from the
Book of Mormon with her. She is still progressing, I know that as she
continues to apply the things we teach, she will get baptized in the
near future.
E____ is also doing awesome, we
met with him yesterday and taught the Plan of Salvation. Being at the
J____ house, it was crazy at moments with all the kids. But it ended up
being good, it really is simple. Simple enough that a child can
understand the Plan of Happiness.
One cool
finding experience we had was this lady named C______. I feel like we
get in some of the most awkward situations, it's kind of funny for me.
We were heading to the car after trying someones apartment, when a lady
came out of her apartment. I was trying to find a good way to approach
her, when I noticed that her car had been hit. So I went up and asked
her how it happened and then told about how one time I ran into a tree
with my car. She thought it was pretty funny and said we could come back
this week and meet up with her. Little blessings from the Lord..
caption of this week is frozen toes, because this last Saturday night
we had everything fall through. Like everything. We called members,
potentials and literally got nothing. So we went out and knocked on
doors for the evening. My initial thoughts were like, "you could stay
inside, get some extra planning in, maybe drive around and waste time
till the end of the night." But instead we extended our faith in hope of
finding someone. A crazy guy, a few high people and a couple closed
doors later... all we had were some frozen toes. It was almost the end
of the night and it was way dark but we decided to try this one
referral. We went by her house and what'd ya know? She was home with her
family, she let us right in and we taught her. She now has a Book of
Mormon and we are coming back this week to teach her more. Another
little miracle with some frozen toes.
thought for the week comes from a quote by Dallin H. Oaks.. "In contrast
to the institutions of the world, which teach us to know something, the
Gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something." I think he
sums it up perfectly. By extending our faith each and everyday, we are
become someone better and stronger. I know this because I have seen it
within my life.
Well I see y'all later, thanks for the prayers and emails. We continue to just "finish strong"...
With love,
Elder Mason Rankin :)
helping at the food bank |
helping at the food bank |
Missionary Leadership Council |
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