Monday, April 27, 2015

Letter 4/27/2015

Hey y,all!! 7 months is crazy to think about, but it has been so worth it. Hope y'all had a good week like I did!

Earlier this week we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I was a little nervous because I was going with Elder Nelson and I didn't know him very well, but it ended up being really great!! I made a new friend for sure :) We started out by doing some service for Bro Jenkins. Sanding and painting some walls. Then we got cleaned up and ready to work. We first went and visited a man in the hospital. Bishop told us that he wanted a visit. His name is Clay Walker and Clay is a non-member that just got out of jail in December. We found out that he has known the church is true since 1994. He had a cell mate that introduced him to the Book of Mormon and studied with him. He has read Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and even Mormon Doctrine. We taught him a little about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invited him to be baptized! He accepted and we set a date for May 23rd. Even though he has some things to overcome, I can really see him getting baptized. The spirit was so strong there and I felt really good through the whole lesson :)

We also tracted into a man that day named Victor. He has been taught by missionaries before and almost finished the Book of Mormon with them but they got transferred before they could I guess. He was excited to see us and wants us to come back and teach him and his wife. After a day of being rejected by tons, it felt great to come upon someone like Victor. I pray that our future visits go great!

Just an update on Amber... She is really busy with finals but wants us to come back in a few weeks. She sincerely wants to know and wants to read before we come back. She even gave us fresh banana bread which was way good! Such a sweet lady! :)

Thursday we had apartment inspections! We passed with flying colors and the senior couple that inspected it, were from Idaho! And they loved my BSU bed :) We talked for a little bit about that and about Idaho. Made me kind of miss it. Then we went on splits with Bro Jones and he took us out to Logansport to see some less-active members. A few nice people answered, but we did have some rude people. This one guy wouldn't even let us come up his drive or else he would shoot us... crazy!! Bro Jones got a glimpse of the rejection we go to on a daily basis and he really gained an appreciation for what we do. Then he took us to his home for dinner. We had a really good casserole and vegetables. A sweet older family in our ward, this ward really takes care of us. :)

Friday we took a drive out to Mansfield to see a referral, work the area and see some less-actives. The stinking referral was so mean though... She came to the door and said I am sick with an annoyed voice and then slammed the door. All we were trying to do was drop off her Book of Mormon... Not a good start to the day. We didn't have much success but we made it better by pranking the sister's that night. They were gone again for exchanges with the Texas Sisters, so we had to do something! We had a good laugh putting up streamers everywhere, a bunch of post-it notes on the walls, confetti on the floor and some ice cream in the freezer :) We had a blast laughing and just imagining their reactions! We found out later that they had a terrible exchange and it made them feel so much better when they got home! I love my district :)

We also got to have dinner at the Sander's house and they made us some jambalaya :) It was way good! I will have to make some when I get home for everyone, because it is delicious!

Saturday we helped the Glass family move some furniture around and get things organized in their house. The house is coming along great, it should be finished at the end of May. I also met one of their friends while there and he is the older version of me. We were laughing and having a good time together. It was crazy how much he acted like me! :) Then for lunch they treated us to Newk's for all our hard work! Then after service we had to rush home and get cleaned up. We helped usher this play that the stake was putting on and we even got to watch it. Have you ever heard of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" ? That was the play they were putting on and it was actually really good! I enjoyed it and even the members in our ward did a good job in it :)

Church was fabulous as always! I really feel like I am getting to know a lot of the members and they like us a lot :) President Odom and his wife talked a lot about family and marriage. It was really good and I enjoyed the sweet spirit that they brought. We didn't have much success the rest of the day with tracting and potentials but we were still happy and didn't let it get us down. The work is good, besides all the rain, everything is going great!

Something I have reflected upon this last week is a talk that Utchdorf gave last year. Have you heard the primary song that goes "Search, Ponder and pray.."? Well this applies a lot to us today. Many of us face trials in everyday life and think that it will never end. If you wonder what to do? This what you start with: 1- You search and read the scriptures. Scripture reading daily is such an essential thing and can make any day better. 2- You think or ponder about what you've read, what is going on in life and other things. 3- You pray about it. I know that as we counsel with the Lord in all our doings, he will always direct us for good. He knows each of us individually. Now this is the one added... 4- You live it. You live what you know to be right no matter the circumstances or trials. You may not get the answer right away or see the blessing instantly. Be patient and it will all be alright. Press forward with faith, just as the handcart companies did. 5- After you do these 4 steps, you will know it. You know that Jesus Christ lives, and his Gospel can bless anyone's life. You know that he is there for you and is looking to bless you. So if you are going through a rough time, desire to know more or even just gain a testimony of Him, follow these steps and I know that He will help you... Just something that I have been pondering for myself that I wanted to share. :)

Thanks always for the love and support y'all!! It is crazy to think that I am already at 7 months!! Elder Meyer and I are doing great and I am losing myself in this work. We are always laughing and having a good time spreading the Gospel. :) Thank you for all y'all's prayers, and I pray that we all have another wonderful week and continue forward in faith. Keep on writing and smiling :), I love to hear from y'all :) Sending my love and appreciation from Louisiana!! Love y'all :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Pictures 4/27/2015

Teeth Whitening.

Ice Cream with the District.

car selfie

Monday, April 20, 2015

Letter 4/20/2015

This past week was hard to find new people to teach and hard to find people at home for some reason. No worries though, we got a lot of member work done and even got some service in as usual! We always seem to have some kind of service opportunities :)

Earlier in the week, we went out with Bro Larsen (Elders quorum President) to see some inactive member and prospective elder's. We had some "no-answers" and a few moved people that we don't know where they are, but we were able to meet with one man. His name is Bro Morales. Luckily we caught him right when he was coming home from work. He didn't want to go inside and talk because his wife was kind of against the church, but we were able to share a short message with him. He knows what is right, we will just see if he acts upon what is right.

Wednesday was our service day! Bro Glass called us early that morning and asked us to move some more furniture. His wife bought brand new furniture and sent it to be delivered at his business and I guess he didn't know anything about it! ha ha ha! It was so funny, I guess she is always buying new stuff and he is just there to move it for her :) We also got to help Sis Welch move some of her old things and take it to Goodwill for her. "..when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your god. " Always in the service of God :)

Friday we had specialized training and we had to go because Elder Meyer is the District Leader and President wanted to meet with all the District Leaders. So I got to just sit back and learn from our Assistants and Zone Leaders. It went really well, I left spiritually uplifted and ready to work! It is always good to see President McDonough! I am going to be sad when he leaves in July, but I bet our next President will be great too.

Saturday we got invited over to the Simpson's house for lunch. It was just the boys and the Dad so we played some games while we waited for the food to cook. Played a little hockey on the cement, basketball and even some soccer! They are a big soccer family. They are always busy running from practices and games! Sounds a little like a family I know... The Rankin family ;) They truly made us feel like we were at home, a great family!

After lunch, we headed over to the Sander's house. Bro Sanders is an Anesthesiologist, so I wanted to chat with him a little and I guess they have a huge home and wanted to show me it! You wouldn't imagine this huge house. They live there by themselves but they often have family stay with them so it isn't always so empty. But just to give you an idea... They have a baking kitchen and a cooking kitchen, 3 sets of washing machines, so many guest bedrooms, like 5 bathrooms and even an indoor swimming pool!!! I couldn't believe it! It was a sweet house and it was great to chat with Bro Sanders about his career and hear some of his experiences. Another wonderful family! :)

Yesterday was another fabulous Sunday's, I always look forward to them. Not just because it is the day before P-day, but because I enjoy church and seeing all the wonderful members! :) I must be getting at prayers or Heavenly Father wants me to learn something because I prayed 3 times in church! Once in sacrament meeting, once in Gospel Principles and then once in Elder's Quorum. I guess I am always the one that looks like I need to pray for everyone :) ha ha! Anyways, some exciting stuff happened! We got to give Landon the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday. It was pretty awesome and I know Elder Meyer is loving it! His brand new convert is still coming to church and he even has the Priesthood now. It's an amazing experience to see and be apart of it. 

After church, we went over to the Elliot's house for dinner. Their daughter is 6 years old and loves to grab my hand and drag me around the house and show me everything. She shows me how she can play the piano, she shows me her 'Frozen' room, 'Frozen' bed, 'Frozen' pillow, 'Frozen' poster, 'Frozen' clothes etc... It's funny, she is a cute little girl and loves having us over :) We even had a tornado warning while we were there so we had to go out to their tornado shelter. The storm ended up not even hitting us but you could see blue skies and the storm on one side of the sky. It was pretty cool! Then we went out with Bro Elliot to see some less-active families. We couldn't get to one guy because his neighborhood is gated and we didn't know the code. It was funny-looking though. It was a gated trailer home community.. I don't understand why it needed to be gated?!?! hahaha We did get to see one lady. They are a Part-member family because she has a son that isn't a member and he is 15 years old. She said that he is interested in coming back with her! So maybe we can teach him and baptize him! We have some potential there, and definitely an answer to one of my prayers :)

This week was a good one, I am not sad and not super excited but I feel great! :) One thing I have been studying a lot lately is "Being true at all times." Many times my Father would tell me, "Remember who you are." Now who am I?... Reflecting upon being true at all times, you are the same person when you around other people as you are when you are by yourself or with family. You stand up for what you believe in and are true to yourself, your family and your God. I hope each of us know who were are and are striving to be true at all times just as the stripling warriors were. Thanks again for all the support and love y'all. Have a blessed week and keep on smiling :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Pictures 4/20/2015

Storms forming, two weeks of rain thunder storms and tornado warnings.

Enjoying my new District.

That's a big Rooster!

matching socks

Monday, April 13, 2015

Letter 4/13/2015

Another long but fast week! We had some good success this week, better then other weeks.

On Tuesday we went out with Bro. Culpepper. He is so dang funny! Born and raised in the south so he has got one of the best southern accents ever. Half way through splits, I had to start writing down every funny thing he was saying so I could remember it all. "shooot", "dadgum", and "not dinner, it's supper." After splits we went back to his house to have some supper. His wife made this super good chicken casserole. Another wonderful family in the Stonewall ward.

Wednesday we got to teach Landon (our recent convert) again. He was heading to Salt Lake that weekend so we also got to talk about the temple and Utah. He was super excited to walk around the temple grounds. Elder Meyer's family was even going to meet up with him and take him out to dinner. Pretty sweet! That night we had supper at the Aldridge home. Bro Aldridge is in the bishopric, so we went out with him after dinner but hit a bunch of misses. None of the less-actives on his list were home.

Thursday we had a big Zone meeting where we all got together. I was excited to see Elder Scaife! He is my zone leader again and probably will be my zone leader until he goes home. He leaves in less than 2 months I think! After ZDM, Elder Meyer headed to Coushatta and I got Elder Hunt for a couple of days. My first exchange was pretty good. Elder Hunt is from Lehi, UT and he has been out around 4 1/2 months now. He is a good kid. We started out by doing some knocking on doors. Elder Hunt began by telling me "I've ever really had any opposition while tracting, usually I get polite no's, no one has never been too rude to me..." Not a door later, we got this guy that came out yelling in my face telling me that I didn't have the qualifications to be an Elder. I asked politely after he finished shouting, why is that? How do you know this? He said "It's in 1 Timothy 3." So I proceeded to pull out my bible and see what he was talking about. No where in there does it talk about elder, it does talk about bishop and deacon but not elder. I showed him and he just continued to be mad and yell at us and then he walked inside and slammed the door.... I look to Elder Hunt, who still hasn't said a word, and he had these big eyes in shock. I just smiled and said "thanks Elder Hunt." :) hahaha Then guess what happens the next door? Another man yells in our face and says that what we believe is "hogwash" and slams the door. Again I look to Elder Hunt and then up to the sky and say "Thanks Heavenly Father." Then I look at him again, smile and walk to the next house. We didn't have opposition all day! We actually got to talk to a nice guy about the Book of Mormon and invite him to read it. We are following up with him tomorrow.

Friday was another wonderful day! We started out by doing yard work for Sis Welch in our ward. We pulled up here flower beds and planted new flowers. She was super nice to us and wouldn't let us leave until she gave us all this food that she had bought for us! Such a considerate and loving lady :) After service, we had one of the best lessons ever. We followed up with Amber. She was outside planting when we showed up and she received Elder Hunt and I well. We taught her about the restoration and answered all of her questions. She was super nice and continued to ask all the questions you want someone to ask. She sincerely wanted to know more and wanted to know that it was true. The spirit was there the whole time and she committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We are following up with her in 2 weeks after college finals are over!

Saturday the highlight was moving Sis Edge. We thought we were just moving furniture, but we were setting up furniture too. It was a good couple of hours, but at least her non-member father and brother were there. We got to talk to them a lot about the church and Sis Edge talked about her conversion story with them there. They instantly took a liking to me though. They got our number and said that they were going to invite me over to go fishing with them soon! I guess they live next to a small lake or something. What was funny was, I don't think they understood that Elder Meyer would have to come along too. But whatever, it was great to meet them and maybe in the future we can get them to church :)

Yesterday was a rainy but great Sunday. I got to participate in my first baby blessing. Bro Larsen is from Utah and doesn't have any family here so he asked if we would help! Pretty sweet! We got the blessing of teaching Elder's Quorum too. High Priests also asked us to teach the night before, I guess none of the priesthood were feeling like teaching this Sunday, so we got the blessings of teaching. After church, we went over to the Storrs home. They are a young couple with 3 young kids, one just newly born and Bro Storrs sister is also there with them. She just got off her mission from serving in Brazil! And guess what?! She knows Elder Adam Hurd! She had to take a picture of me before I left so that she could send it to him. What a small world!

Well another week has come and gone. Full of blessings, hard times and the good times. It's pretty rainy here right now, so we will see how long this rain lasts for. One thing I like about the south, the lightning storms are so cool to watch! Thanks for all the love and support! I especially love all the emails and letters. I enjoy to hear from y'all :) Have a blessed week! Love y'all! Remember the Church is absolutely true!

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Pictures 4/13/2015

Lunch with the Zone

Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter!

What a wonderful Easter weekend, I loved Conference, how about you?

We were able to do a lot of service this week. On Monday night, we helped Bishop Kabalan mow a less-actives lawn. It was pretty quick, but enjoyed every minute. After mowing, Bishop took us out to a Mexican restaurant it was way good! I don't even know what I got, but it was like a mix of Cajun and Mexican. So it wasn't half bad! As we were driving home, we got on the discussion of exercising and how I was kind of bummed that I hadn't lifted weights in a while. Bishop then said hey you can borrow my sons weights. He doesn't live at home anymore and I don't care if you use them. So I got hooked up with a couple of dumbbells! What a blessing :)

Wednesday I got to teach District meeting. We focused the discussion on teaching in unity and teaching people, not lessons. It is important to have unity because it invites the spirit so much more and even when you have faith in your companion, the whole lesson goes so much better. Teaching people, not lessons is so important. When we personalize and relate the lessons to each person individually, they are able to understand better and the spirit is able to testify to them whatever we may be teaching. That night we got to go over to the Williams home. Very loving and fun family. The Hardy family also joined us for dinner. Bro Hardy was way funny and it was just a great time. The Williams have a son in college and a daughter about to graduate high school. Both very involved in sport, so Sis Williams loved to hear about my family. She knows how it is to be busy all Saturday with games, she couldn't imagine my mom running from field to field to field ;) 

Thursday we helped paint some rooms inside a house. The house is being redone by a family in the ward. Landon (our recent convert) was there and it was fun to talk to him about General Conference coming up because it will be his first time watching it before! That night we snuck into the Sister's Pad and set up and Easter Egg hunt for them! We thought it would be fun, plus they were out of town on exchanges with other sisters, so it worked out perfectly. Elder Meyer and I had such a good time laughing and hiding eggs everywhere. Let's just say, I don't know if they will find them all ;) we did a great job hiding them!

Friday morning, we woke up extra early to help Bro Glass move some carpet into his house. They are the family that part of there house caught on fire so they have to replace a lot of stuff. The house is coming along pretty great, hopefully I will get to see the project finished. That afternoon we got some new prospects finally! We met a younger guy named DC. He loved talking about Christ and Easter. We introduced the Book of Mormon to him and he committed to read some before we came back. We are following up with him tonight, so hopefully it goes well. We also met a lady named Amber. She was actually really open to talking to us about the Book of Mormon and learning more about it. We would have taught her more but she was spring cleaning. She really liked how it talks about the people of the America's. She always wondered about that. I pray that our next lesson goes good as well, she seems really interested.

Then to this weekend. A full weekend of conference! I loved all the talks. I am excited to go back and read them because I had a lot of favorites. Family, marriage, the home, personal worthiness and of course Christ and Easter were some of themes that I saw from conference. In between the Saturday sessions, the Jones family took us out to lunch. They are a sweet older couple. They talked all about there family and grandchildren. The place we went was this smaller diner and it was super good. Fried fish, fries, gumbo and po boys :) That night before Priesthood, Bishop took us on a little adventure. He had heard that we never really had tried sushi, so of course he had to take us to a good sushi place for dinner. His wife is part Japanese and lived in Japan for a while so he loves sushi! At first I was a little hesitant, but it wasn't that bad. In fact, I went back and got some more. You just gotta know what you are eating. He even made me dip some of the raw fish sushi into a wasabi, soy sauce mix. Man, my sinus' were clear fast! :) Priesthood session was great, Elder Ballard's talk was really good and the Prophet was still himself. What great men.

Easter Sunday! It was raining all day, but it was still a great day. We went over to the Campbell's house for lunch and to watch conference. They fed us well and we had some good laughs! They are just like my family, I felt like. Bro Campbell is a big guy, that is loud, likes to tease his wife and children and is goofy too. Just like Dad ;) Sis Campbell is sweet, very loving and acts just like mom :) They are so sweet! They have 3 sons, and 1 daughter. The daughter is the youngest and they have twin boys and the oldest is preparing for his mission. It was fun to talk to him and hear how he is preparing to put in his papers. Luckily, I made it through all the sessions without sleeping. I loved Elder Holland's talk about the cliff and the brothers. Very bold, but a very spiritual talk.

I hope y'all had a wonderful, spiritual and fun Easter. I know I had a great Easter and truly felt loved by everyone around me. #Becausehelives has also had a lot of success. We even printed off a little "He is here" paper to take with us as we work throughout the day. We took some good pictures with it. Well, again I love and miss y'all. I love to hear from y'all and hope your testimony grew this weekend. The church is absolutely true! I hope y'all have a great week, thanks for the prayers :) Till next time.

Elder Mason Rankin :)

Pictures from Easter Week.

Ping Pong

Taller than the door



Hiding Easter eggs