this week we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I was a little
nervous because I was going with Elder Nelson and I didn't know him very
well, but it ended up being really great!! I made a new friend for sure
:) We started out by doing some service for Bro Jenkins. Sanding and
painting some walls. Then we got cleaned up and ready to work. We first
went and visited a man in the hospital. Bishop told us that he wanted a
visit. His name is Clay Walker and Clay is a non-member that just got
out of jail in December. We found out that he has known the church is
true since 1994. He had a cell mate that introduced him to the Book of
Mormon and studied with him. He has read Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl
of Great Price and even Mormon Doctrine. We taught him a little about
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invited him to be baptized! He accepted
and we set a date for May 23rd.
Even though he has some things to overcome, I can really see him
getting baptized. The spirit was so strong there and I felt really good
through the whole lesson :)
We also tracted
into a man that day named Victor. He has been taught by missionaries
before and almost finished the Book of Mormon with them but they got
transferred before they could I guess. He was excited to see us and
wants us to come back and teach him and his wife. After a day of being
rejected by tons, it felt great to come upon someone like Victor. I pray
that our future visits go great!
Just an
update on Amber... She is really busy with finals but wants us to come
back in a few weeks. She sincerely wants to know and wants to read
before we come back. She even gave us fresh banana bread which was way
good! Such a sweet lady! :)
we had apartment inspections! We passed with flying colors and the
senior couple that inspected it, were from Idaho! And they loved my BSU
bed :) We talked for a little bit about that and about Idaho. Made me
kind of miss it. Then we went on splits with Bro Jones and he took us
out to Logansport to see some less-active members. A few nice people
answered, but we did have some rude people. This one guy wouldn't even
let us come up his drive or else he would shoot us... crazy!! Bro Jones
got a glimpse of the rejection we go to on a daily basis and he really
gained an appreciation for what we do. Then he took us to his home for
dinner. We had a really good casserole and vegetables. A sweet older
family in our ward, this ward really takes care of us. :)
we took a drive out to Mansfield to see a referral, work the area and
see some less-actives. The stinking referral was so mean though... She
came to the door and said I am sick with an annoyed voice and then
slammed the door. All we were trying to do was drop off her Book of
Mormon... Not a good start to the day. We didn't have much success but
we made it better by pranking the sister's that night. They were gone
again for exchanges with the Texas Sisters, so we had to do something!
We had a good laugh putting up streamers everywhere, a bunch of post-it
notes on the walls, confetti on the floor and some ice cream in the
freezer :) We had a blast laughing and just imagining their reactions!
We found out later that they had a terrible exchange and it made them
feel so much better when they got home! I love my district :)
also got to have dinner at the Sander's house and they made us some
jambalaya :) It was way good! I will have to make some when I get home
for everyone, because it is delicious!
we helped the Glass family move some furniture around and get things
organized in their house. The house is coming along great, it should be
finished at the end of May. I also met one of their friends while there
and he is the older version of me. We were laughing and having a good
time together. It was crazy how much he acted like me! :) Then for lunch
they treated us to Newk's for all our hard work! Then after service we
had to rush home and get cleaned up. We helped usher this play that the
stake was putting on and we even got to watch it. Have you ever heard of
"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" ? That was the play they were putting
on and it was actually really good! I enjoyed it and even the members
in our ward did a good job in it :)
Church was
fabulous as always! I really feel like I am getting to know a lot of the
members and they like us a lot :) President Odom and his wife talked a
lot about family and marriage. It was really good and I enjoyed the
sweet spirit that they brought. We didn't have much success the rest of
the day with tracting and potentials but we were still happy and didn't
let it get us down. The work is good, besides all the rain, everything
is going great!
Something I have reflected upon
this last week is a talk that Utchdorf gave last year. Have you heard
the primary song that goes "Search, Ponder and pray.."? Well this
applies a lot to us today. Many of us face trials in everyday life and
think that it will never end. If you wonder what to do? This what you
start with: 1- You search and read the scriptures. Scripture reading
daily is such an essential thing and can make any day better. 2- You
think or ponder about what you've read, what is going on in life and
other things. 3- You pray about it. I know that as we counsel with the
Lord in all our doings, he will always direct us for good. He knows each
of us individually. Now this is the one added... 4- You live it. You
live what you know to be right no matter the circumstances or trials.
You may not get the answer right away or see the blessing instantly. Be
patient and it will all be alright. Press forward with faith, just as
the handcart companies did. 5- After you do these 4 steps, you will know
it. You know that Jesus Christ lives, and his Gospel can bless anyone's
life. You know that he is there for you and is looking to bless you. So
if you are going through a rough time, desire to know more or even just
gain a testimony of Him, follow these steps and I know that He will
help you... Just something that I have been pondering for myself that I
wanted to share. :)
Thanks always for the love
and support y'all!! It is crazy to think that I am already at 7 months!!
Elder Meyer and I are doing great and I am losing myself in this work.
We are always laughing and having a good time spreading the Gospel. :)
Thank you for all y'all's prayers, and I pray that we all have another
wonderful week and continue forward in faith. Keep on writing and
smiling :), I love to hear from y'all :) Sending my love and
appreciation from Louisiana!! Love y'all :)
Elder Mason Rankin :)