Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter!

What a wonderful Easter weekend, I loved Conference, how about you?

We were able to do a lot of service this week. On Monday night, we helped Bishop Kabalan mow a less-actives lawn. It was pretty quick, but enjoyed every minute. After mowing, Bishop took us out to a Mexican restaurant it was way good! I don't even know what I got, but it was like a mix of Cajun and Mexican. So it wasn't half bad! As we were driving home, we got on the discussion of exercising and how I was kind of bummed that I hadn't lifted weights in a while. Bishop then said hey you can borrow my sons weights. He doesn't live at home anymore and I don't care if you use them. So I got hooked up with a couple of dumbbells! What a blessing :)

Wednesday I got to teach District meeting. We focused the discussion on teaching in unity and teaching people, not lessons. It is important to have unity because it invites the spirit so much more and even when you have faith in your companion, the whole lesson goes so much better. Teaching people, not lessons is so important. When we personalize and relate the lessons to each person individually, they are able to understand better and the spirit is able to testify to them whatever we may be teaching. That night we got to go over to the Williams home. Very loving and fun family. The Hardy family also joined us for dinner. Bro Hardy was way funny and it was just a great time. The Williams have a son in college and a daughter about to graduate high school. Both very involved in sport, so Sis Williams loved to hear about my family. She knows how it is to be busy all Saturday with games, she couldn't imagine my mom running from field to field to field ;) 

Thursday we helped paint some rooms inside a house. The house is being redone by a family in the ward. Landon (our recent convert) was there and it was fun to talk to him about General Conference coming up because it will be his first time watching it before! That night we snuck into the Sister's Pad and set up and Easter Egg hunt for them! We thought it would be fun, plus they were out of town on exchanges with other sisters, so it worked out perfectly. Elder Meyer and I had such a good time laughing and hiding eggs everywhere. Let's just say, I don't know if they will find them all ;) we did a great job hiding them!

Friday morning, we woke up extra early to help Bro Glass move some carpet into his house. They are the family that part of there house caught on fire so they have to replace a lot of stuff. The house is coming along pretty great, hopefully I will get to see the project finished. That afternoon we got some new prospects finally! We met a younger guy named DC. He loved talking about Christ and Easter. We introduced the Book of Mormon to him and he committed to read some before we came back. We are following up with him tonight, so hopefully it goes well. We also met a lady named Amber. She was actually really open to talking to us about the Book of Mormon and learning more about it. We would have taught her more but she was spring cleaning. She really liked how it talks about the people of the America's. She always wondered about that. I pray that our next lesson goes good as well, she seems really interested.

Then to this weekend. A full weekend of conference! I loved all the talks. I am excited to go back and read them because I had a lot of favorites. Family, marriage, the home, personal worthiness and of course Christ and Easter were some of themes that I saw from conference. In between the Saturday sessions, the Jones family took us out to lunch. They are a sweet older couple. They talked all about there family and grandchildren. The place we went was this smaller diner and it was super good. Fried fish, fries, gumbo and po boys :) That night before Priesthood, Bishop took us on a little adventure. He had heard that we never really had tried sushi, so of course he had to take us to a good sushi place for dinner. His wife is part Japanese and lived in Japan for a while so he loves sushi! At first I was a little hesitant, but it wasn't that bad. In fact, I went back and got some more. You just gotta know what you are eating. He even made me dip some of the raw fish sushi into a wasabi, soy sauce mix. Man, my sinus' were clear fast! :) Priesthood session was great, Elder Ballard's talk was really good and the Prophet was still himself. What great men.

Easter Sunday! It was raining all day, but it was still a great day. We went over to the Campbell's house for lunch and to watch conference. They fed us well and we had some good laughs! They are just like my family, I felt like. Bro Campbell is a big guy, that is loud, likes to tease his wife and children and is goofy too. Just like Dad ;) Sis Campbell is sweet, very loving and acts just like mom :) They are so sweet! They have 3 sons, and 1 daughter. The daughter is the youngest and they have twin boys and the oldest is preparing for his mission. It was fun to talk to him and hear how he is preparing to put in his papers. Luckily, I made it through all the sessions without sleeping. I loved Elder Holland's talk about the cliff and the brothers. Very bold, but a very spiritual talk.

I hope y'all had a wonderful, spiritual and fun Easter. I know I had a great Easter and truly felt loved by everyone around me. #Becausehelives has also had a lot of success. We even printed off a little "He is here" paper to take with us as we work throughout the day. We took some good pictures with it. Well, again I love and miss y'all. I love to hear from y'all and hope your testimony grew this weekend. The church is absolutely true! I hope y'all have a great week, thanks for the prayers :) Till next time.

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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