Monday, April 13, 2015

Letter 4/13/2015

Another long but fast week! We had some good success this week, better then other weeks.

On Tuesday we went out with Bro. Culpepper. He is so dang funny! Born and raised in the south so he has got one of the best southern accents ever. Half way through splits, I had to start writing down every funny thing he was saying so I could remember it all. "shooot", "dadgum", and "not dinner, it's supper." After splits we went back to his house to have some supper. His wife made this super good chicken casserole. Another wonderful family in the Stonewall ward.

Wednesday we got to teach Landon (our recent convert) again. He was heading to Salt Lake that weekend so we also got to talk about the temple and Utah. He was super excited to walk around the temple grounds. Elder Meyer's family was even going to meet up with him and take him out to dinner. Pretty sweet! That night we had supper at the Aldridge home. Bro Aldridge is in the bishopric, so we went out with him after dinner but hit a bunch of misses. None of the less-actives on his list were home.

Thursday we had a big Zone meeting where we all got together. I was excited to see Elder Scaife! He is my zone leader again and probably will be my zone leader until he goes home. He leaves in less than 2 months I think! After ZDM, Elder Meyer headed to Coushatta and I got Elder Hunt for a couple of days. My first exchange was pretty good. Elder Hunt is from Lehi, UT and he has been out around 4 1/2 months now. He is a good kid. We started out by doing some knocking on doors. Elder Hunt began by telling me "I've ever really had any opposition while tracting, usually I get polite no's, no one has never been too rude to me..." Not a door later, we got this guy that came out yelling in my face telling me that I didn't have the qualifications to be an Elder. I asked politely after he finished shouting, why is that? How do you know this? He said "It's in 1 Timothy 3." So I proceeded to pull out my bible and see what he was talking about. No where in there does it talk about elder, it does talk about bishop and deacon but not elder. I showed him and he just continued to be mad and yell at us and then he walked inside and slammed the door.... I look to Elder Hunt, who still hasn't said a word, and he had these big eyes in shock. I just smiled and said "thanks Elder Hunt." :) hahaha Then guess what happens the next door? Another man yells in our face and says that what we believe is "hogwash" and slams the door. Again I look to Elder Hunt and then up to the sky and say "Thanks Heavenly Father." Then I look at him again, smile and walk to the next house. We didn't have opposition all day! We actually got to talk to a nice guy about the Book of Mormon and invite him to read it. We are following up with him tomorrow.

Friday was another wonderful day! We started out by doing yard work for Sis Welch in our ward. We pulled up here flower beds and planted new flowers. She was super nice to us and wouldn't let us leave until she gave us all this food that she had bought for us! Such a considerate and loving lady :) After service, we had one of the best lessons ever. We followed up with Amber. She was outside planting when we showed up and she received Elder Hunt and I well. We taught her about the restoration and answered all of her questions. She was super nice and continued to ask all the questions you want someone to ask. She sincerely wanted to know more and wanted to know that it was true. The spirit was there the whole time and she committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. We are following up with her in 2 weeks after college finals are over!

Saturday the highlight was moving Sis Edge. We thought we were just moving furniture, but we were setting up furniture too. It was a good couple of hours, but at least her non-member father and brother were there. We got to talk to them a lot about the church and Sis Edge talked about her conversion story with them there. They instantly took a liking to me though. They got our number and said that they were going to invite me over to go fishing with them soon! I guess they live next to a small lake or something. What was funny was, I don't think they understood that Elder Meyer would have to come along too. But whatever, it was great to meet them and maybe in the future we can get them to church :)

Yesterday was a rainy but great Sunday. I got to participate in my first baby blessing. Bro Larsen is from Utah and doesn't have any family here so he asked if we would help! Pretty sweet! We got the blessing of teaching Elder's Quorum too. High Priests also asked us to teach the night before, I guess none of the priesthood were feeling like teaching this Sunday, so we got the blessings of teaching. After church, we went over to the Storrs home. They are a young couple with 3 young kids, one just newly born and Bro Storrs sister is also there with them. She just got off her mission from serving in Brazil! And guess what?! She knows Elder Adam Hurd! She had to take a picture of me before I left so that she could send it to him. What a small world!

Well another week has come and gone. Full of blessings, hard times and the good times. It's pretty rainy here right now, so we will see how long this rain lasts for. One thing I like about the south, the lightning storms are so cool to watch! Thanks for all the love and support! I especially love all the emails and letters. I enjoy to hear from y'all :) Have a blessed week! Love y'all! Remember the Church is absolutely true!

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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