Monday, April 20, 2015

Letter 4/20/2015

This past week was hard to find new people to teach and hard to find people at home for some reason. No worries though, we got a lot of member work done and even got some service in as usual! We always seem to have some kind of service opportunities :)

Earlier in the week, we went out with Bro Larsen (Elders quorum President) to see some inactive member and prospective elder's. We had some "no-answers" and a few moved people that we don't know where they are, but we were able to meet with one man. His name is Bro Morales. Luckily we caught him right when he was coming home from work. He didn't want to go inside and talk because his wife was kind of against the church, but we were able to share a short message with him. He knows what is right, we will just see if he acts upon what is right.

Wednesday was our service day! Bro Glass called us early that morning and asked us to move some more furniture. His wife bought brand new furniture and sent it to be delivered at his business and I guess he didn't know anything about it! ha ha ha! It was so funny, I guess she is always buying new stuff and he is just there to move it for her :) We also got to help Sis Welch move some of her old things and take it to Goodwill for her. "..when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your god. " Always in the service of God :)

Friday we had specialized training and we had to go because Elder Meyer is the District Leader and President wanted to meet with all the District Leaders. So I got to just sit back and learn from our Assistants and Zone Leaders. It went really well, I left spiritually uplifted and ready to work! It is always good to see President McDonough! I am going to be sad when he leaves in July, but I bet our next President will be great too.

Saturday we got invited over to the Simpson's house for lunch. It was just the boys and the Dad so we played some games while we waited for the food to cook. Played a little hockey on the cement, basketball and even some soccer! They are a big soccer family. They are always busy running from practices and games! Sounds a little like a family I know... The Rankin family ;) They truly made us feel like we were at home, a great family!

After lunch, we headed over to the Sander's house. Bro Sanders is an Anesthesiologist, so I wanted to chat with him a little and I guess they have a huge home and wanted to show me it! You wouldn't imagine this huge house. They live there by themselves but they often have family stay with them so it isn't always so empty. But just to give you an idea... They have a baking kitchen and a cooking kitchen, 3 sets of washing machines, so many guest bedrooms, like 5 bathrooms and even an indoor swimming pool!!! I couldn't believe it! It was a sweet house and it was great to chat with Bro Sanders about his career and hear some of his experiences. Another wonderful family! :)

Yesterday was another fabulous Sunday's, I always look forward to them. Not just because it is the day before P-day, but because I enjoy church and seeing all the wonderful members! :) I must be getting at prayers or Heavenly Father wants me to learn something because I prayed 3 times in church! Once in sacrament meeting, once in Gospel Principles and then once in Elder's Quorum. I guess I am always the one that looks like I need to pray for everyone :) ha ha! Anyways, some exciting stuff happened! We got to give Landon the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday. It was pretty awesome and I know Elder Meyer is loving it! His brand new convert is still coming to church and he even has the Priesthood now. It's an amazing experience to see and be apart of it. 

After church, we went over to the Elliot's house for dinner. Their daughter is 6 years old and loves to grab my hand and drag me around the house and show me everything. She shows me how she can play the piano, she shows me her 'Frozen' room, 'Frozen' bed, 'Frozen' pillow, 'Frozen' poster, 'Frozen' clothes etc... It's funny, she is a cute little girl and loves having us over :) We even had a tornado warning while we were there so we had to go out to their tornado shelter. The storm ended up not even hitting us but you could see blue skies and the storm on one side of the sky. It was pretty cool! Then we went out with Bro Elliot to see some less-active families. We couldn't get to one guy because his neighborhood is gated and we didn't know the code. It was funny-looking though. It was a gated trailer home community.. I don't understand why it needed to be gated?!?! hahaha We did get to see one lady. They are a Part-member family because she has a son that isn't a member and he is 15 years old. She said that he is interested in coming back with her! So maybe we can teach him and baptize him! We have some potential there, and definitely an answer to one of my prayers :)

This week was a good one, I am not sad and not super excited but I feel great! :) One thing I have been studying a lot lately is "Being true at all times." Many times my Father would tell me, "Remember who you are." Now who am I?... Reflecting upon being true at all times, you are the same person when you around other people as you are when you are by yourself or with family. You stand up for what you believe in and are true to yourself, your family and your God. I hope each of us know who were are and are striving to be true at all times just as the stripling warriors were. Thanks again for all the support and love y'all. Have a blessed week and keep on smiling :)

Elder Mason Rankin :)

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